Thursday, September 20, 2012


So tonight I went to a pool party with some friends to originally watch Eurotrip in our college's pool. But...the projector broke so myself and my friends turned it into a dance party. And....I did something I usually don't do by myself....

I danced. How?

Is there any other way? 

Why do I love this song and its video's dance moves? Cause like Psy, this is how I've always danced and makes me realize I can dance. Just like this. And its pretty exciting. I had a blast. Sure I was the only one really really doing it at the pool (Sherlock did help when there was suppose to be two people). 

If you haven't heard this song. You should. Its simply amazing. 

It just shows that music should be fun and make people! 

~The Silly Wanderer~

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