Monday, September 10, 2012

So just a thought on something from Logic.....

So today in my Logic lab, we discussed arguments and propositions. There was an example that somewhat confused me and I didn't ask it cause I didn't want to distract the class and get into a debate with my professor on nerd stuff (cause he also is a nerd and I have a feeling we could have run laps around each other on the subject)

I couldn't remember the exactness of the example but it went along the lines of:

On the Dark Side there are Only Sith
Jedi do not use the Dark Side

>There are no Jedi who are Sith

^^Or something like that.

I feel like the one snag with that is that Darth Vader (almost a universal symbol for the Sith) could technically viewed as still a Jedi. I mean...he started as a Jedi and then turned to the Dark Side but he somewhat retained being a Jedi when dealing with Luke through the course of the films after Luke finds out that Vader is his father.

I don't know...I feel like Vader is the exception to this.

And now a funny picture

~The Silly Wanderer~

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