Sunday, September 9, 2012

A.R.S 1

So this will be a A.R.S post. The first of many an A.R.S post.

What is A.R.S?

Well simply its Acts of Random Stupidity

These posts will feature random fun facts....funny pictures and quotations and thoughts from sections of time on the internet. Meaning most of the stuff I find and will put up here will be from Tumblr, Pintrest, what have yous.

So here we go. Wanna dive in?


Yep.......Nazi Power Rangers Monster. 

The world of Giant Monsters and Sentai can only be explained like this....
With the miracles of too can understand the genre.* 

*I feel like I should do a Sentai/Ultra blog post. That would be fun right? 

Fun Fact: 

In JAWS, the shark actually has a name. His name is Bruce (explains a lot doesn't it?). 

Bruce the Shark from JAWS was not the first or the last of the sea-side Shark horrors, but Bruce did help in the creation of the symbol that lawyers are sharks. I'm quite sure Steven knew a particularly toothy lawyer and during the filming they nicknamed the shark BRUCE. 

Don't worry Bruce...your dad died honorably. 

Then your Mom. And then Her sister and her son. And then your Granddad. 

But became a star in a Pixar film. You're safe. 

Oh these random's posts are kinda of fun. Makes me realize I should do one about the 2nd Episode of Doctor Who. Yep. Probably will do that next. 

What else can I randomly put up here. Want some spiritual stuff? 

Maybe next time >;P 


~The Silly Wanderer~

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