Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Dinosaur Project


A British Dinosaur film that presents itself with the "Look at this footage we've found thats legit" 

I liked it. Despite a lot of whats going around about this film, it is worth watching and its entertaining. I would say Academy Award, but if you like Dinosaurs this has been one of the best ones I've seen in a while. 

What I like about it is that most of the animals you see aren't directly from the fossil record, but I like that. Means that we have animals that are "modern dinosaurs" after millions of years of evolution in the remote African jungles of the Congo. 

I am a sucker for found footage films cause they are entertaining, mostly because the actors who are in these films don't really "act" they live it. 

What I mean by this that they act like normal people in the scenario would, not like an actor would in a movie. Some could just say that I don't know what it means to act, but I found not real problems with the actors seen in this film.  There are some cool twists with some of the characters where you are not sure when they will be eaten or what their true motives are. I just like the freshness of the movie. Its nice to see a pretty decently CGI dinosaur movie again. 

The one thing...that really..really bugged me though....is the reason why they went. It was a cool reason, but it is one of my favorite of favorite Cryptids. 
This is not a Sauropod 

Moleke-Mmbeme is a sauropod (long neck dinosaur) 

Not....a Plesiosaur. 

This is a Sauropod
It just really really bugged me. Molke Mmembe has never thought to be a plesiosaur (not to my knowledge). And granted I did give credit that I liked the animals I did see in the film. I feel like it could have been something much more interesting if they dwelt with other cryptids of the region of the Congo. (which in a way they did). They featured the classic Pteradon (which doesn't become a true focus and is the first of the many prehistoric animals they see) 

The most interesting ones (and kinda of the main threats or predators) are these bat like what at first I thought were more primitive pterasaurs but from all appearances, a type of gliding dinosaur. These, bat like in appearance, see to fit the description of the Kongomato, a flying prehistoric animal reported in the Congo. I liked these. Also another animal is shown, doing the classic theropod. It becomes kind of the "Aww...what a cutie" dinosaur as we see primarily the young (especially one playful character called Crypto). I wanna think of these as the Kawsai Rexes of the basin. What would have been really cool would be that the Emela-Ntouke (a horned cryptid) made an appearance. 

The movie is def the watch. I hope it is released soon on Blu-Ray in the states cause this is one that would be money well spent. I would love to hear the commentary though on the idea of the creatures seen in the film. 

My Rating: 
Four Stars 
Genre Rating: 
Four Stars
Normal Person: 
Possible 2.5 Stars and a Pizza 

~The Silly Wanderer~

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