Sunday, September 9, 2012

So I have a Blog it seems

Well....looks like I've got a blog. Thats new?

This is my first blog and I'm going to guess its like the same thing as someone in a field gazing at the stars on a good night of clear weather.

A human just talking to nothing but hoping that someone is listening.

Well I guess first off I'll just say even though life at the moment is kinda of shitty, its not terrible. I honestly am happy that I've gotten this far and with recent events, might go farther than I've ever known.

Its an exciting, but terrifying prospect.

I think what I'll do from now on is just write here at least once a day (most likely the end) and talk about what on my mind.

Could be anything really.

From thoughts of friends, to future stuff, to relationships, to politics, to science, to the moon, to the universe.....or....

oh look.....


~The Silly Wanderer~

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