Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Digimon RE: Nexus 1.2

Digimon RE: Nexus 
Episode 1.2 
“The Battle at the Waterfront! Digimon, Digimon, Everywhere!” 

The sun peaked through Henri’s windows as the light of a new day flooded his room. The young man was in his bed sound asleep before suddenly a clawed paw slapped him in the face. The shock woke him up in a manner of confusion and pain. 
“Ow!” he yelled, “What the fuc----” 
He stopped as he rubbed his noise remembering that next to him lay his Digimon partner, Dinkdramon. It reminded him of his dog back home who would curl up next to him when Henri would go to bed. Dinkdramon was still sound asleep. Henri smiled and petted the Digimon on his head and then scratched his ear. Dinkdramon giggled and twitched like a dog chasing cars. Henri let loose a little giggle himself as he got up and began to get ready for the day. 

While brushing his teeth, Henri looked in the mirror and at the strange new version of his previous smart phone. He began wondering what to call it since it was still his cell phone but now it seemed to be relate to his Digimon. With a frothy mouth, he muttered, “D-Cell? Yeah.” 
He spat the toothpaste into the sink and looked at his D-Cell, “Yeah. I like the ring to that.” 
He walked out of his bathroom and began to get dressed when he heard a loud yawn. Henri turned to see Dinkdramon stirring from his sleep. 
“Morning Dinkdramon,” Henri said. 
The little dragon rubbed his eyes, “Morning Henri.” 
Suddenly Dinkdramon seem to be wide awake and took a still waking up Henri by surprise, “So what are we going to do today!” 
“Well,” Henri said, “I think I should introduce you to my friends.” 
“Yes,” Henri said, “I have friends.” 
“I didn’t say you didn’t.” 
“Oh great,” Henri said, “I have a smart ass Digimon.” 
“Smart ass?” 
“Yeah,” Henri said, “Oh...I’m going to have to teach you lingo.” 
Henri put on a green t-shirt and a pair of brown shorts while shaking his head, “It’s going to be a long day isn’t it?” 
The two laughed when Dinkdramon’s stomached growled loudly, “Food?” 
“Yeah. I’ll gut us food. Stay right here okay? I don’t want to freak out my roommates.” 
“Okay,” Dinkdramon said, “Will I get burritos?” 
“Oh,” Henri smiled, “I’m going to introduce you to eggs and bacon.” 
“I don’t know what that is, but it sounds delicious.”
Henri laughed as he left his room, “Dude, you are in for such a treat.” 

ShadowSeraphimon stood amongst his soldiers at their gate and wondered what to do next. Vademon looked sheepishly at him, “ShadowSeraphimon?” 
“We need to figure a way to defeat that human and his Digimon.” 
“I agree,” Vademon said, “Who should I get?” 
“I wonder,” ShadowSerpahimon chimed devilishly, “What if we sent the Triad Monsters?” 
“That group of beasts?” 
“Yes. They are a powerful bunch and work well together. If we out number those two, we can eliminate a threat to our conquest.” 
“I’ll summon them and send them to the real world as soon as I can.” 
“You do that Vademon,” ShadowSeraphimon ordered, “I’m going to go look over the Knight’s records and see how many of those Digi-Eggs they sent over and where in the Human World they went.” 
“Sounds good my lord,” Vademon bowed and watched as ShadowSeraphimon left the Gate Room. Vademon turned to the nearest Troopmon, “Troopmon!” 
The digimon snapped to attention and saluted, “Yes, Commander!” 
“Bring me the Triad Monsters and prep them for their departure.” 
“Yes sir!” 
The Troopmon quickly left  and Vademon chuckled, “The Human World is going to be rocked and that human can do nothing to stop it!” 
“More Bacon!” Dinkdramon yelled, “More Eggs!” 
“I can’t give you anymore dude,” Henri replied, “I’m kind of broke as it is.” 
“I don’t have money.” 
“What’s money?” 
Henri face palmed, “Man you are really from another world.” 
“Yep!” Dinkdramon giggled and wagged his tail excitedly, “Does that mean I can get more food?!” 
“Later buddy,” Henri said, “We have to go to campus. I have two friends I want you to meet.” 
Henri just shook his head, “Okay yeah. We are going to have a day where I teach you words and expressions about the Real World.” 
“Okay sounds good!” Dinkdramon said. 
Henri smiled and went to his room’s door and peaked out of it. He couldn’t see his roommates and realized that both of them weren’t not at the house.
“Okay Dinkdramon, follow me.” 
Dinkdramon nodded and followed Henri closely as the two left his room and to the front door.
“Dinkdramon we are going to go into my car and I want you to lay low in the trunk okay?” 
Dinkdramon nodded, “Okay Henri.” 
“Yeah, my friends are expecting cause apparently they want to talk to me too. They also have big news to talk about.” 
“Well thats fun! Can’t wait to meet your friends.” 
“Yeah,” Henri said, “I hope they can handle this.” 
Dinkdramon laughed as Henri quickly ushered Dinkdramon into the trunk of his silver Prius and quickly got into the driver’s seat. Pulling out of his driveway, Henri made the quick drive to campus where his two friends awaited him at the campus’ waterfront. It was the morning and most people where in classes so the area they where meeting was relatively empty with people. Not a lot of people are at the waterfront in the fall since its been getting a bit colder. 
Passing the security gate, Henri breathed a sigh of relief when Campus Security just waved him through. He began to drive pass the parts of campus and was smiling at the thought that in his trunk was a small little dragon creature from another world. He let out a laugh. 
“Henri? Whats so funny?” Dinkdramon asked from the trunk. 
“Just I never would imagine this situation,” Henri replied. 
“Never ever.” 
“Is that bad?” 
Henri pulled into a park space near his two friend’s dorms and looks around. Not a fellow student in sight. Pulling out his D-Cell, he sends a text to one of his friends letting him know that he is heading to the waterfront. “No its not bad. Ready to book it Dinkdramon?” 
Dinkdramon nodded, “I think so? Do you having the binding?” 
Henri just face palmed. 
“We aren’t making a book Dinkdramon. We are going to run.” 
“Oh,” Dinkdramon said, “thats an odd way to make a book.” 
Henri shook his head and undid his seatbelt, wondering about if this is how most Digimon are like. Unlocking the trunk, Dinkdramon burst out and gave a smile, “What an interesting world!” 
“Yes it is,” Henri answered, “now follow me!” 
Dinkdramon smiled and the two ran to the water front to where Henri’s friends where waiting. 

The doors to the control room opened and Vademon saw the three Digimon make their way to him. Lead by a giant red bug looking Digimon with mighty pincers Vademon smiled at the beasts that were summoned. 
“Kuwagamon, it is good to see you again.” 
“And to you, Commander Vademon,” Kuwagamon replied, “The Triad Monsters are ready for your service.” 
The digimon to the right of Kuwagamon, a grey and black dinosaur looking digimon similar to a single-horned triceratops stamped his feet, “Yeah! I’m looking for a fight!” 
The digimon to the left of Kuwagamon, a pink bodied Digimon that was attached to a giant spiraling shell laughed, “Monochromon has been waiting to run amok. And I hear that the area we are going has water for me to fight in.” 
Vademon nodded, “Yes, Shellmon. The area we are sending you three is where a nuisance human is partnered with a Digimon. We want you to eliminate them.” 
“Sounds easy enough,” Kuwagamon replied, “We can take them out by land, sea, and sky.” 
“Thats what we want you to do. No mercy.” 
Monochromon roared with delight, “Now thats what I’m talking about.” 
Vademon smiled cruelly, “Good. You have your orders. We are preparing the gate now so prepare to make your breach and destroy those two.” 
“And after we do that,” Shellmon asked. 
“Do whatever you like to the Real World,” Vademon replied. 
The three monsters looked at each other and then started to laugh most foul. 

Henri sees his two friends waiting for him at a table by the waterfront. Henri took a deep breath and walked towards them with Dinkdramon in tow. He waved for their attention and the two looked and went wide eyed. “Oh great, this is going over well,” Henri thought. Before he could say anything, his friend Rupert wearing a white tank top and jeans shook his head and pointed at Henri and Dinkdramon, “Man shit! You too!” 
Henri stopped, “What?” 
The other friend at the table, Henri’s friend Marcus with his ginger hair and a blue shirt with a seal on it with sweat pants and sandals also shook his head, “Looks like our news got a little spoiled Ru.” 
Henri looked at Dinkdramon and pointed at the little dragon next to him, “Why isn’t this freaking you guys out?” 
Rupert looked at him, “Cause this morning Marcus and I woke up to these guys in our dorm.” 
Henri looked behind Rupert and Marcus as something was stirring in the bushes next to them and two creatures came forth. On Rupert’s side, a small furry dog-like creature walked next to him. At Rupert’s hips, the dog-like Digimon wore something that looked like jeans around his legs and a bandana with a ying-yang symbol on it. His tongue was out but it looked like a wisen little creature. To Marcus’s side was a crawling creature that looked like a baby walrus. Pale in color, the thing that set it apart was the speaker that was on its forehead and that it also wore earphones and metal bracelets around it its flippers. It had red spots running down its back as it came up next to Marcus. 
“You guys have Digimon?” Henri said in shock, “What the hell?” 
Rupert and Marcus nodded their heads as Dinkdramon came to Henri’s side, “Henri! I didn’t know I would be having friends here too!” 

The three friends and their Digimon walked back to Rupert’s room, since he was an RA of his dorm and got his own space. The room was cramped, but the three Digimon seemed to enjoy each other’s company. The three friends looked at the spectacle of a dragon, jeans wearing dog, and a speaker seal playing around. 
“So let me get this straight,” Henri said, “these two just appeared to you two this morning as their smaller forms, you fed them, and they grew up.” 
“Yeah,” Rupert said, “Just like that.” 
“Like freaking Gremlins,” Marcus said, “And they knew who we were.” 
“Also, I guess I don’t need a new phone since you know,” Rupert said pulling out his orange colored D-Cell, “Since my phone turned into this.” 
“Yours too Marcus?” Henri asked showing his emerald D-Cell. 
Marcus replied by pulling out a blue D-Cell, “Yep. I miss my flip phone but I guess this will do.” 
“So what are your names?” Henri ask as he looked at the new Digimon. 
The dog Digimon looked at him and sported a peace sign out of his three claws awkwardly, “The name is Woofmon, man.” 
“Yo!” the seal Digimon saluted, “the name is Phoqumon.” 
“And I’m Dinkdramon!” Dinkdramon chimed in, raising his arms above his head. 
“I know that Dinkdramon,” Henri said, shaking his head. 
The three Digimon smiled as they went back to playing with each other as Henri looked at his friends. 
“Well to tell you the truth I’m kind of happy I’m not the only one,” Henri said. 
“Yeah,” Marcus said, “I just don’t get it. Its cool and all but...why?” 
“Are we like,” Rupert said, “heroes or something?” 
“I guess,” Henri replied, “Dinkdramon and I fought this big Digimon yesterday.” 
“Was that was all that was about?” Rupert replied, “We got an e-mail that there was an accident yesterday afternoon.” 
“Yeah. Dinkdramon turned into this even bigger flying dragon thing and defeated him. We fixed the road and damages some how though.” 
Marcus shook his head, “Who are we fighting?” 
Rupert looked at him, “Isn’t it obvious, other Digimon.” 
“Not just any Digimon,” Henri said, “Bad ones. This one we fought yesterday was attacking people before Dinkdramon and I intervened.” 
“Well how am I gonna fight?” Marcus said, “Look at my Digimon. He’s one cool dude, but not really a fighter is he?” 
Phoqumon looked at him, “Man, I got fight in me don’t worry.” 
“Yeah man,” Woofmon replied, “Look where we are. The water is right there. Phoqumon is in his element.” 
Dinkdramon looked around, “But we are on land?” 
Woofmon looked at his fellow Digimon, “You know what I mean, ‘mon.” 
Dinkdramon laughed, “I gotcha....‘mon” 
“Dinkdramon don’t,” Henri said, “you’ve got enough problems with lingo.” 
Rupert laughed, “Seems like your kind of partner Henri. You both have that problem.” 
Henri smiled, “Well I mean...I’m better than him at it.” 
Marcus smiled and shook his head, “Sure you do Henri. Sure you do.” 
“Well what do you wanna do about them?” 
“Well I guess they can stay where we live I guess.” 
“What about you Marcus? You have a roommate. How are you going to explain the seal?” Henri asked. 
“Throw pillow?” Marcus exclaimed. 
Phoqumon looked up at Marcus and shook his head, “Why do I have to be a secret. You got a problem?” 
“I don’t have a problem,” Marcus replied, “But here in our world, talking disco seals are relatively thin on the ground.” 
Phoqumon nodded in agreement, “I dig that. Alright. Throw pillow I am then.” 
“What about your girlfriends?” Henri asked, “You are going to have to tell them.” 
“Well Sheila likes dogs,” Rupert said, “so hopefully it shouldn’t be to bad.”
“And Tina likes seals,” Marcus added, “so shouldn’t be too bad either.” 
“Good thing you don’t have that problem Henri,” Rupert said patting his back. 
Henri stiffened at the thought and looked at Rupert, “Thanks bud.” 
Rupert realized he went a little far and took his hand away, “Oh dude, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that.” 
Dinkdramon looked at Henri and turned his head, “Why doesn’t Henri have a girlfriend?” 
Henri shook his head, “Lets not talk about it now.” 
Before anything else could say, the three of them’s phones started to shake violently. The three digimon suddenly turned to face in the direction of the Waterfront from Rupert’s room. Dinkdramon snarled and Woofmon’s fur stood on edge. 
“What is it you guys,” Henri said as he, Rupert, and Marcus stood up.
Dinkdramon turned to them, “Digimon are here.”

Vademon chuckled at the thought that he just sent three powerful Digimon to that filthy human and his digital pet’s way. The Troopmon continued their work of maintaining the gate to be opened. One of the Troopmon turned to face Vademon. 
“Commander,” it said, “The Triad Monsters have been successfully sent to the Human World.” 
“Perfect,” Vademon cooed, “Its time for that human to be deleted.” 
“He won’t,” a cold voice said from the shadows. 
Vademon jumped at the sudden voice and turned around. He saw a shadow in the corner of the room, meaning it was only one kind of Digimon; Duskmon. 
“Duskmon! Come out of your shadows! What is it you want?” Vademon demanded. 
A skeletal human-like Digimon emerged from the shadows. His armor was dark as a moonless night and his arms where skeletal beast heads. Giant eyes where on his shoulders, chest, and knees as they all looked at Vademon, “You heard me. They will fail.” 
“They have perfect track record.” 
“Regardless,” Duskmon replied, “It will be easier if you send me.” 
“On what grounds?” Vademon said nervously. 
Duskmon chuckled and suddenly a jagged blood red blade erupted from one of his hands, “Cause I will get the job done.” 
Vademon didn’t want to cause trouble and looked at the Troopmon, “Recalibrate the gate for Duskmon. We will send him over soon.” 

When Henri, Marcus, and Rupert stepped out side, they could hear roars and screeches at the waterfront. As they crossed the dorm complex to the Water Front, they could see students running away from a fog bank. “What is that?” Rupert said as they drew closer. 
“That is trouble,” Henri said, “Ready Dinkdramon?” 
Dinkdramon’s spines sparkled with electricity and the little dragon gave a smile, “Ready when you are partner.” 
“Ready for our first fight man?” Woofmon asked Rupert. 
“Ready as I will ever be,” Rupert replied. 
“Yo Marcus!” Phoqumon chimed, “You ready to lay a beat?” 
Marcus laughed and rubbed his hands together, “Lets do this.” 
The three humans and their respective partners went into the fog bank and were on alert for whatever lurked in the fog. The Waterfront was empty for the most part, but there was damage all around them. Some of the sailboats where broken and the foot prints that broke through the concrete where showing signs of big Digimon activity. 
“Looks like we have something big on our hands,” Rupert said. 
“Dinkdramon?” Henri asked.
“Yeah,” Dinkdramon replied. 
“Are their any small Digimon like you guys?” 
Before Dinkdramon could respond, a mighty roar came behind the Waterfront’s boat house as Monchromon’s head came around the corner of the building. 
Dinkdramon took a battle stance and snarled, “Not today there isn’t!” 
Monochromon roared again and took a step forward to them. The digimon was like a big truck to the humans and their partners. It didn’t help that he started to laugh. 
“Hey you guys! I found him! And he has friends!” Monochromon yelled. 
A buzzing filled the air and Henri looked up as a giant red beetle looking Digimon crawled towards them from the roof of the building, “There are more? That wasn’t in the information.” 
A sudden explosion of water from the creekside drew the group to look at the appearance of Shellmon crawling onto the dock, the weight of the Digmon submersing it. “No matter you guys! They are all rookies! Easy pickings!” 
Henri smiled, “Alright guys. Which one do you want? I’ll take the bug.” 
“Due to Phoqumon’s abilities, I’ll take the walking clam chowder,” Marcus said. 
“I guess that leaves me with the dinosaur,” Rupert replied. 
“Alright, Dinkdramon! Its time!” Henri said pulling out his D-Cell and swiping it to the screen like yesterday. 
Dinkdramon smiled, “Let’s do it!” 
“Okay! You guys watch and learn! Digivolution Activate!” 
Rupert and Marcus watched in amazement as an emerald light erupted from Henri’s D-Cell and engulfed Dinkdramon in it. 

The form of Tryannodramon took Dinkdramon’s space and the giant dragon laughed and pointed at Kuwagamon, “Alright you over grown roach! Come and get me!” 
Kuwagamon roared and took to the air as Tyrannodramon did the same, ready for the fight for the skies. 
Marcus watched as Phoqumon quickly dived into the water and Shellmon joined him. “Alright Marcus! You ready to see my moves!” 
“Yeah!” Marcus yelled back as he ran to the water’s edge. 
“Groovy! Check it out!” Phoqumon yelled as he dove underwater. Shellmon looked around in confusion.
“Where you at you little pup!” 
Suddenly Phoqumon erupted out of the water and dove at Shellmon.
“Take this you seafood special!” Phoqumon yelled. 

Phoqumon dove at Shellmon’s head and began to slap the giant Digimon’s face over and over again before gravity sents Phoqumon back into the water. Shellmon’s tentacle hairs wriggled furiously, “You little kipper! I’ll sink your boasts yet!” 
Phoqumon surfaced again and laughed, “Too fast for you shellhead!” 


Phoqumon’s speaker suddenly started to emit a loud noise that created a “shield” around his body as he torpedoed his way at Shellmon. Shellmon laughed and suddenly withdrew himself into his spiral armor. 
“Phoqumon watch out!” Marcus yelled, but it was too late. Phoqumon rammed into Shellmon’s shell and hurt himself more than the Champion level Mollusk Digimon. In a spilt second, Shellmon came out again and with his tentacled hair he grabbed the stunned Phoqumon and started to squeeze him. 
“How’s that you punk!” Shellmon yelled as he added more pressure to Phoqumon. 
“Phoqumon!” Marcus yelled. 

Meanwhile, Rupert and Woofmon where dealing with Monochromon. “You dare challenge me!” Monochromon roared. 
Woofmon smiled, “Yeah. Something like that.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Kicking your ass. Thats what I mean.” 
Rupert looked a little surprised at Woofmon’s words, “Dude I thought you where a little mellow than that.” 
Woofmon turned, “Eh. I have little tolerance for dumb Digimon.” 
“What was that!” Monochromon roared and began to charge Woofmon. 
Woofmon smiled as Monochromon charged and as quickly as his words, dodged the much larger Digimon. 
As Woofmon dodged Monochromon’s charge, he raised his paw at Monochromon’s head and at his attack’s command, a powerful gust of wind and ice erupted out of his fur and hit Monochormon’s head, freezing the Digimon’s mouth shut. Monochromon taken aback by the attack shakes his head violently as he tries to dislodge the ice. 
“Hey Rupert,” Woofmon yelled, “What is this guy’s deal!” 
Rupert didn’t understand his partner’s command but Henri yelled to his friend, “Your D-Cell! Point it at Monochromon!” 
Rupert did just that and suddenly got the information on Monochromon. 
“Alright Woofmon! Listen up,” Rupert yelled, “His name is Monochromon! He is a Champion level Dinosaur Type Digimon! His armor skin is rock solid and his special attacks are Slamming Attack and---” 
Before Rupert could announce Monochromon’s other special attack, the ice on the Dinosaur’s mouth started to melt and the Digimon pointed his mouth at Woofmon. 


In an instant, a ball of fire erupted from Monochromon’s mouth, melting Woofmon’s ice and fired right at Woofmon. Woofmon tried to dodge but the explosion of the fire ball making contact with the building behind him. Woofmon yelled in pain as debris covered him as the Waterfront Building began to catch on fire. 
“Wise cracking Rookie!” Monochromon growled taking steps to the damaged Woofmon, “Always go down like a ton of rocks!” 

In the air, Tyrannodramon was putting a fair fight with Kuwagamon. The two digimon where evenly matched as Henri watched from below. 
“Tyrannodramon you can do it!” Henri yelled. 
“I can handle this guy!” Tyrannodramon said as he tried slamming the bug with his tail, who dodged it easily, “You need to help the others activate their Digivolutions!” 
Henri cocked his head, unsure at what Tyrannodramon meant and then he looked at how his friends where dealing with their battles. “Oh shit,” Henri said as he saw Rupert rushing to Woofmon’s side as Phoqumon was tied up quite literally with Marcus unsure what to do next.
“You guys!” Henri yelled, “You gotta have them digivolve!” 
“Digi-what?” Marcus yelled. 
“You gotta get them to evolve! Those Champion levels are too strong for your Digimon!” 
Rupert looked at Henri and then back at Woofmon and placed himself between Woofmon and Monochromon. “I may not know you Woofmon, but you are a buddy and I’m not ready for you go yet.” 
Woofmon barked weakly, “I got your back. No matter what happens, I will protect you.” 
Woofmon gets up and struggled to get between Rupert and Monochromon. 
“You wanna tango again pup!” Monochromon snarled, “Then get ready to be deleted!” 
Marcus looked at Phoqumon and felt helpless. He didn’t know what to do while Shellmon kept hurting his newly found partner.
“Phoqumon!” Marcus yelled. 
Phouqumon struggled but successfully raised a flipper at Marcus, “I got this man. Don’t worry. You are odd but you are a friend.” 
Suddenly, an orange light from Rupert’s D-Cell and a blue light from Marcus’  erupted and engulfed both their respective partners. Monochromon shunned from the light and Shellmon yelled as he had to let Phoqumon go from the light he was now engulfed in. 

“What is going on!” Shellmon screamed. 

Kuwagamon and Tyrannodramon paused from their fight in the sky to look down on their respective allies. “What is going on!” Kuwagamon screamed. 
Tyrannodramon laughed and looked at Kuwagamon, “Seems like the tables have turned bug face!” 



Rupert and Marcus stood agape while Henri from his spot on the battlefield smiled, “Dudes....thats super cool.” 
Rupert looked as his partner Woofmon was now the same size of Monochromon but now was on all fours. Still wearing pants, a bandana was now wrapped on each arm with the ying-yang symbol on it. Bernargamon’s eyes where covered by his furry mane but the giant dog-like Digimon howled a challenged at Monochromon. 

Marcus also was shocked from Phoqumon’s evolution as well. Now on the dock looked at an equally shocked Shellmon, Morsamon now was a biped-like seal wearing jeans and sported shoulder armor on one side. Large flippers for hands, the head gear on Phoqumon expanded and Morsamon now had a helmet with a larger speaker on top.  Morsamon’s chest has might pecks on it as Morsamon flexed his body. 
“How do you like the new look, Marcus! Now I’m one rocking fighter!” 
Marcus smiled, his tongue out and rubbed his hands together, “Now we are talking!” 
Morsamon gave a smile and looked back at Shellmon, “Alright you piece of haddock, you ready to be deep fried and served on a platter?” 

Shellmon roared, “I’d like to see you try!” 
“Okay then!” Morsamon chimmed and leaped into the water towards Shellmon. Shellmon goes back into his shell and yells out his attack as he begins to spin rapidly. 

“Morsamon! Watch out!” Marcus yelled as Morsamon quickly dove underwater. 
Shellmon’s slamming attack was now where Morsamon submerged but suddenly Shellmon was engulfed in a cyclone of water as what appeared to be techno-music started to emit from the suddenly form water cyclone. 


Morsamon sent Shellmon flying into the air, the aquatic enemy screaming in anger at the sneak attack. Morsamon broke off the cylcone attack while Shellmon began to plummet towards him. Morsamon’s helmet started to vibrate as he began to focus his finishing attack. 


A giant pulse of sound erupted from Morsamon’s head gear and smashed into Shellmon, deleting the screaming mollusk digimon as he soon reverted into a grey and pink Digi-Egg. 

Monochromon on the other hand was now dealing with Bernargamon, who was wagging his tail excitedly. 
“You ready for me to send this guy back into a fossil, Rupert?” Bernargamon said. 
Rupert gave a thumbs up, “You got it dawg!” 
“I will destroy you!” Monchromon roared. 


As the fire balls erupted from the dinosaurs mouth, Bernargamon took a deep breath in and reared back. As the fire balls got closer, Bernargamon let loose his own attack! 
A full fledge blizzard erupted from Bernargamon’s mouth and extinguished the fire balls as encased Monochromon in a block of ice. 
“You aren’t thawing that one out!” Bernargamon roared and charged the frozen foe, smashing it into pieces with his thick claws as Monochromon became deleted save his Digi-Egg. 

In the air, Kuwagamon watched in amazement at his fellow allies deletion from the unknown humans, “This can’t be!” 
Tyrannodramon laughed as electricity started to dance around his spines and wings, “Oh but its happening!” 


Tyrannodramon charged Kuwagamon like lighting and hit the bug full force, passing through the digital beetle like it was made of butter as the resulting attack exploded Kuwagamon into little bits of data and leaving behind a red Digi-Egg with the black markings of Kuwagamon. 

As the three Champion level Digimon joined their human partners, everyone cheered at their victory. 

“Way to go Tyrannodramon!” Henri yelled. 
“Dude! You are freaking sick!” Rupert said as he looked at Bernargamon. 
“Nice work man!” Marcus said, “You’ve got some sick tunes!” 

Morsamon bowed, “I’m the best DJ around!” 

Henri though suddenly stopped, “Wait a minute.” 
Everyone’s cheer died down as they all realized that the Digital Field was still surrounding the Waterfront. 
“Tyrannodramon? Shouldn’t it have faded by now?” Henri asked. 

Before Tyrannodramon could say anything, he screamed in pain as suddenly he reverted back into Dinkdramon.
“Dinkdramon!” Henri yelled and rushed to his partner side as both Bernargamon and Morsamon where suddenly struck down and reverted back to their Rookie forms. 

“What the hell is going on!” Rupert asked. 
Marcus, holding an injured Phoqumon in his arms looked ahead of them and pointed. “Guys! Who is that?!” 
They all looked up as slowly walking to them, dragging two long blood red blades towards them, the black armored Digimon known as Duskmon approached. 
Henri looked at the Digimon, disturbed at his visage yelled, “Who the hell are you!” 
Duskmon stopped and raised his blades, pointing them at the six of them. 

“I am Duskmon.....and I am sent to kill you all!” 



Can Henri, Rupert, and Marcus escape the horror Duskmon as the Dark Knight Digimon chases them and their injured partners around campus? And who is this mysterious warrior who suddenly appear to come at their aid. Is it friend or is it foe? And most importantly...who are the Nightmare Soldiers! 

“The Mysterious Dark Swordsman, Duskmon! The Axes of Gaulmon!” 
Character Introductions: 

Human Characters: 
Name: Rupert Tyler 
Gender: Male 
Age: 21 
From: Miami, FL 
Occupation: Student/On Campus Worker 
D-Cell: Orange 
Partner: Woofmon 

Name: Marcus Sheen 
Gender: Male 
Age: 21 
From: Chicago, IL 
Occupation: Student 
D-Cell: Blue 
Partner: Phoqumon 


Name: Woofmon
Level: Rookie
Type: Beast Digimon
Attribute: Data
Gale Claw
Flurry Bark
Name: Phoqumon
Level: Rookie
Type: Sea Animal Digimon
Attribute: Vaccine
Sonic Current
DJ Slapper
 Name: Bernargamon
Level: Champion
Type: Beast Digimon
Attribute: Data
Avalanche Bark
Rescue Barrel

Name: Morsamon 
Level: Champion 
Type: Sea Animal Digimon 
Attribute: Vaccine 
Disco Wave 
Cyclone Beats 

Name: Kuwagamon 
Level: Champion 
Type: Insectiod Digimon 
Attribute: Virus 
Scissor Claw 
Power Guillotine 
Trap Scissors 

Name: Monochromon 
Level: Champion 
Type: Dinosaur Digimon 
Attribute: Data 
Slamming Attack 
Volcanic Strike 

Name: Shellmon 
Level: Champion 
Type: Mollusk Digimon 
Attribute: Data 
Hydro Pressure 
Slamming Attack 

Name: Duskmon 
Level: Champion 
Type: Demon Man Digimon 
Attribute: Virus 
Deadly Gaze 
Lunar Plasma 

Digimon is owned by Bandai/Toei
Images where found on the Digimon Wiki and Google Images 
All non-canon Digimon (Dinkdramon, Tyrannodramon, Woofmon, Bernargamon, Phoqumon, Morsamon) are my own Original Characters.
This is a fan-series of my own idea and I do not claim it as official Digimon Cannon

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