Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Okay this is a feelings blog cause I just met with Kay again and it was nice. Near the end of it though, I don't know.

I just don't understand still but I do at the same time. I want to be with her so bad and with her waiting space its like she just dropped what we had and its just pushed to the back like an unfinished book.

((If you are reading this....yes you.....I'm venting to help me...not to shout out to you))

Anyways....I can be her friend, but its putting me back to where I was before I kissed her that night of tequila and fretting feelings.

The awkward, "I'm your friend but I have feeling growing and I'm going to burst at the seams if I don't get a kiss"

I have respected her wishes but I wonder if it feels as already as long as it does for me? Maybe I'm just being silly but I just want these feelings out.

She's starting to say things I've already heard and I hate that.

"You can kill me off in your story."<----I don't know how many times i've head this one before.

"Yeah...right?" at making light on the situation. Its like....what is so bad that I still like you. I've respected you and shouldn't you think that if I can do this now that there is still hope of being something more?

Its weird, but I just want what we had before. Not really boyfriend girlfriend, but a titleless relationship.

I should've taken that then thinking I needed titles to feel comfortable.

Maybe that will be good thing for spring break. Maybe one night I'll get a text and be like, "come over."

And then a cuddle. A nice long cuddle.

But......I'm happy that she's getting her me time. She certainly seems happy. But she does want me around now again so maybe thats something? A sign that she's like me.

As I look at this.....I think of what our mutual friend, who will be known as Krieger, would say.

Also..........I need a haircut. 

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

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