Monday, September 10, 2012

An Adventure in Dreamland Post I


This is a Good Morning post! It is part of the hopeful upcoming Dreamland Adventures. Its kinda of like a dream journal. 

Anyways, my dream was full of nostalgia. It features many a special people in my life and for the sakes of their privacy, I've altered their names: 

Anyways, my dream starts off in an altered but still somewhat accurate version of Africa, where I am in my Eckerd class of Tanzania again. My best friend and his gingerness Sherlock are just goofy and doing what we do best. There are faces from my previous Tanzania trip, but a person who doesn't belong, and thats my friend Paige. She makes note that previous crushes I had before meeting the girl of my dreams are in the bus I am in as well as a 2nd bus that is separate from our trip. I simply tell her they are not for me, and only my Dream Girl is the woman that I love. 

As our buses stop at a farm where Sherlock gets off and mingles with an Okapi (Which has moose horns) I suddenly bumped into an old friend named Deja, who I haven't seen since I life high school. She tells me that life kinda of sticks and I remember her being a good friend so suddenly I find myself in a dream-altered Brooklyn One building that is two towers, instead of one giant building. I post that I'll be donating money and pinball machines in her honor. She finds me doing the post and thanks me by giving me money to buy grocery stuff for the party. 

I head into the grocery store with her and as she gets more money, I hear a familiar coo. I turn and see my friend Neva and her baby Bean and behind them, my Dream Girl. It was great seeing her and I ask if I can hold baby Bean, who I somewhat relatively drop due to a pushy grocery store assistant and as Neva freaks a little for her Bean, Dream Girl confronts her and tells her its an accident. I have suddenly dropped a bunch of groceries and Dream Girl helps me pick them up. We talk about our relationship and she smiles and tells me its going to be okay. As I lean in to give her a kiss.....


And thats my dream. (For what I've remembered of it) 
I'm a little surprised on the realism of reality in this dream. Its confronting. Maybe some of the events will come to pass here. 

I guess I just have to find out! 

Anyways, time for class! 

~The Silly Wanderer~

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