Monday, September 17, 2012

Good Day and Good Morrows

Good day folks! Yes I am alive! Isn't that something?

Its been one topsy turvy weekend of Toga Party, Doctor Who, Friday fun time, and Sunday Oh.....snaps.

But a round of applause for making it through!                        
But yes....the weekend was a interesting tale that on some parts I vaguely remember. Despite losing my phone, going to party hardy on Saturday night, and just feeling terrible on Sunday, there were some good things. 

Its nice knowing I have some fantastic friends and I had a wonderful talk with DG yesterday that may or may not have helped the period of life we are currently in. It was nice to laugh like that. :) 

Anyways...don't wanna get too personal in that subject right now. I just want to let you guys know that since my phone is lost, my News posts might be a bit behind. Also there won't be an adventure in Dreamland post this morning. 

Hopefully everything will work out and I just have to remember to keep on trucking! 
Yep...going to make like an elephant and go to class! 

~The Silly Wanderer~

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