Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spring Break

I am finally at the point....thank (insert higher power here).

I still have some work to do but hey, all is good. And I have my therapy tomorrow so thats good.

Its weird.........I think I'm going to post and blog whenever I think about texting or writing to her. In a way I still am but I guess it can only be processed by people.

Anyways.....I highly recommend picking up a copy of BBC's AFRICA. Its brilliant. A very stunning view of the wild world of Africa.

It makes me miss that place so much. Its really cool and set up brilliantly.

Starting Saturday morning I have my house to myself. I hope something good comes of that.

Also a weird to say is I understand not having me follow you on Tumblr, but I wish you would still follow me. It would be nice to see you reblog something from me now and again :P

Cause I'M HILARIOUS a pizza on the way and I'm going to eat that and probably pass out and when I wake up. Going to work out and burn off calories. I feel really drowzy.

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

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