Wednesday, March 13, 2013

For Sanity's Sake

Well....hello again. 

Its me. 

The Silly Wanderer. 

I'm back. Or at least, trying to be back :P 

Well me, I'm in my last week before spring break and the the onslaught that will be graduation. 

Life has been interesting. I will change the name Sherbs to "Kay" but Kay and I are on a break as of Monday. It started off rocky but she and I have a lot on our plate and a relationship is only as good as one one can handle their problems. I've got a slew of physical and mental issues at the moment and the stress was suffocating her. She called it off and it is still unclear that we will ever go back together. 

I hope so. I really hope so. 

But let's see...what else is new? I bought the Digital Exclusive of the Hobbit yesterday since I found out that the Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey's extended edition won't be released till later this year. That way I have a copy of the Hobbit that doesn't lag! :D Hoora! 

I don't know what I'm going to do for Spring Break. I want to stay here in St.Pete and just relax and sleep and look for work, but I got invited to go stay at my buddy's house of the break as well and we might go to my home in Charleston for a day or something as well. 

I don't really know what to say about the whole ordeal. I have a medical issue that has come up suddenly and I am getting it checked out this Friday. I'm kind of nervous about it. Hopefully it will be all okay. 

You know, even though I respect Kay's descion, I really wish we where back together. Even though its been a few days, I do miss talking to her with a certain passion. It was weird last night not saying good night. I sent her a message about it and I wonder if she felt the the same. She has been very independent of late and all its doing is making me like her even more. 

She has a way of making me laugh that I really like. 

Anyways, lets see what else is up? I don't know...I feel like I"m getting a little better. It still bugs me that my tipping point was the feather that broke everything but i gotta man up and accept this. 

I'll be writing here to help keep me okay and dump thoughts before I go back to therapy hopefully sooner than later. 

I hope I'm giving her the space she needs. 

Okay...enough about Kay. 

What about me? 

Anything else? 

I have a new story idea! Its going to be great. So far its an untitled Monsters vs Robots series set in an giant monster conquered world. Should be fun. I'll probably write its first "episode" when I submit my second entry for class. 

Well I gotta go do some more productive things to prove to myself that I have worth and merit and I am in control. 


~The Silly Wanderer~ 

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