Friday, March 22, 2013

Digimon RE: NEXUS Episode 1.3

Digimon RE: Nexus 
Episode 1.3 
“The Mysterious Dark Swordsman, Duskmon! The Axes of Gaulmon!”  

Henri, Rupert, and Marcus watched in horror as the black armored Digimon known as Duskmon continued his approach to them. “What do you want!” Henri said, “What is that is making you come after us?” 
“I’ve been sent to delete you. You are a thorn in the plans for the Nightmare Soldiers,” Duskmon replied, drawing a second blade out of his other hand, “I will make sure that you never get a chance to properly interfere with us.” 
“Us?” Rupert replied, “Whats a Nightmare Soldier?” 
Duskmon stopped and cocked his head, “You do not know your own enemy?” 
“We just got our Digimon,” Marcus said, “We were fighting more for self defense.” 
“Fighting?” Duskmon repsonded, “What you have done isn’t fighting. If it was, your Digimon would not have been brought down so easily.” 
“Who the fuck is this guy,” Rupert muttered. 
Henri pulled out his D-Cell and activated his Digi-Dex, “It says his name is is Duskmon. He’s a Champion Level Demon Man Digimon. Its says he is a dark legend in the Digital World and his special attacks are Deadly Gaze and Lunar Plasma.” 
Duskmon looked at them curiously, “What is that device?” 
“A cell phone,” Henri replied. It dawned onto Henri that maybe these “Nightmare Soldiers” didn’t fully understand him and the others involvement with their Digimon, “And none of your business!” 
“Alright then,” Duskmon said fiercely raising one of his blood red blades to Henri and his friends, “Don’t want to talk, then you don’t need to live.” 
The blood red blades of Duskmon started to glow brighter as energy started to corse around the Demon man Digimon. 
“Henri!” Rupert yelled holding Woofmon, “We have to get out of here!” 
“That seems to be the right idea,” Marcus said, trying to lift the worn out Phoqumon, “We need to go now!” 
“But,” Henri said as he held Dinkdramon in his arms, “Run where!” 
Before anyone could say or do anything, Duskmon raised his blades high and then slashed the air in front of him as a wave of energy erupted from their passing. 

Henri, Rupert, Marcus and their Digimon watched helplessly as the energy blade of Duskmon rippled towards them. Henri closes his eyes, ready for the attack to kill him and his friends. He never had to deal with death in a way like this. Maybe its all a dream and he’s still asleep in his bed.  


Suddenly a silver twister of energy erupted in front of the group and their Digimon as Duskmon’s attack bounced off the twister and two shards of energy struck opposite sides of them. 
Dinkdramon opened his eyes weakly and looked at the twister in front of him, “Its a friend....” 
Henri looked at his partner’s weakened state and was curious at what he meant. The tornado of energy quickly started to slow and in its core was a Digimon! As tall as Duskmon, the Digimon was human-like and wore a metal helmet that covered his eyes.  A large beard hung from its chin as a smile shown on its tattooed face. It’s tattooed body was ripped with muscles and wore what looked like a bear’s skull on one of his shoulders. Two axes where tired by red leather braces and he wore a kilt that had a skull on the belt that held it. The Digimon reminded Henri of a Scottish warrior, like something out of Braveheart. 
The Digimon stood up straight and looked at Henri. With a smile he spoke with a Scottish accent, “You okay mate?” 
“Who are you?” Henri asked when suddenly he felt lifted. He looked to see that his friend Ken McKenzie, wearing a Falcon’s hat and wearing a black tank top and jeans smiled daftly. 
“Seems like you need some help buddy,” Ken gave a laugh. 
“Ken?” Henri said as he helped Dinkdramon up onto his own to feet, “You have a Digimon.” 
“The name is Gaulmon, mate!” the Scottish warrior Digimon said, “And your lucky we where just passing through.” 
Duskmon looked on and was not happy with what he saw. There were now four humans partnered with Digimon. It seemed every time the Nightmare Soldiers who entered the Real World would face more and more of this human scum. No matter, this new warrior would be easy to defeat just like the three of champions before. 
“You dare challenge me?” Duskmon said. 
“Challenge,” Gaulmon smirked, “More like a dance, ya ugly wanker.” 
“Such insolence!” Duskmon said, “Prepare to be destroyed.” 
“Ken,” Gaulmon said, “I have this guy. You get your friends out of the Digital Field.” 
“Alright Gaulmon,” Ken said and looked at Henri, “Help with the others.” 
Henri nodded, “Dinkdramon? Can you move?” 
Dinkdramon coughed and gave a weak smile, “As long as their is something to eat, I will walk where you point me to.” 
“Okay,” Henri smiled, “Help the other Digimon.” 
Dinkdramon smiled, “Okay Henri.” 
As Henri and Dinkdramon with Ken helped Rupert, Marcus, Woofmon, and Phoqumon get out of the Digital Field, Gaulmon began to fight with Duskmon. 

Duskmon charged Gualmon who quickly got out of the way of the Demon man Digimon and smiled, “Missed me!” 
Gualmon retaliated with slashing his axes at Duskmon, who blocked them with his blades. Locked in battle, Duskmon was losing patience. 
“You fight well,” Duskmon grunted, “But not well enough!” 
Suddenly the eyes on Duskmon’s body started to glow and Gaulmon pushed Duskmon away as the Virus type released his attack. 

Beams of energy erupted out of Duskmons’ body at close range as Gaulmon responded quickly to the attack. 


Spinning quickly and creating the silver energy flux of his Berserker Frenzy attack, Gaulmon blocked the Duskmon’s close attack. Both of them where knocked backwards from each other and the two Digimon seemed evenly matched. Duskmon was surprised, this Digimon was powerful. Regardless he would defeat this “Gaulmon,” who ever he was. Duskmon took his blades, “I will destroy you!” 
Duskmon raised his blades again and aimed straight for Gaulmon. Gaulmon smiled, “You are going to need more than that to stand a chance against me!” 


Gaulmon’s axes burst into blue flames and slams his axes to Duskmon’s blades. The two digimon squared off and Duskmon goes wide eyed. 

“What!?” he yelled, “No!”
Duskmon’s blades cracked as Gaulmon quickly moved again and slammed his axes back onto Duskmon. The demon man Digimon was sent flying into the burning remains of the Waterfront. Gaulmon’s fiery axes resided and the Digimon showed a cocky smirk, “How did you like that highland fling?” 

Duskmon weakly got up from the wreckage and withdrew his swords, “I’ll be back to finish this. Decode!” 
Suddenly a swirling portal of Digital data appeared behind Duskmon who quickly went into the wormhole and was sent back into the Digital World. Gaulmon smiled and looked to where his partner and friends went.
“Till next time mate,” Gaulmon muttered before heading out of the Digital Field. 


Henri and Ken dragged Marcus and Rupert with their partners under a tree. Ken was watching the Digital Fog Bank for his partner Digimon. Henri looked at Ken and was curious. Why was it that his friends where the ones getting partners? Was it due to the fact that he got his Digimon first? What was the meaning for it? Was this, in some way, his fault. Henri suddenly felt Dinkdramon’s clawed hand on his shoulder, “Don’t over think buddy.” 
“Dinkdramon,” Henri said, “How you doing?” 
“Tired. That Duskmon sure took us out for a surprise.” 
“Yeah,” Henri replied and patted Dinkdramon on the head, “How you hold up you guys?” 
Marcus gave a thumbs up as he held Phoqumon, “We probably need to go back to Travis’ room and hide out. Campus security is going to be all up in this soon.”
Rupert nodded, “Going to my room probably isn’t the idea. We should go to Henri’s though. With it being so close, I’m sure the RAs are going to have to be a part of this.” 
Henri nodded, “Sounds good. Party at the house.” 
Ken agreed and the Digital Field soon faded showing the wreckage of the water front and also a quite curious sight. A small human like Digimon that seemed more beard that body. It also wore a kilt and on its back a wooden toy sword was worn, “Oi Ken!,” it said, “I think we should get out of here quite soon.” 
“Already on it buddy,” Ken replied. 
Henri, Rupert, and Marcus’ D-Cells started to virbrate soon and the same thing as yesterday happend for Henri and his battle with Wendingomon. The data soon returned and the battleground suddenly began to become rebuilt. It still didn’t make any sense on why the data was repairing the Real World after their battles, but for Henri it made things easier to hide the Digimon. Maybe that was the reason why it happened. 
“Alright guys,” Henri said, “My car is this way.” 
Marcus and Rupert looked on, “What just happened?”
Henri shrugged, “Who knows. I’m not going to complain about it.” 
Woofmon got up and wagged his tail, “Should I go with them Rupert?” 
Rupert nodded, “Okay then.” 
Henri nodded, “Come on Woofmon, this way!” 
Ken shook his head, “Celtmon lets go. Its going to be a cramped car ride.” 
Celtmon laughed, “Righto Ken!” 
As Rupert stayed behind, the others avoided detection and headed back to Henri’s house to regroup and recover from the battle of the day. 


Duskmon lay in the Data Recovery chamber, furious with himself. As his data started to repair itself, he remember his arrival back to the Dark Area. 

“Duskmon!” ShadowSeraphimon yelled when Duskmon returned from the portal. Despite the fallen angel Digimon didn’t have a face, Duskmon knew he was in trouble from the tone of voice from one of the Three Fallen Generals. 
“My Lord,” Duskmon said weakly, doing his best to bow out of respect and order of rank in the castle, “I’m sorry. I miscalculated.” 
“You indeed miscalculated! You were suppose to wait till my plan came to the right moment. I don’t need thee going it battle without the proper orders.” 
“I had them sir,” Duskmon coughed, “But another partnered Digimon appeared.” 
“Another one!” ShadowSeraphimon said, “Who sent you into the Real World.” 
Duskmon didn’t say anything, but ShadowSeraphimon looked at Vademon and grabbed the little alien Digimon. 
“Master! Duskmon reassured that it would work! That he had this handled!” 
ShadowSerpaphimon tightened his grip while the little alien tried to breath in the crimson claws of the Fallen Angel.
“Please,” Vademon squeaked, “Give me another chance!”
“I will give you another chance,” ShadowSeraphimon said, “When you are reborn!” 
Red electricity started to spark around ShadowSeraphimon’s arm and headed to his clutched hand and Vademon’s throat. 
Vademon’s screamed echoed through the control room as his data erupted and all that was left was a pale pink egg in ShadowSerpahimon’s hand. He dropped the egg and it fell and rolled around to the foot a Troopmon, “Take that egg and put somewhere. When that Digimon is reborn he will understand not to go without my orders.” 
A Troopmon nodded and quickly grabbed the egg and left the room. Most of the Digimon in the room where terrified. ShadowSeraphimon was second in command and to see him destroy and Perfect Level Digimon so easily was something that they only heard rumors about. Duskmon looked on and felt pity but was more scared of what ShadowSeraphimon had in store for him. With his pack still turned to Duskmon, ShadowSeraphimon straightened himself and took a long breath. 
“Your information about a fourth Partnered Digimon is useful,” ShadowSeraphimon said, “At least something got out of this debacle. Someone summon Datamon to take over Vademon’s post.” 
Another Troopmon saluted to ShadowSeraphimon and left the room following suit as the one that carried the egg returned and walked back to his post. 
“Go to the Data Recovery, Duskmon,” ShadowSeraphimon, “And may Vademon’s destruction serve a lesson to you that you should never go against my word.” 
“Yes my lord,” Duskmon said. 
The Fallen angel left the control room and Duskmon made his way to the Data Recovery room. As he sat and felt his data he rekindled, he remember his battle with those humans and their pet Digimon. He brought down the other three when they weren’t looking, but that Gaulmon gave him such a fight. What if they where stronger than if he united? Then Duskmon began to laugh in his recovery. Duskmon knew that if more humans came and their Digimon united, they would still not be enough for him. Duskmon had a secret and if a day came he ever, he would take flight and show those in the Real World his true form.....

“Alright guys!” Henri said as he walked into his room holding the two boxes of pizza that had just been delivered, “The pizza is here.” 
Woofmon took a sniff and wagged his tail excitedly, “That smells delicious!” 
“I hope its delicious!” Dinkdramon laughed. 
Henri smiled and dropped the pizza boxes in front of the partner Digimon who then proceeded to go into a frenzy to eat it. Henri walked over to his bed and desk area where Marcus and Ken sat, also smiling at the view of the quirky little creatures in front of them. 
“If you asked me if this was how I planned my day,” Ken said, “I would say that maybe I should be smoking a little bit of whatever you are smoking.” 
“When did you get a Digimon?” Marcus asked. 
“This morning. He just kind of,” Ken said, “came out of my computer. He was smaller and then he became Celtmon. When he said there were enemy Digimon on campus, he turned into that Gaulmon guy and saved your asses.” 
“Came out of your computer” Henri asked. 
“Yeah? Didn’t yours?” 
Henri and Marcus shook their heads and shrugged. “I have no idea,” Henri said, “I was on campus yesterday when I got Dinkdramon and he just was in my room.” 
“I know for Rupert and I,” Marcus said, “Woofmon and Phoqumon where in our rooms when we woke up.” 
“Well it seems like the Digimon didn’t start to appear till after Henri got his,” Ken said, “Care to explain Henri?” 
Henri looked at Ken with a face of surprise, “You think its my fault that the Digimon are here?” 
“Well, not that its a bad thing so far,” Ken replied, “but I mean, these monsters a very you thing Henri.” 
“Yeah,” Marcus said, “This is like a dream for you though Henri.” 
“I mean,” Henri said as he looked at his room full of posters and figures of monsters and creatures. Dinosaur fossils and dragons littering his desk and shelf space, “this is defiantly cool, but what now? There has to be a reason why we have Digimon.”
“Maybe its connected to the computers,” Marcus noted. 
“How’s that?” Ken asked. 
“Well I mean,” Mark said, “Our cell phones have been upgraded and we have computers in our rooms. If they come from the computer, then it could explains why they call themselves Digimon or “Digital Monsters” and that our Digimon use terms like ‘delete’ and ‘data.’ Just a thought.” 
“Its a good one,” Ken said, “Maybe there are more Digimon coming?” 
“Yeah,” Henri said, “After that Duskmon said Nightmare Soldiers, sounds like an army.” 
“Invasion by monsters?” Marcus laughed, “Really?” 
Ken and Henri looked at each other and then at their Digimon. Their Digimon maybe childish now, but whenever they had evolved the proved to be powerful fighters. Henri and Ken both felt the fact that they have been evolving to protect them seemed like the work of warriors in training for a bigger task. 
“Yeah Marcus,” Ken said, “I think we’ve been drafted.” 

The seriousness of the talk was interrupted when the little Digimon started having a burping contest and laughing. The three humans look and saw Woofmon and Celtmon where trying to see who had the loudest burp. Dinkdramon was giggling at it while trying to take another slice of pizza and Phoqumon just humming to tunes that only he could hear from his earphones. It was an odd thing to see that none of the boys would have thought to be real. A dragon, a seal, a jean wearing dog, and a small strange beard warrior. It was such a weird scene and Henri felt it was something natural. He wasn’t sure about his friends, but he was surprised that they were handling it as well as they were. 
There was a knock at door and “Don’t worry, its just me,” said Rupert as he walked in. Woofmon stopped his belching and ran to Rupert’s leg, “Dude man! Missed ya!” 
“Missed me? I was just gone for about an hour.” 
“Dude,” Woofmon muttered, “Dog years and stuff.” 
“Your not a dog, you are a Digimon.”
“Its one of those little details,” Woofmon winked before he went back to rejoin the other Digimon. Rupert laughed as he joined his friends on the other side of the room.
“So campus is just causing it a freak accident due to the weather,” Rupert said. 
“And the students who saw the Digimon,” Marcus asked. 
Rupert gave a smirk, “Its Eckerd. You think campus security is going to believe if a bunch of monsters appeared in a fog bank?” 
The group gave a laugh and they went back to watching there Digimon.
“So what now then,” Marcus said, “we defend campus from things from another world?” 
“I guess so,” Ken said, “Going to need a lot of beer to handle dealing with that then.” 
“We are going to need a lot of things to do,” Henri said, “and I guess we can’t really talk about it either.” 
“So thats it. Keep it a secret. Fight monsters. Raise a monster,” Rupert said, “And all for the sake of humanity.” 
Marcus, “While managing school and relationships.” 
The four of them looked and thought about as their Digimon laughed and played. 
“Yep,” Henri said, “We are going to need a beer.”


Rupert has a date with his girlfriend Sheila downtown in Saint Petersburg and plans to introduce her to Woofmon, only to find out she also has a Digimon! As their date starts off with introductions and confusion on their Digimon the show they go to see is interrupted by a particularly theatrical Digimon known as Kabukimon! Can Sheila and her new partner Ballemon aid Rupert and Woofmon in this battle for the stage?! 

Character Introduction: 
Name: Ken Davis 
Gender: Male 
Age: 21 
From: Atlanta, Georgia 
Occupation: Lifeguard/Student 
D-Cell: Grey 
Partner: Celtmon 

 Name: Celtmon
Level: Rookie
Type: Warrior Type
Attribute: Vaccine
Blunt Sword
Muscle Press
Name: Gaulmon 
Level: Champion 
Type: Warrior Type 
Attribute: Vaccine 
Berserker Frenzy 
Will-O-Wisp Axes 

Digimon is owned by Bandai/Toei
Images where found on the Digimon Wiki and Google Images
All non-canon Digimon (Dinkdramon, Woofmon, Phoqumon, Celtmon, Gaulmon) are my own Original Characters.
This is a fan-series of my own idea and I do not claim it as official Digimon Cannon

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