Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Movie Review for YOBI


I found this movie last night while I was dealing with some insomnia due to the issues I've been currently facing outside my school life. 

Anyways...Yobi: The Five Tailed Fox is an Korean Anime that just came up on Netflix recently. I highly recommend it. It seems of late that Korean films are on the rise. I feel like ever since the success of the 2006 "The Host" was a great international and local success, the Korean film business is booming with instant classics. I'll probably do more reviews of some of my favorite Korean films that I've recently watched as well. 

Anyways, Yobi is the first Korean animation film I've ever seen and it was awesome. It was interesting at first to see some references to Korean mythology. I like the image of multi-image foxes and the lore behind them is fascinating. Yobi is an extremely likable character. She is quite connectable I think to more of a female outcast group. I liked her a lot. She was funny and had this charm of a god who wants to know what its like to be human. Kinda of a terrestrial foxy version of the Little Mermaid. 

The other characters are pretty fantastic too. The male interest is very fun. I like the song that he sings about the Sphinx. Also there is a little girl with a teddy bear and she is also exciting cause she has autism. 

One thing thats interesting about the mythic theme of the movie is a surprisingly funny cast of characters that are a bit out of this world!  

She has a cast of aliens from a distant world that serve as her family. So this movie successfully pulls together myth and science fiction. They are funny and I like that most all the characters serve a purpose. The villain isn't surprising though. Not going to give away who or what it is. But its interesting. 

I would highly recommend this movie. Its brilliant and fun. 

I would give it a 4 Star rating!  Have fun! 

~The Silly Wanderer~

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