Thursday, September 13, 2012

This I Believe Collections Part 1

So I am currently taking a class called QFM (Quest For Meaning). In the class today I have to present a "This I believe" essay while thinking about my own essay that I will soon have to write. As I look for the one I will read and present in class today, I'm going to post the ones that I really like on the blog. Enjoy! I really recommend reading these. They are really good and thought provoking.

A Cup of Tea

A Universal Citizen

A Public Man <--President Truman wrote this one

Only One Tribe

We're All Different in Our Own Ways

This I Believe

This is just the first batch. Hopefully I will have my This I Believe up soon. I will preview it here and I will tell you its title.

"This I the Loch Ness Monster: Believing in Unseen Truths"

~The Silly Wanderer~

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