Thursday, March 14, 2013

So Today

Starts the day I stand on my own too feet.

Cause well I need to.

And I've met someone who......well.....makes me want to. And the weird thing is that we never really truly dated and only saw each other.

Yet....I want to be more.

I guess I grew up but I still need to grow up. I need to realize that I have traits that aren't too terrible. I just wish I didn't have the feeling to keep things bottled up so I don't explode and affect those who mean something to me.

You know....I don't think I would be mad if she left for someone else despite her saying she wants to be alone. I get why she wants to be alone.

I just wish that our last kiss wasn't in the cafe and me calling her a "crazy bitch but I love ya."

I have much better material than that.

This just isn't my week. After Saturday night things have been rougher than usual and its hard to talk about when everyone else on this campus is going through shit worse or equal to my own.

So far I've explained to my teachers my recent behavior and they are understanding and giving me the time I need to complete a few assignments.

I need to get my graduation information sorted so that stress can leave me alone. Hopefully I will find my way properly.

This spring week is all about me. I'm going to hole up in my room and I'm just going to write, find work, work out, and most of all. Sleep.

Sleep like a little baby. class so i'm just going to keep my head focused.

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

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