Tuesday, March 19, 2013


So today is going to be the first day that I will not talk or communicate with Kay in any form. Sure I follow her on tumblr still now but......I don't know, its hard. Its frustrating to me that now I realize this what I appear to be to people. When I am stress I am needy and I ignore space.

That is not something I want to be. Its not fair to Kay that this fault that I have, something I want to not have anymore lead the relationship down hill. I know its not my fault but.......still.....

I just don't want it.

Today I'm just cleaning my room and watching Digimon. I realized yesterday that Digimon I think is the only kids show for its first four seasons that goes into depression and other social faults. Season 3 really goes into depression to the point that one of the characters tries to commit suicide cause she feels so bad and caught up that it was her fault.

A kid's show guys. I guess this is why I've always been fond of Digimon. I can relate to it. A world with characters who are like me, fault children who have dreams and face terrifying monsters while their partners reassure that they are okay.

I'm working on my Digimon Re: Nexus Episode guide and hopefully will finish Season 1 of it today and start working on Season 2.

I really hope it works. I'll be posting the first episode of Digimon Re:Nexus on here probably today after I look through some edits and hopefully post some of the Digimon that will appear.

Till next time kids!

~The Silly Wanderer~

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