Monday, September 17, 2012

An intriguing new creature idea

I just had an interesting thought of a new original creature story.

So will just have a title of "The Crypt"

It will go along something of a child nursery rhyme in some Rural European town with a spooky Crypt. And the village or town that holds this "crypt" has a nursery rhyme that goes along with it.

Beware of the Creature that lies in the Crypt 
Do not speak of the Creature that lies in the Crypt 
It waits in darkness 
Till little boys and girls 
speak of the Creature of the Crypt. 
If you speak of the Creature make sure its in light 
never in the dark. 
If you speak of the Creature in the dark. 
When your mummy and daddy aren't around. 
The Creature of the Crypt will stir 
And find you. 
When it finds you, it will rip your soul 
and bring it back to the Crypt. 
Yes that is what the Creature of the Crypt will do. 
So as you go to bed tonight
Do not ask about the Creature of the Crypt. 

I don't know....something like that. I know its not necessarily a rhyme. But it is something. It can be spooky kind of story. I don't know what the creature would be...but I know it would def have claws and most likely some kinda of large predator. Maybe going so far to say its part human?

Ooh...never done a supernatural idea for a creature. I'll see if I can post a concept art sketch. I think I just found my thesis.
"Woot Woot! THESIS!" 

Yeah...I Falls. Its a good show and I'll bring it up soon. 

~The Silly Wanderer~

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