Sunday, September 9, 2012


So....I think for my second post I will quickly talk about the season 7 of Doctor Who! :) will soon learn that I am a big fan of the series? How big?

TARDIS big. Like a boss.

Anyways, Season 7 is def a season for me. All the stories fit my interests and honestly the first two episodes where Doctor Who wet dreams...actually wet dreams in general.....for my imagination.

Is that creepy? Or just weird I just wrote that? Probably both.



Asylum of the Daleks has been on of the best stand alone Dalek episodes to have appeared in Doctor Who for a while. Its nice seeing the Daleks not as season finales, but have returned as the unpredictable space dust bins (with a knack for plumbing and whisking eggs) that have taught us the true meaning of absolute hate and fear.

I don't care what you think. If you think the Daleks aren't scary then you are not a fan of the series. Everything the Daleks represent is equal to the fear of ideals that Nazi's built into Europe during the WWII. They are terrifying and at the same time for me, highly respectable just because they are so pure on what they do.

And that another scary thing about them. You can admire that they are pure and their goal is to bring peace to the universe. Which sadly they believe is....their universe. All aliens must be purged.


Okay...I'm ranting about the Daleks.

The episode was a great way to start the season cause we get a reminder of the question and a good introduction to the talents of the upcoming companion played by the most attractive (and for me exciting) companion to date.

Jenna Louise Coleman portray's Oswin. A character who right off the bat was a mysterious but automatically made a smile and laugh. Her character was just happy and you are rooting for her right off the bat cause she's baking and keeping an onslaught of Daleks from entering her "bunker".

She also plays Carmen. One of my favorite pieces of music ever.

The choice of Carmen makes me so happy. Especially that the reason why the Daleks are so scared and send the Doctor to fix their Asylum (aka Jurassic Dalek Park) because they have no idea what the opera is!

11th Doctor (Matt Smith) was amazing in this role cause he is playing the reclusive Doctor. A man who was similar to the 9th as just a voice in the wind. A man who was thought to be dead and fixing the universe as quickly as he can and enjoying the adventure again. The Matt Smith we've seen before is in the wake of Tennant as a man who's understands his "Timelord Victorious" and is well, cocky.

To quickly sum the Rory and Amy Pond sub-plot a brilliant comic I found on Tumblr that pretty much sums it up :) 

I won't do anything to spoilery on the main plot of this episode though, just because its plot is pure "FIST SHAKE TO MOFFAT" 

But I swear...I feel like Oswin is much more important to the world of Who then just the one human....who fought off the Daleks on the most dangerous battlefield of all time. 

It was an amazing jump back into the world of Doctor Who. 

Almost forgot

All praise the cuteness of 1960's Ballet Dalek <3 

Forgot to mention. The Daleks are getting better lines. This line was amazing. 

~The Silly Wanderer~

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