Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Skip and Fall and Ow My Face....

Today was one of those days where it was like a roller coaster. I woke up with downs got and then got up and then it went down--then it went up again---then it went down---and then up---and now its kinda of stabilized.

And now as I write this blog....this cat shows how I want to end my day 

I mean, the day has been okay. Not as bad as I think it is. I have to admit the class I went to for QFM today was pretty awesome. Sure...I've kinda of glanced at my readings but I was happy that I participated in the way that I did. Nothing makes me feel better then having everything I said today actually make the classes go well. Plus.....being able to relate ethical choices to Godzilla makes me feel like a total boss. 

After class though....I got an email from the DG and now I am in this slot of time that kinda of sucks, but I understand where she is coming from. I just hope that it all turns out cause I do truly love her. She's fantastic and frankly, I think she's the only one that can deal with my temperament in a relationship, which is: 


And before I go more into my day, if she does read this blog and follow it here is something for you: 


Well I'm off to my home town of Charleston on Friday. I think my friend Sherlock might be coming with me too so that means........ROAD TRIP 

Seems like I have a lot of pictures in this blog today. Is that a bad thing? I don't think thats a bad thing....means that I'm having some fun! Look at all my fun!!! Be jealous.

Oh yeah! I got the Dinobot DLC for Fall of Cybertron today too! I've been a T-Rex the whole time. Its like....a childhood dream. The best part is, the truth when you see a Stegosaurus run across the battlefield and you just go----
"Seems Legit" 

But yeah...its been a very interesting day though. I'm going to stay in tonight and just hang out and chill with the Blog and movies. Probably should do my logic homework. So you know what I say to you Tuesday? 


~The Silly Wanderer~ 

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