Sunday, March 17, 2013

I don't like

that there is a suitor. Even with her just makes me nervous and uncomfortable that Kay would move on that quickly from me with her stress and still coping with her previous relationship. Granted she was getting better but I think she would give a little more time than a week later. I mean...she said she loved me and told me in detail that means a lot to her when she says that.

And besides...the guy isn't good. As a friend to her still....he's a good guy but not a "good guy".

I don't know. I just.........I can't handle the thought that someone could be with her again. It makes me feel cheap and that the time and words and things I did just meant nothing. And they weren't nothing.

I don't know.....Kay is a bitch. She can be mean and cruel and all sorts. But she isn't a hypocrite. She said she wanted to be alone, but she wouldn't tell me to leave her alone cause she wants to be alone and then go into a new thing with someone.

Thats......not right.

And that isn't being honest with me or herself.

And it would hurt. If she wants to be my friend...she wouldn't hurt someone like that.

She just wouldn't.....would she?

~Silly Wanderer~ 

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