Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Day I've Been Having

This may turn into another rant...but whatever.

Its Thursday and I just wish it would be October already. Its the second day of limited to no talking with DG. Its crazy missing someone like this. I don't want to sound desperate or needy cause other than missing her tremendously I've been functioning quite well despite the other emotional burdens that have recently dawned in my life.

But with that ominous couple of sentences out of the way.....lets see where we go now!
See...Rupert Graves has the right idea. Lets go over my "troubles" and to the good stuff. day started off with just a straight wake up and went to my Introductions to Oceans class. Due to being sick last Thursday and then due to trouble sleeping Monday, its been the first time that I've shown up for the class (besides the first day)

I want to make a note that I am actually a good student and I rarely just don't go to class. Its easier for this class cause attendance isn't needed due to it being primarily lecture. So thats some nice guilt of my brain. 

Anyways...its not like I'm missing much. Today was Plate Tectonics. Something that you learn in High School. Nothing to crazy....just your average science know how. But you see, I'm a creative writing major and I have to take a science course that matches my needs. This particular course is set for the non-science majors. 

With that in mind, my major usually has some smart people in it......
but some how...I got stuck with a class that I think quite does not understand anything talked about. Not even faint memories of previous courses. Hell...first day people didn't know what the Mariana Trench was and even though I said I did, the professor wanted to know why it was important to the world. My answer was cause its the deep point on the planet and a symbol of mystery. The answer he wanted was cause James Cameron recently went down there to film Avatar 2. 

^My Face^ was just a day where I came up that I need to be at a different level, cause honestly I was the only one who knew what was going on. Its common sense people. Someone didn't know that a tsunami was caused by Earthquakes out in the ocean. Or by simply looking at a map, you can see that Hawaii is moving up to the North West...not South. 


Today in QFM though was another story. I liked QFM and I felt like this the whole time. It was a very nice moment. I read a very nice "This I Believe Paper" and I was a productive member in class. 

Also I became the Watcher of Time and the Controller of Fate. 

After that I had a nice lunch with my friend Vegata (Yeah...Vegata thats your nickname in the blog) and then we hung around and I got toilet paper cause my house ran out. My roommates and myself are very relieved. 

Well I'm off to my next class! Should be doing a few more posts before the day is done. 

See you guys around! 

~The Silly Wanderer~

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