Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Morning's Thought

Good morning world! So far my Thursday is going pretty well. I didn't have class this morning so I'm pretty excited about that and I'm doing pretty good on my readings for QFM. Its my long day and then tonight I need to start packing for my trip to Charleston tomorrow.

On a side note, I woke up with a funny feeling this morning. Yesterday was pretty freaking fantastic, but I think not having a phone is starting to get to me. I like being able to communicate to people whenever I want, but without my phone I feel pretty isolated.

Plus its harder to check my e-mail and I am kind of missing instagram :(

Oh yeah...I should talk about yesterday a bit.

I woke up and got to class on time and throughly enjoyed logic. After logic though I kind of had a panic attac....well...not really, just a feather that broke the camel's back. I got it sorted but I just hope everything just rolls okay. And just for the viewers would would get concerned by this statement....a pug in leaves :)

Other than that, yesterday was pretty spiffy with the Hobbit's new (and beautiful trailer) also helped full the sheer excitement that I am hopefully seeing DG at the end of October. It just made me feel good (it actually made me feel pretty freaking fantastic) knowing that she just existed.

Hopefully today goes without any bumps and I think I'm hanging out with Sherlock and Rupert tonight so I'm excited to get some Trifecta time before I leave for the weekend.

Well....its almost 11am! I better start heading over to campus and take on this day!

I'm going on an ADVENTURE 

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

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