Thursday, September 13, 2012

Late Night Post Full of Feelings and Songs

Life sometimes sucks. I keep telling myself that and know there is always light behind the dark. It hasn't been a day and its just so hard to not just talk to DG. Its only Wednesday and the idea of not being able to talk till October is just.....mind blowing. I know you readers (who ever you are) probably don't care and want whatever enjoyment that you get out of my blog to come. Be patient. I am writing this blog to help just get my feelings get out when I need them to get out.

And for some odd reason, having these words just sent into the internet is soothing. I guess its like shouting my whispers into an already crowded sea of voices.

Its just hard. I love DG so much. I hope that everything works out cause honestly I just need to know that she is still there for me. And not in the sense of friendship. A friend is good and I have many of them. But she was something else for me. It was just nice having someone to level off with. We were both vastly different but at the same time we just fit.

I still even can't think of her as an "ex"

I don't know if there is something wrong with me or its just my gut telling me that its going to be okay cause what I have with her is real and there is no way in hell that its going to go away right now.

If you are reading this DG (and you should probably know who you are)...just know that I'm really trying right now. And no matter what, you will always be my Rainbow Connection.

Now before some of you go:

I guess I can talk about some of the good things. I think I mentioned that some of my family stuff is kind of wonky at the moment. Its not gone, but its easier to handle with now so thats good. Looking forward to going home for a few days next weekend (or this weekend). 

Its going to be nice to soak in the Charleston surf just for a brief time. 

And it will be nice seeing some old friends and faces. Could use some of that. 

I'm just surprised that even though the world of my heart is at the moment in a state of turbulent flux, the worlds around me are otherwise good. My classes are fun and my friends here at college are pretty freaking fantastic. I think this Saturday we are having a fandom day of Doctor Who and picking all our favorite stories. Mine's a tie between the Victory of the Daleks or The God Complex. Either way....I'm excited! 

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

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