Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Adventures in Dreamland II and a Morning Question

Adventures in Dreamland 

Well this morning dream was one that I can feel fading as I type this out. I didn't sleep well last night due to the event that have been transpiring. It just is annoying cause I was fine with how things were and now, without that little foundation of confidence in something....I can just feel something crumbing. 

Anyways, my dream featured an area that didn't feature me exactly, only that my character was a wisen old man in the back of a bar that every week had the tide go through it and a might river would cut through it. A horrendous shark that terrorizes the small town. Two young women appear (who have no real world connections to my own life) and now as the dream fades I believe the rest of this story goes into that a mighty plesiosaur also travelled the river and protect the girls from the terrifying shark. The two sea creatures battle and a victor is undecided. The old man who is connected to the girls is also a play wright and he writes plays on love cause he lost his one true love to the shark. The girls though inspire him to write again and they too disappear. The plesiosaur and old man mourn for the girls who then eventually do return and they live happily. 

Then I woke up and then quickly went back to sleep (which kinda of sucks cause I slept through on of my classes today. At least this class doesn't have attendance count in the grading) 

The second dream took place mostly on a subway train in New York. The train was filled with people from various parts of my timeline and I was looking for the girl from my last night dream, Dream Girl. As I went through various people I know in real life (and oddly enough chat with the "good" version of a bad friend who I will call "Glee") I can finally see her in a distant car......with someone else. I call out her name and then I wake up again. 


It just sucks. I don't feel well and I know I have to be grown up for DG, but its hard. And I'm experiencing a new feeling that feels like I have a rock placed on my chest everyday. Is this what a heartbreak feels? And if thats the case.....I guess that means I never truly "loved" before DG with the various girls and crushes that I had encountered in the short time I've been on this planet. 
I want to remind my readers that this isn't anything to really worry about. One of the reasons for this blog was to create a journal-like object that was new and fresh for me and I can write about anything that enters my teeny tiny head. I write my feels up here cause its nice to add pictures like the one above about BlackWarGreymon from the second season of Digimon. 

The events that have transpired were very bad timing I think. School is fine, but without answers  I feel like this is honestly all I can think about at the moment. I hate to be patient but I am going to have to be. I just wonder if I am being missed or I'm just being overemotional.....

I think its time for something funny now-
yep.....Poliwhirl drag queen.....

~The Silly Wanderer~

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