Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Counting Hours

So today needs to just let me go home. Cause I tired and worn out from all of this.

I found out the specialist I really need to see can't see me till the 4th....of April.


Just great.

So this stress of wondering what will happen next isn't going to go away. So I need to face myself and prepare for all fronts.

It sucks cause more and more people think my stress is with freaking girl relationship. Which it is not. My future and now my health seems to be more of an issue.

And it sucks cause I want friends around to keep company, but I also get what she is saying that I need to stand on my own.

Cause I guess at the end of the day, I'm the only one I go to bed with which means I have to be the one that gets me out of bed.

I just hope that things get better after tomorrow. I miss Kay. I miss not having to worry about things.

But then again......that is life.

As Monty Python once said,

"Life is a piece of shit, when you look at it. Life's the laugh and death's the joke; you know its true. But keep of laughing cause you know the last laugh will be on you. Always look on the bright side of life."

^ a bit paraphrasing there

~Silly Wanderer~ 

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