Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Life Updates

So....I haven't been really sleeping well. Which kind of sucks. Even before I went to Charleston, I just wasn't sleeping. And when I did sleep it would be brief and dreamless. It just isn't fun.

I think its a combination of distracting the stress that is really happening. As one friend once said after telling him how life has been recently-

"Wow dude...your entire world is falling apart"

I laughed at the thought cause I just thought it was silly. Now after the upteenth night of staying up and just.......doing nothing. Just sitting in my messy room and doing nothing.

Its very strange. I don't know if I'm bullshitting myself on my situation or whatever. Luckily, this isn't effecting(thank god) school to bad. I am getting my homework done and stuff.

Its just I'm not sleeping.

I do try and get my kicks though. I'm just saying my prayers every night and trying to keep positive. Its hard though. I don't like this being "adult" thing that seems to be the craze one faces when you get to where I am in life. 

I just wish it was the summer again. I had a decent job, I was with people I loved, and I woke up to the song of guinea pigs wanting carrots in the morning or the pitter patter of the most annoying cats in the world in the city that never sleeps. 

Its just another week or so and then it will finally be october. I can't wait. I need to go back to New York sooner than later. 

I am trying to fix it though. Hopefully after classes today I'll do a super clean of my room. I got to hang out with my friend Madds yesterday which was pretty exciting. Got one of my favorite (if not my all time favorite) French film Paris, je t'aime 

Its an amazing film. I have it written big cause its that good. I highly recommend getting it. Its pretty cheap now I think. I got the blu-ray of it for 9.99 at Target. 

Also in the DVD world, I got a super cool deal for my favorite sci-fi film of the summer, Prometheus. I got a digital download for it that will also send me the blu-ray combo back to my house the day it comes out in October. Its pretty exciting! 

But I should probably go back to doing homework before my youth film class and finish filling out my forms for the on-campus therapy. Hopefully this will all resolve itself. 

At least I can still say I'm happy and alive! Despite the insomnia...its been quite the good life! 

~The Silly Wanderer~

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