Monday, September 10, 2012

A Looky Here...My First Movie Review

okay so yesterday was a somewhat non-exciting Sunday.

But I did get to see a new creature feature film that takes its roles in the "Blair Witch/Cloverfield" sense of filming. So its interesting.

The Film is called: Area 407

Plot: A plane full of people heading home for New Years mysteriously crash lands in the middle of no where and are preyed upon by a mysterious creature which is hunting them down. The military personal that contact them seem uninterested in aiding the survivors as they battle the creature and try and find help and ends with a surprising twist!

Most of the film is from the point of view from the first two characters (two high school sisters).

The film is very very low budget, but unlike many of the low budget films that are usually crapped out by studios like Asylum....

>Side Note:

Asylum is a bane on my beloved genre of monsters and science fiction due to films like Transmorphers and all sorts of other.....bullshits that leave me going like this:

Asylum likes to trick people in thinking they got a movie out first. They are bad. Stay away from them.

Anyways....back to "AREA 407"

Its decent. Its not the best. Its not the worst. Its def for Netflix viewing or renting...kinda of.

Actually...just leave on Netflix.

There isn't any really bad comedy and follows the usual formal in creature features featuring what I call "norms"
A norm is usually someone who is just your average joe. Business men, students (with non-science backgrounds), workers, sometimes police, and photographers. They are norms cause they have no background except basic common sense which is always enjoyable when that logic of day to day life meets the cruel claws and teeth of something from the unknown.

Unlike Asylum's garbage, this film is actually released with IFC films, which are usually pretty good and at least enjoyable to watch.

I don't want to give too much away cause the movie is actually good on leaving a good amount of mystery. The creature though makes you go, "no way....oh wait...oh yeah. Interesting"

And you do see the whole thing at the end, which also is really nice.

And know...that is not the twist of seeing it at the end. The twist is horrifying and excellent.

Most of the characters as well are enjoyable. Its low budget, but its not bad for a low budget critter romp around.

I would give it a rating of:
3.5 out of five

For people who aren't interested in science fiction like I am but enjoy watching it:
2.5 out of five

For just people:
1.0 plus some consumption of alcohol

~The Silly Wanderer~

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