Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Digimon RE:Nexus Episode 1.1

Digimon RE:Nexus 
Episode 1.1 
“The Night That Changed the World! Monsters Reveal Themselves!” 

“Are they ready to be sent?” 
“Yes my Lord, but the last of your energy will be used up.” 
“A sacrifice that I am willing to make.” 
“Sir! They are making their way in!” 
“Summon the remaining of the knights! We are the last line of defense!” 
“They are almost here!” 
“Launch the Digi-Eggs!” 
“They are our final hope!” 
“They are here!” 
“Battle stations, they must not reach the Gate!” 
“It has been an honor men! May these find our way to victory!!” 


Henri Winston woke up with a fright as he lay in his bed. The dream of giant beings in their final and desperate battle against something unknown had been plaguing him for the past few nights. Ever since the strange lights in the sky that were reported over the city of Saint Petersburg, Florida. Henri took a breath and moved his tired body to the side table next to his bed. Grabbing his rustic alarm clock, he squinted in the darkness of the room for the time. 

“6:30,” he mumbled to himself, “I guess its a good of time as any.” 
With great strength at overcoming his restless sleep, he got out of bed and headed to his bathroom. As the normal routine of checking his weight, to a morning pee to jumping into the shower and finishing it with a shave and brushing his teeth. He looked into his mirror and then at the photo he had taped to the right hand corner. It was a picture of her on that wonderful night. Her smile shined as strong as he remembered it as she proudly sports the cheap ring that symbolizes a priceless emotion. A chuckle leaves his lips as he walks out and heads to the closet to get dressed. 
“These morning classes were a terrible idea,” he again muttered to himself as he put on a green collared shirt with his torn jeans with a leather belt. The twenty-one year old then turned to face his full body mirror as he adjusted his crooked glasses and collar. He desperately needed a new hair cut as he tried to get his damp hair to look nice. He was tall and his weight was improving. Wasn’t thin, but wasn’t fat. As she would say, “Your body is in all the right places, strong but cuddly.” 

He gave another longing chuckled as he shook to keep those thoughts from over thinking though. Another alarm echoed through his room as his cell phone alerted him that it was 7:30. Henri began to gather his school supplies and place them in the only bag that he currently had, a cute little book bag that had the picture of a pug puppy gazing cutely at anyone who looked at it. He couldn’t stand the bag, but was trying to be positive and claimed he was just “rocking it” till he could fix his green travel bag which tore earlier in the week. With his assignments and books ready for the long day at school, he grabbed his cell phone, wallet, and house keys and began to make the walk from his house to classes at his college across the street. 

As Henri left his room and soon after the front door, his laptop in his room suddenly came to life as a burst of green light let something new loose into the world....


A lone figure stood in an elaborate and sinister throne room. The figure was robed with fine but dark clothes that gave a formal and demanding demeanor. He held in his hand a goblet of red liquid and was casually drinking it as the being looked out a large window. Below he could see fires and darkness swirl over what looked like a dying world. He began to chuckle to himself when suddenly the noise of his door’s opening made him alert that he was no longer alone. 

“What is it,” he said cooly to the figure that had entered. 
The sounds of heavy footsteps signaled it to be his General, ShadowSeraphimon.
“My Lord,” the demonic fallen angel creature, armored from head to toe with six bat-like wings on its back. It’s face was featureless except for the golden x that was mounted there, “My technicians have reactivated the Knight’s Gate. It should be a matter of moments before we can follow the cracks into the Real World.” 
“Shall I send the first wave then?” ShadowSerpahimon chuckled, “the Humans will have know idea of our coming.” 
“No. Finding the Chosen and deleting their data should be first on your agent’s agenda.” 
“Are they really that big of a threat?” 
“Whatever the Knights think can defeat us is and will always be a threat.” 
“Well the Gate will link us to where they were sent first, so it shouldn’t be hard to find them.” 
“Good. See to it that they are destroyed. The Legendary Thirteen where created to be able to overcome our goals. See to it they do not succeed.” 
ShadowSeraphimon nodded, “Yes my lord. I have just the Digimon who can do what you ask.” 
The shadowed Digimon Lord smiled, “See to it then ShadowSeraphimon. When it comes to this duty, failure is not an option. Remember that.” 
ShadowSeraphimon nodded, “I will not fail you.” 

The armored angel Digimon then turned and left the room as the mysterious Lord turned back to gaze at the wastelands of his world. The wastelands that he himself....had created. 


The once quite campus was once again full of life as the unseen class changes signaled the next part of the day at the college. As students went either back to their dorms or to the cafe, Henri left his class and headed to the college’s pub. Nestled in the center of the college, Henri could already see the outdoor dining area of the facility was starting to crowd with fellow students wanting a good meal. Henri of course knew that a “good” meal on campus was hard to come by, but some meals where better than others sometimes. He was hoping that he could find a friend to give him a swipe of their meal card. Henri was low on cash and wondered if he should just head home. As the crowds of people started to swarm into the cafe; Henri smiled and just put in his earphones and walked away. He could do without a fatty meal and moved towards the library of the campus. Seeing that it too was also starting to get crowded, Henri decided to just walk around the open air campus as he jammed out to the music on his phone. With a skip and step, he was feeling good as he walked towards the sea wall. 

A rattle from his pocket and a skip in his music alerted him to his cell phone, which he eagerly withdrew from his jean’s pocket. It wasn’t a text but a phone call from an unknown number. Thinking it was something to do with jobs he had been applying to lately, he quickly answered and disconnected his earphones while answering the phone. 
There was static and noise. It was strange. 
“Hello?” Henri asked curiously. 
Amongst the static, there was a voice. It sounded like a child’s. 

Suddenly the static blanked out and Henri’s smart phone started to shake violently. Suddenly it erupted into a flash of green light. The phone started to float and Henri took a step back. He looked around and noticed there was no one around where he was. Not many students where by the sea wall at this time of day. The phone suddenly lighted itself into a green symbol. It looked like a strange type of “H” of some kind of ancient alphabet. The symbol pulsed with light and then in a flash returned into his phone. Henri fell over as the phone dropped down onto the ground. Henri crawled over to his phone, “Okay. Thats a new one. I mean, I know my phone acts up but this is a little ridicul----” 
Suddenly his phone erupted again in light and Henri saw his smart phone change shape. It retained it’s touch screen and shape, but now it was an emerald green in color with had new slot on its back. It retained its camera features, but it was so different. Henri reached for it and when he touched it activated again. Standing up,  he looked at its screen and was showing a radar of the area. It showed two blips, one was the same color as his blip; which was at his house. 
“Well,” he said, “That could be bad.” 

Henri then bolted across campus following the radar to his house, and more specifically, his room. 


He was going to miss class again, but he e-mailed his teacher telling her that it was something to due with his house that needed his urgent attention. Who knows what he will find. Maybe it had something to do with his dreams of late of monsters and knights. He smiled at the thought that this could be like some great adventure, but that only happens on TV.  

Pulling out his keys, he unlocked his front door and went in. The house was empty, with his roommates at class and or work. He moved to his room and was ready for whatever was in there. 
When he walked in, the room was a mess, like some kind of animal had been rummaging through his papers and blankets. Things were knocked over and his books where dashed about. He carefully put his school stuff down and looked about the room. His plants looked like they were dug through and is bed was a mess. What caught his eyes was something about his bed. Something under the covers was moving. Carefully and quietly he moved towards his bed. He heard a soft noise, like something breathing. He got to the side of his bed and prepared for whatever was in his room. 
Pulling the blanket over he suddenly saw something he had never seen. It was small, no bigger than a small cat. It was kind of serpent like with a long tail but it had no real body as it was mostly a head and tail with small little claws on its front. It had a blue horn on its head and small spines riding down its back. It was emerald in color and had blue stripes. Despite its otherworldly and dragon like appearance, it was kind of cute. Henri knelt down to its level and poked it. “What are you?” 
It suddenly woke up from its sleep and jumped towards Henri, “SPARK POP!” The little dragon creature spewed out a blast of bubbles that where full of faint electrical energy. The shock of the attack sent Henri back as the creature looked at Henri with wide eyes. 

“Oh! I’m sorry!” It cooed, “You scared me.” 
Henri went wide eyed as he looked at creature stunned both physically and mentally, “You can talk?” 
The little creature smiled, “Of course I can talk! Why wouldn’t I?” 
Henri looked at that logic, “Well that makes sense, I guess.” 
“My attack should wear off from you soon. Sorry.” 
“What are you,” Henri said as he struggled to recover from the electrical power.
“I’m DemiDinkdramon.” 
“And what is that species when you send it home?” 
“I’m a Digimon. Don’t you know what Digimon are silly?” 
“No?” Henri said, “No I do not. What are you? A reptile?” 
“Umm,”DemiDinkdramon said, “No. I’m a Digimon. I’m a Digital Monster.” 
“Digital,” Henri said, “Monster?” 
“Yep. I’m from the Digital World!” 
“The Digital....World?” 
“Yep!” DemiDinkdramon giggled, “That is where I am right?” 
Henri looked at the creature with such surprise. A creature like this existing goes against everything Henri knew. It was nothing from this Earth, and it told him that. So many questions. The Digital World? Digimon? Where did he come from? 
“I’m hungry!” DemiDinkdramon shouted, breaking Henri’s train of thought. 
DemiDinkdramon jumped off the bed and onto Henri’s lap, “Feed me! Feed me! Feed me!” 
“Feed you?” 
“What do you eat?” 
“What you got?” 
Henri laughed, “Good answer.” 

Whatever this thing was, it sure had a personality that was fun to be around. Henri picked up the little creature in his arms and walked out the door into the kitchen. Placing the little Digimon on the countertop, Henri went to the fridge to see what he can find. 
“What do you like, DemiDinkdramon?” 
“Surprise me?” 
“Hahaha well lets see,” Henri said as he looked in the fridge. It was pretty sparse, but wasn’t surprising for the college life that Henri was facing. “How about a microwave dinner?” 
“Microwave?” DemiDinkdramon asked, “is that an attack?” 
Henri laughed, “No its not, its how I can make some food.” 
“Make food?” 
“Yes. You make food. Do you not make food in the Digital World?” 
“I find food in the Digital World.” 
“I see. That would make sense since you are some kind of animal.” 
“Not animal. Digimon.” 
“Right,” Henri said, “Digimon.” 
Henri pulled out a burrito meal from the fridge and went to the microwave. 
“What are you doing?” DemiDinkdramon asked curiously. 
“Making your food.” 
“Ooh!” DemiDinkdramon chriped and begun to jump around on the countertop, “Food! Food! Food!” 
As Henri put the burrito in the microwave, he saw that DemiDinkdramon’s jumps where going to have him fall off the countertop. As DemiDinkdramon jumped with joy, he began to plummet to the floor! 
“DemiDinkdramon!” Henri shouted as he rushed to grab the falling little creature. The Digimon giggled as he was caught. Henri brought him up to eye level, “You gotta be careful!” 
“I was careful!” 
“No you weren’t,” Henri said, “You could have been hurt.” 
DemiDinkdramon looked sadden, “I’m sorry, Henri.” 
“Its okay just,” Henri was saying and then something dawned on him, “Hey wait! How did you know my name?” 
DemiDinkdramon just did the closest thing he could do to a shrug, “Don’t know. Just I know your name is Henri Winston.” 

Henri looked at the creature, wondering what he had gotten himself into when the microwave signaled that burrito was done. He placed DemiDinkdramon on the counter again and then pulled out the burrito. It steamed from the instant nuking it had experienced, but it sure did smell good. 
“That smells yummy!” DemiDinkdramon laughed, “Feed me!” 
Henri laughed and pulled out a fork from the drawer that was under where DemiDinkdramon was. “Here you guy buddy, have a bite.” 
DemiDinkdramon opened his toothed maw and took a huge bite out of the burrito with a big gulp. As soon as the food was in his mouth, his eyes lit up with such excitement. He quickly swallowed, “That was delicious!” 
“Yeah they are pretty good,” Henri was saying when suddenly he noticed that DemiDinkdramon then ate the rest of it as quickly as he could. When it was gone, the baby Digimon gave a burp and drooled a little bit, “That was so yummy.” 

Henri smiled at the creature’s approval. Despite all his questions, for some odd reason this seemed very normal to him. Whatever DemiDinkdramon was, Henri felt that it was a friend he had known all his life. It was a cute little guy and his personality was a welcome change. He felt a vibration in his pocket and reached for it while looking at DemiDinkdramon. As he moved an eye to check it, he remembered that his phone was changed now as well. 
DemiDinkdramon looked up at Henri and at the device, “Hey whats that?” 
“Well it was my phone,” Henri said as he saw that there was an “update” being downloaded to his phone, “but it was also what lead me to find you?” 
“Find me?” 
“Yeah,” Henri said and the download finished its update and the words: Basic Evolution Achieved. 
A flash of green light suddenly erupted in a stream of energy at DemiDinkdramon who leapt down to the floor and was encased in the light. Henri stood back and out of the kitchen. All the electrical equipment started to go high wire and Henri could see that DemiDinkdramon was changing. 


And in a flash, DemiDinkdramon was no longer there, but something much larger and similar to the cute little creature before. The creature was now on two legs and had long arms with two claws and a smaller thumb claw. It had long and slender blue spines with black markings. It still retained the blue horn on its head. It looked at Henri as its new tail wag happily at him. 
Henri was awestruck. He looked at the creature before him and thought that he had just discovered something wonderful. He didn’t know what to do. Then the creature spoke in the same and childish voice of DemiDinkdramon. 
“Henri? Is everything okay?” 
“Not at the moment no,” the creature replied, “I’m Dinkdramon now.” 
“Ah,” Henri said, a little perplexed, “You can change?” 
“Do you not digivolve?” Dinkdramon questioned. 
“No,” Henri said with a laugh, “I don’t digivolve.” 

It then dawned onto Henri that he had a small little dinosaur-like creature in his kitchen and he had no idea when his roommates would be coming back. 
“Dinkdramon?” Henri asked, “Want to come back to my room?” 
“Sure! Comfy bed!” Dinkdramon smiled and walked back to Henri’s room with the young man close behind looking at the strange new device in his hand. It was still his phone, but it made DemiDinkdramon “evolve” into this new creature. Henri had a feeling that the two things were related. 
“Henri come on! Lets play!” Dinkdramon giggled as he poked his head around the corner of Henri’s door. 

Henri laughed and followed the little dinosaur into his room unknowing of the events that will soon change Henri’s life forever. 


Lord ShadowSeraphimon moved forward to the Knight’s Gate as his soldier’s worked to make sure it was operational. ShadowSeraphimon looked at his Troopmon, Digimon that looked like gas-masked dinosaurs that were of average intelligence but fantastic warriors that are easy to control. As the Demon Lord moved through them, they stopped their duties and bowed at the great demon before continuing their jobs. Lord ShadowSeraphimon went to a small and strange looking creature that was facing the Gate. It was a little bigger than the Troopmon, but looked like a brain connected to the body of a squid. 
“Vademon!” Lord Barbramon said, “Are we ready to launch our scouts?” 
“Yes my lord,” Vademon grinned, “but we will first send just a scout.” 
“Only one?” 
“Oh yes. But this one will pack quite the punch to handle himself in the Real World.” 

Barbramon grinned when a Digimon soon emerged from out a side door on the other side of the control room. It was tall and large. It was mammal-like and wore a helmet with three horns. It was a strange mix of a gorilla and a bear as it wore a daft grin on its face. 
“Wendingomon,” ShadowSeraphimon said, “a wild one.” 
“Oh yes,” Vademon laughed as he looked at Wendingomon, “You ready to hunt, Wendingomon!” 
The creature grinned and then let loose a powerful yell and pounded his chest with his fist. The Troopmon stopped and shuddered at the beastly power of the Digimon. ShadowSeraphimon smiled. Whatever the Knights sent to the other side wouldn’t be able to successfully battle Wendingomon. Digivolution could only happen in the Digital World and he knew that it was impossible to evolve anywhere else. 
“Your orders?” Vademon asked. 

ShadowSeraphimon raised his claws at the Gate, which then opened. A swirl of digital data started to appear and an image of the Real World with buildings and trees with blue skies was seen fractured in the vortex. 
“Sick them Wendingomon!” 
The beast Digimon roared and charged into the Real World with ShadowSeraphimon laughing, already believing in his victory. 

“So you are a Digimon?” Henri asked the dinosaur-like creature that was now sitting on his bed, fascinated with the green lava lamp at Henri’s bedside. 
“Yep,” Dinkdramon chimed, “Digimon.” 
“Not a dinosaur?” 
“Nope. Not the type. I’m a Little Dragon type Digimon.” 
“Right,” Henri nodded. It was starting to make a little more sense what and how Dinkdramon functioned. He was a creature known as a Digimon, which were creatures from a different world that functioned on completely different levels. These creatures though have an adaptive ability called “Digivolution” where a Digimon evolves rapidly to adapt to a situation. While Dinkdramon may have the basic information, Henri could tell that the little dragon just seemed to have been “programmed” with the basic info. Henri thought maybe its the equivalent to he basic starter kit with a computer. The thing that both Henri and Dinkdramon did not know was the device that Henri now owned. The only thing they know is that it was the key to allowing Dinkdramon’s evolution. It still functioned as a phone. Henri got text messages that he needed to respond back and emails to check. All his normal apps where on the phone too. The only strange thing was there was now a new screen in the phone. It showed a way to activate the radar that he used to find Dinkdramon in the first place and then there were other “apps” but they where dark and seemed locked. Henri still couldn’t figure out how to open them. 

Dinkdramon continued to be in awe at the lava lamp when suddenly he grew quite. Henri looked up from his tinkering at the usual jovial dragon. 
“Dinkdramon?” Henri asked, “You okay bud?” 
Dinkdramon turned his head to look at Henri, “I think something is coming.” 
“Something big is coming Henri.” 
Suddenly a large sound of a crash could be heard outside. Henri rushed to his window and saw on the road in sudden fog bank. The day outside was now a late afternoon and the sun was setting. Whatever this fog bank was, it was going to cause problems for the commuters coming home. As Henri looked, he thought he saw something in the fog bank. Something big. 
“There is a Digimon in there,” Dinkdramon whispered as he now stood at Henri’s side, on his tippy toes so he can also look through the window. 
“Another Digimon?” Henri said. 
“Yeah,” Dinkdramon said, “We have to stop it.” 

Before Dinkdramon could respond, Henri saw a car go into the fog bank. There was a brief pause when suddenly the car erupted out of the fog bank, flying through the air before crashing down onto the strees. Other cars started to swerve out of the way as people stopped. The figure of whatever was in the fog bank seemed to be suck there, but the fog bank was getting larger. 
“We need to get in there!” Dinkdramon said and started headed towards the door. 
Henri quickly turned and grabbed the Digimon by his tail, “Dinkdramon wait! Why do we have to fight it!” 
“Henri! We need to. Not all Digimon are friendly like me. There are forces at work and we need to deal with them.” 
“But how? Are you strong enough to battle. Is this what Digimon do?” 
Dinkdramon stopped and looked at Henri, “Yes. Henri, we fight. We have fun, but we can defend ourselves.” 
“But can’t we talk to it?” 
A roar like the cruel child of laughter and thunder boomed from the road and Henri shook in his stead. What was going on? What had he become a part of? What had he-- 
“Henri! Stop overthinking!” 
Henri stopped and looked at Dinkdramon. He said it. The little dragon said it like she did. 
“Glad that got your attention,” Dinkdramon said, “now come on! Lets not have anymore people deal with this mess!” 

Henri nodded and followed Dinkdramon who proceed to go to the front door. Henri realized that they would most likely be seen by his neighbors and stopped. “Dinkdramon, not that way. Follow me!” 
“Okay boss!” Dinkdramon grinned and the two went to the backyard. 
“Dude! You have a pool!” Dinkdramon said with excitement. 
“Dinkdramon! Not now,” Henri said as he saw that the fog bank was now creeping into his own backyard. They would just have to jump the fence and be in the domain of whatever was in the fog bank. 

“You ready Henri?” Dinkdramon asked with a silly grin. 
Henri nodded, “Ready as I’ll ever be I guess.” 
Dinkdramon laughed, “Good!” 
Dinkdramon then jumped with ease over the fence as Henri managed to climb over it into the fog-thick street. The moment he entered the fog, he realized that this “fog” was much more than he thought it was. It was charged with electricity. It wasn’t a strong charge, but it was really not a like normal and clammy fog. It was quite warm. Henri and Dinkdramon looked around as they walked through the foggy road. Dinkdramon sniffed the air and shook his head in disgust, “Oh he is here alright. And boy does he smell.” 

Henri gave a chuckle and Dinkdramon joined in as they kept walking through the fog. “He couldn’t have gotten far,” Henri said, “Something that big?” 
“Sometimes where I come from, bigger is usually faster.” 
‘Well thats good to know,” Henri replied, not enjoying the idea what this creature could be like. “Dinkdramon?” 
“What are we going to do when we find him.” 
“Fight him.” 
“Can you fight?”
“Of course I can fight!” 
“I mean, you aren’t going to be doing bubbles?” 
“Oh! My attacks got stronger cause I went up a stage!” Dinkdramon laughed, “Watch!” 
Dinkdramon’s spines started to charge with blue light as a spark of electricity danced around his horn on his head. He opened his mouth and yelled out the name of his attack, “SPARK BLAST!” 
A shot of blue electricity snaked its way into the fogged air unencumbered, until of course the shot of electricity hit the back of a giant Digimon. 
“Oh shit.” Henri said as the giant beast Digimon turned around with a face of annoyance. 
“Ditto,” Dinkdramon commented. 
“What shall we do?” 
“Run?” the little dragon said.  
“A good idea.” 

The beast Digimon roared and raised his fists, slamming them down at Henri and Dinkdramon who dodged the earth shattering blows. As Henri rolled on the ground, Dinkdramon was already back on his feet and charged the beast Digimon, raising his arms up where his claws and the spines on his elbows started to glow blue. 

“Spark Claws!” 

He quickly slashed at the beast Digimon’s arms who quickly raised his arms again in pain from the attack and began to try and smash Dinkdramon. Luckily, Dinkdramon was agile enough to avoid the moves. Henri was in battle, at first unbelieving of the combat that was going on. What really was he getting himself into? 

A sudden vibration in his pocket and he pulled out the new and strange cell phone-like device. A new app appeared simply called “Data.” It requested it to point at Unknown Digimon. Henri quickly aimed it at the beast and pressed the button on the screen similar to how he took pictures on his phone. Two files appeared on the screen and showed Dinkdramon and then the beast Digimon. Dinkdramon he knew and pressed the icon for the beast digimon. The screen read all the data on the beast-like digimon. Henri learned that it was called a Wendingomon, a Champion level Beast Man Digimon. It was of the Virus Attribute and is known to be a usual peaceful Digimon unless it has a tainted heart. Its attacks are Koko Crusher and Club Arm. Henri looked at the data and realized that this Digimon must be a corrupted Digimon! He quickly looked at Dinkdramon’s data: Dinkdramon, a Rookie Level Little Dragon Digimon. Data Attribute and known to be a rare type of Digimon. Its special attacks are Spark Blast and Spark Claw. 

Henri compared it and though Dinkdramon appeared to be strong for a Digimon of his “level”, he didn’t seem to be a match for Wendingomon. Henri looked on as his new and strange friend battled the odds. Henri didn’t know why Dinkdramon was battling this Wendingomon, or why Wendingomon was on a rampage here of all places. Henri couldn’t figure out what was going on. He felt that it was starting to become too much. He could feel his “overthinking” starting to get a hold of him when... 

“Henri!” Dinkdramon yelled as Wendingomon successfully bashed Dinkdramon away with his Club Arm attack! The little dragon rocketed into a telephone pole, smashing a side of the sturdy structure. “Dinkdramon!” Henri yelled and rushed to Dinkdramon’s side as Wendingomon laughed and started to slowly advance, enjoying the suffering in front of him. 
“Dinkdramon!” Henri said as he went to Dinkdramon’s side, “Hey buddy you okay?”
Dinkdramon grinned, “Peachy.” 
Henri laughed and held Dinkdramon’s clawed hand. He didn’t understand this sudden bond with the virtually unknown Digimon. But in just the few hours of knowing him, Henri didn’t want to lose him already. 
“He’s a tough guy,” Dinkdramon said, “but we have to beat him. He will hurt more innocent people.” 
Henri looked at the imposing Digimon, who slowly and sadistically was getting closer and closer, pounding the ground with each step. 
“Henri?” Dinkdramon asked, “do you trust me?” 
Henri looked at the Digimon and smiled, “Of course buddy. I trust you.” 
Dinkdramon smiled and then struggled to get up, “Good. Then I will protect you with everything I got.” 
Wendingomon stopped and raised his chest which revealed a set of cannons under his fur. 
“KOKO CRUSHER!” The beast man shouted as a barrage of energy bolts where launched at Henri and Dinkdramon. 

“Henri!” Dinkdramon yelled and jumped in front of Henri. Henri yelled for Dinkdramon his phone vibrated again as the same and mysterious emerald light erupted from Henri’s pocket. Henri pulled it out and thought maybe to do the same as before and point it at Dinkdramon. The light intensified and Dinkdramon was suddenly engulf in emerald fire. 


Wendingomon smiled at the explosion that erupted around the human and rookie digimon. His superiors would treat him as a hero that he defeated them with ease, and with damage to the Real World too. The invasion wouldn’t be to much longer. 
Thats when Wendingomon suddenly felt a giant impact and was starting to be carried up into the sky. He was pinned and he looked with rage at his assailant. It was Dinkdramon’s champion form, Tyrannodramon. The Ancient Dragon Digimon was a larger version of Dinkdramon, except now the spines were wings and the horn on his head became a mask-like bony feature on his face. Tyrannodramon was now as big as Wendingomon and holding on to dear life, was Henri riding on Tyrannodramon’s neck. 

Tyrannodramon roared as he continued to hold Wendingomon and carried the beast Digimon into the sky. They erupted out of the fog bank and into the setting sun of the St. Petersburg skyline. As Wendingomon struggled, Tyrannodramon grinned. 
“Hey Henri!” he bellowed, “You ready to put an end to this!” 
Henri smiled, “Lets do it Tyrannodramon!” 
Tryannodramon roared and let go of Wendingomon. The two giants where now amongst the clouds and Wendingomon screamed with horror as he started to plummet. Tyrannodramon dived after Wendingomon. Henri was holding onto dear life but was enjoying every minute of this. He felt good. It was like being in some great adventure he would see on his Japanese anime’s or epic scifis. Tyrannodramon opened his mouth and Henri could see a powerful energy starting to build up. 

An amazing blast of green and blue lighting shot out of Tyrannodramon with tremendous force and rocketed its way towards Wendingomon. The beast Digimon yelled with rage as Tyrannodramon’s attacked blasted it into an explosion of data. As Henri and Tyrannodramon past through where Wendingomon was, Henri noticed Tyrannodramon catching something in mid-air and they quickly landed back onto the ground with the fog bank. Henri jumped off Tyrannodramon and noticed he was holding an egg in his claws. He passed it to Henri before in a flash of light reverting back to Dinkdramon. 
“Well,” Dinkdramon said looking at himself, “That was fun.” 
“Yeah,” Henri said as he looked at the brown egg the size of a soccer ball with a white top, “What is this?” 
“Its a Digi-Egg. When a Digimon is defeated, it turns into a Digi-Egg so it can restart its life.” 
“Oh,” Henri said, “You guys get second chances?” 
Henri looked at the egg and suddenly the cell phone activated again, absorbing the Digi-Egg into the phone itself. Henri saw that the egg was now in “storage” on the phone and a white light appeared. Henri noticed the phone was downloading data out, and saw that all the damages that Wendingomon had brought was starting to be repaired. How and why, was beyond him. 
“Well that is a nifty trick,” Dinkdramon chimed. 
“Yeah it is,” Henri said wondering how the process worked as the telephone poll, the road, and some of the cars that where in the fog were repaired. Henri could hear the sirens of cop cars and knew he and Dinkdramon had to get back home. 
“Dinkdramon! Come on, lets go home!” Henri said as he began to dash back towards the house. 
Dinkdramon nodded, “Right! And Henri?” 
“Yeah Dinkdramon?”as Henri jumped to climb over and Dinkdramon did the same but landed gracefully in the backyard. 
“Can I have a burrito?” 
Henri laughed, “Sure you can buddy!” 
And the two laughed as they bask in their new found victory and friendship. 


ShadowSeraphimon was beside himself with the news. Vademon had reported that Wendingomon was defeated by an enemy Digimon and a human. Partner Digimon. It was a threat that had been on his and his Lord’s mind for a while. So that was the Knight’s final plan. 
ShadowSeraphimon entered his Lord’s Throne Room with caution as his Lord and Master was still where he was just hours before, looking at the wastelands that was now the Dark Area of the Digital World. 
“My Lord,” ShadowSeraphimon said trying to find the strength to give the news, “We have run into a problem.” 
“I know.” 
“You do?” 
“Yes, the Knights where smart but it won’t be enough.” 
“Shall I myself destroy them.” 
The Lord Digimon smiled, “No. Send in fodder to analyze them, they can become useful to me.” 
ShadowSeraphimon was surprised, “Pardon.” 
“The Chosen Children are the key either our Total Victory or Total Defeat,” the Lord Digimon said as he turned to face his Demon Lord General, “But I know something that will tip the scales into our favor.” 
And then the Lord of the Nightmare Soldiers started to laugh. 


Henri and Dinkdramon discover that two of Henri’s friends have also received Digimon! While they try and figure out why they have their Digimon, their college is plagued by another mysterious fog bank! Can the three handle whatever is sent there way!? 
“Battle at the Waterfront! Digimon, Digimon, Everywhere!” 

Character Introductions: 
Human Characters: 

Name: Henri Winston
Gender: Male 
Age: 21 
From: Charleston, SC 
Occupation: Student
D-Cell: Emerald Green 
Partner Digimon: Dinkdramon 


 Name: DemiDinkdramon
Level: Baby II
Type: Lesser Digimon
Attribute: Data
Spark Bubble

Name: Dinkdramon
Level: Rookie
Type: Little Dragon Digimon
Attribute: Data
Spark Blast
Spark Claw

Name: Tyrannodramon
Level: Champion
Type: Ancient Dragon Digimon
Attribute: Data
Paleo Thunder
Electro Striker

Name: Wendingomon
Level: Champion
Type: Beast Man
Attribute: Virus
Koko Crusher
Arm Hammer

Name: Troopmon
Level: Champion
Type: Undead
Attribute: Virus
Death March
Splendid Attack

Name: Vademon
Level: Perfect
Type: Alien
Attribute: Virus
U.F.K (Unidentified Flying Kiss)
Alien Ray

Name: ShadowSeraphimon
Level: Mega
Type: Fallen Angel Digimon
Attribute: Virus
Strike of the Seven Dark Stars
Shadow Starburst
Shadow Shockwave

Digimon is owned by Bandai/Toei
Images where found on the Digimon Wiki
DemiDinkdramon, Dinkdramon, and Tyrannodramon are my own Original Characters.
This is a fan-series of my own idea and I do not claim it as official Digimon Cannon

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