Monday, September 10, 2012

Just a thought on Life

Just one of those moments where I'm going to write my thoughts.

Its been one hell of a week for me. My first steps of being a Senior in college have been.....well...

Started with making a grown up choice to allow my girlfriend to have a break from our relationship so she can get a better foothold in her job in New York. Even though I understand and get it......

I have this little other side of me that just wants to....

To my common sense 

But its not all bad. 

Senior year has been so good so far. I like my classes. 

Its also interesting cause with some recent developments...I might be going to Japan to live there for a year with my two best friends to teach english. All I can think of is.....

It should be a very interesting time. I am looking forward to this weekend cause I'm going to go home and have some fun in the sun with some of my old school buddies where we will just be awesome. 

I can't think of much more I can write for this particular post. Should be some interesting things coming this way though. I'm looking forward to writing it out for you guys! 

~The Silly Wanderer~

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