Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rants on the lake

Sucking it up and taking this blow. He looks like pete puma and it drives me mad that he seems to be the one thing in the way to our happiness because you simply feel sorry for him.

Rant because its driving me crazy and I am tired to call on people to vent.

I need to start seeing a therapist again so I can dump out the overloading thoughts.

Just sucks that I am back in the world of the living and I am still so far from here. Also I think I am angry because the girl who...was alright but ended up being well.....not nice to put it plainly...showed me that some of my best friends aren't as good as i thought because she talked shit and they believed it. I feel I lost a good friend because of her.

At least I am alive and all and all...happy.

Again...I can't stress how great it feels to be back again.

-the silly wanderer-


Its so strange tonhave been so close to the end and then returning in the glory that I am and feeling happy again!

I haven't had any thoughts. I still have panic attacks, but they aren't as bad and I can control them a little easier.

I am getting back on track with my life and I know who my friends are.

The one backstep?

She is still so far away.

When you get to where I went and then come back from see what is truly important and what is real in this world and what is bullshit. I found out recently that a lot of my friends and people i knew are good people...but bullshitters who have taught me thst trusting people in the way I do and expecting that people will do what I do normally,  being considerate. Humans are selfish and fear anything that can break an illusion.

And I recently...I realized that I am still in love with her that it was enough to bring me out of the shadows and make the call that saved my life.

Granted...its heavy shit...but its what I went through.

Honestly I just want to write about her. Her life. That smile. Those eyes. The personality that is the yin to my yang.

Half my heart still resides with her. It always will. I think that its the same with me. I am curious what will happen when we meet again since the isolation that nature caused and forced us to see what we were to one another. We both made mistakes. We both did the wrong thing and we now live in the consequences.

But that should  not!be a chains that hold us back. I think we needed this time. To think.  To miss. To find ourselves.

I found myself. 

I am back to being me. Its a great feeling life again in my soul. I appreciate the true spectacle that my life is and regardless of the good, bad, and ugly times with people...I now love every step I took she once told me, "I would never love a man who has never stumbled and fallen down. Because the man who has, which is you you goof, has gotten back up and keeps going."

Bit of paraphrasing (extremely) but you get the jist.

Love you.

-the Silly Wanderer-

Thursday, May 16, 2013

So I'm back

I feel refreshed and my mind and heart are rebuilding.

Its weird though.....I forgot how heartbroken I am about a lot of things before the lights went out for me.

Its just...........I'm crazy. I must be absolutely crazy.

Or I was?

I don't know......

She saw it coming and its just a pity that it became who I was for such a long time and in the end nearly destroyed me.

And now.....I'm free of it and can manage it and I just want to go.

I loved Saint Petersburg, don't get me wrong.

I found many firsts in this place. My first loves, my first break ups, my first...well...everything.

And then I thought one first would be my last one but....look how that has got me.

And when I found someone new.......she knew me better than I knew myself and in the end I developed into this....thing.

This horrible monster born from the shell of a man I used to be the one she would smile at because I would get excited about a giant monster film.

I miss those days.....and I miss her face during stuff we'd do together.

I've been thinking though more of DG........I miss her. A lot.

I'm just.....confused I guess....or just....tired that I'm still here.

Frankly......after what this week has done, I see that I have some people who care, has showed me that I am truly just a blip to most of the people I know.

It sucks, just seems like that and its okay.

Generally, I'm a cool guy...but I think the last few months tore that down and I feel like when I'm on campus I'm this...........pariah?

I mean...that is what usually happens for me.

It just seems that people still revolve around her and that I'm just this.....orbiting moon to her now grown circle of people and things that where part of mine.

Honestly...this post is mostly born from normal emotions of rejection, loneliness, and in desperate need for a cuddle.

A really hard and maybe underpants cuddle.

Tomorrow is a new day and more work for me to continue to live the life I almost threw away.

Till next time readers

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Voice-New Poem


I heard your voice today. 
That cool crisp sound 
that reminds me 
of a sunny fall day. 
A beautiful reminder of life 
in the form of 
fiery leaves and autumn bird song. 

In these hours of self induced calamity 
where my own voice 
is filled with creeping 
and quite tears. 

You speak his name. 
You speak it like mine. 
Or, more to the point 
you speak it like you used to 
for my own name. 

Like a broken dam 
it advanced deeper 
flooding the civil war 
that is raging in my heart. 

The love that had always protected me. 
That had always, 
even when I neglected it, 
fueled the life and purpose 
for my weary and wandering soul. 

Drowned in those torrents 
produced by the end of that phone call. 
The loudest click of my life 
with the hush of your tone, 
I became what I feared the most. 

A memory to you. 

Monday, April 29, 2013


So today is Monday and the day that things are going to get heavy real quick. I'm so nervous and I know everyone is there to help...but....all weekend I was in such a dark place and now I'm going to a mandatory therapy session.

Its kind of sad whats going to happen next and honestly...I know my day will be done after that therapy session.

The crying isn't too bad but due to some things of this morning, I have another poem I think I will write.

I may submit poetry to the class this week. We will see.

Urgh...i hope this monday goes alright. It feels heavier today.

All the best you guys.

~The Silly Wanderer~

Sunday, April 28, 2013

I Am a Broken Man--A Poem

Tears awaken me 
from empty slumbers. 
The thoughts of life and death 
swirl in the emptiness of my soul. 

I am a broken man.
Deep within in a pit of self despair,
drowning in a void of nothingness. 

Little lights of friendly souls 
whisper sweet nothings to my 
hallow husk. 

But is it enough? 

No. For to a broken man 
he craves and overdoses 
on memories of happiness. 
Then the pain sets in 
for they are empty memories.. 
And then the tears awaken me. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Fun Fact: I Hate Sundays

Sundays are just terrible days. I understand that many people view sundays as a day of prayer. Or a day of rest. Or a day of reflection.

But for me, nothing good has happened on Sundays.

My family's worsts fights happened on Sundays.
My heart is always broken on a Sunday (if not on that day, the event of a Sunday causes it)
I remember I have so much work for the coming week on a Sunday.

Sundays are just terrible god awful days.

And what sucks, I feel like this one is probably going to be one of those bearable ones.

My mom came in last night and it was really nice. Last night though was interesting (will get into that later) but as my mom is around....I want to appear "happy" and "sane" to her. Like I'm struggling but things are really as bad as I think they are. Just so she doesn't have to worry.

I don't like making my mom worry.

Granted I've been much more open with my mom then I ever been, but....

We are about to work on my applications for my teaching degree and my chances to send me to Korea to teach English.

And when I'm done with this writing, I'll be working on it.

And all I want to do.....

Is cry.

I can feel it, the void in my chest. That never ending hole of what used to be my internal organs. I don't even know any more.

I like to think (and not to sound dramatic) that I had a "heart" and "lungs" but they are gone.

Just nothing is in my rib cage anymore. I"m just a hollow man.

I want to so desperately be happy. I want to go through a hole day and not be like "I'm great (but I still feel empty)"

Like thats what we are supposed to say right?

"I'm happy. I'm Okay. Things are bad but they are getting better!"
^-thats a lie    ^-thats a lie    ^-this is a lie

I know things are getting better.

But despite that.....I still want to cry. Last night I got so empty that I had one of those dreaded and awful "thoughts"

The bad and nasty thought that is the ultimate cowardice.

It faded as quickly as it came, but its something that Therapy is going to have to explore in detail.

I feel like I have a wall now around the bad stuff. The monsters. The demons. The wave of horror that so desperately wants to see me in dirt than fly above all this.

I just want to feel like I achieved something.

But right now...I feel like ghost. I actual want to be a ghost. Then I can just be a memory.

A memory is good, cause then I would know that I would inspire or...I don't know. I'm off to deal with my "future"

~The Silly Wanderer~

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I Just Want to FOCUS again

I want to be able to do something. Instead of attempting and then crying. I am tired of this hole.

I am just tired.

I just want to hide.

I just am just tired of feeling depressed all the freaking time now.

Last night I had a brilliant phone conversation and it was nice. I felt happy. It was good to talk to you again with feeling.

It was like feeling life in my veins again and I felt powerful.

And then we ended the chat and I took a breath and the process of the abyss started all over again.

I want to just......fuck.....i just want to feel alive.

~The Silly Wanderer~

Saturday, April 6, 2013

But on the plus side

A mystery has appeared in my timeline.

An anomaly that maybe will be something interesting..............

I guess we will have to see.

~The Silly Wanderer~


I'm starting to feel better but I still feel hallow.

I still can't stand the fact that Kay has just scrubbed my presence and its just to the point of "really? WTF?"

I mean...I get it. I wasn't the best. And I broke trust and space bubbles. But she seems so desperate for sexual needs now that its just.....I don't know. Like a lost person screaming for help but refusing for help. She's going to alienate her friends fast that way when one is so stubborn on.....well...a lot of her issues.

I want to help and despite it all, I still care for Kay. I care for her a lot. I honestly don't know what I would do is she asked for me to enter her world again......because well. She was nice and the timeline wasn't perfect, but it was bad either.

But that is not the issue with my life.

The issue of the void that is thriving in my chest is doing a good enough job.  I still do feel like i have this black and shadowy octopus living in me that drains the feelings of hope from me.

And with DG, I still hold a torch for her. She is my 100% if she asked me back, I would go for it.


These girls are not a cure.

They help.

But I am my own cure. And I need to deal with it sooner than later.

I need to evolve.

I think this ramble is to get the anger at Kay out of my system. Its just getting.......annoying for her to be this insanely sure to put me away. Granted she did tell me she would do this if I ever got her that angry, but still. She needs to grow up.

..........Therapy this week is going to be interesting.

I hope my readers are having a nice weekend and I'll post some nice new Doctor Who episode reviews very soon.

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Just woke up from a nap

And I still feel empty inside :(

A feelings post

A post about my feelings currently at 1:47 PM on April 5th, 2013


I want the void to go away.

I've stop having my crying spells. I get close to them a lot but the tears and pain never come. But a new pain has entered by body and it sucks. I now wake up with this...emptiness.

I'm just unhappy. And it sucks cause I have nothing to be unhappy about.

But I'm just.....unhappy.

I don't know. I feel like where my heart and insides should be is this gaping hole in my chest, where just nothingness resides. I can imagine a swirling and shadowy darkness, tendrils of just the blackest of black reaching out trying to infect the world that I live in.

Its...its quite terrible.

DG made me a "To-do" list and its definently helped. But as I finished my Japanese application, I just feel awful.

I also, from a distance saw Kay today. God did she look beautiful. I freaking love that hat she wears. I could hear her speak her way and I don't know what it is, but her voice just gives me thrills.

I've been thinking about both of them now and again. I wish I would cry for them. Cause then that would explain why I'm sad.

But.......its not them. And I think they would kick my ass if I did. Though things are not the same as they were, I like to think that they both do care in their weird ways.

I wouldn't have fallen for them if I felt they weren't capable of it.

But not to make it look like my troubles is girl issues, its just I feel heavy in the heart.

And I hate it. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.

Therapy went well today. Its a new guy and I think he's pretty cool. I think I'm going to take a nap. Cause I think I need a nap.

Jurassic Park tonight though! Can't wait!! :)

I'm sure I'll write more on this here blog later tonight. Till then!

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

5:25 PM- A Poem

Class goes on.
I see the wind outside,
the humor of fellow students.
All this life
And I feel so hollow.

Internal bleeding can not
fill this void deep inside me.
But still I drown,
in my own horrors.

When we are dismissed
I will walk alone
to an empty room
full of good memories that only
turn me bitter

I want to see happiness again.
In her form,
sprawled on my bed.
Her curves softly embracing my sheets.
But it would be wrong.
Because I am my own cure.
Not you. Not her.
My thoughts though are placebos.
Hopeful shells of empty light.

Emptiness that causes
my body to heave
with salty tears
leaking between my fingers.

I just want it to stop.
To just fade out of this limbo
and see if I should just try again.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Things are on hold

Things on the blog are on hold so I can get back into shape in school and my mental stability. Hopefully things will get better. But Digimon RE: Nexus is going through some slight changes that don't really effect episodes 4 and 5 but will generally have a new feel (since its still in an early setting)

So Enjoy this epic picture of my favorite Ultimate (Perfect) level Digimon 


Being a badass. 


~The Silly Wanderer~ 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Digimon RE: NEXUS Episode 1.3

Digimon RE: Nexus 
Episode 1.3 
“The Mysterious Dark Swordsman, Duskmon! The Axes of Gaulmon!”  

Henri, Rupert, and Marcus watched in horror as the black armored Digimon known as Duskmon continued his approach to them. “What do you want!” Henri said, “What is that is making you come after us?” 
“I’ve been sent to delete you. You are a thorn in the plans for the Nightmare Soldiers,” Duskmon replied, drawing a second blade out of his other hand, “I will make sure that you never get a chance to properly interfere with us.” 
“Us?” Rupert replied, “Whats a Nightmare Soldier?” 
Duskmon stopped and cocked his head, “You do not know your own enemy?” 
“We just got our Digimon,” Marcus said, “We were fighting more for self defense.” 
“Fighting?” Duskmon repsonded, “What you have done isn’t fighting. If it was, your Digimon would not have been brought down so easily.” 
“Who the fuck is this guy,” Rupert muttered. 
Henri pulled out his D-Cell and activated his Digi-Dex, “It says his name is is Duskmon. He’s a Champion Level Demon Man Digimon. Its says he is a dark legend in the Digital World and his special attacks are Deadly Gaze and Lunar Plasma.” 
Duskmon looked at them curiously, “What is that device?” 
“A cell phone,” Henri replied. It dawned onto Henri that maybe these “Nightmare Soldiers” didn’t fully understand him and the others involvement with their Digimon, “And none of your business!” 
“Alright then,” Duskmon said fiercely raising one of his blood red blades to Henri and his friends, “Don’t want to talk, then you don’t need to live.” 
The blood red blades of Duskmon started to glow brighter as energy started to corse around the Demon man Digimon. 
“Henri!” Rupert yelled holding Woofmon, “We have to get out of here!” 
“That seems to be the right idea,” Marcus said, trying to lift the worn out Phoqumon, “We need to go now!” 
“But,” Henri said as he held Dinkdramon in his arms, “Run where!” 
Before anyone could say or do anything, Duskmon raised his blades high and then slashed the air in front of him as a wave of energy erupted from their passing. 

Henri, Rupert, Marcus and their Digimon watched helplessly as the energy blade of Duskmon rippled towards them. Henri closes his eyes, ready for the attack to kill him and his friends. He never had to deal with death in a way like this. Maybe its all a dream and he’s still asleep in his bed.  


Suddenly a silver twister of energy erupted in front of the group and their Digimon as Duskmon’s attack bounced off the twister and two shards of energy struck opposite sides of them. 
Dinkdramon opened his eyes weakly and looked at the twister in front of him, “Its a friend....” 
Henri looked at his partner’s weakened state and was curious at what he meant. The tornado of energy quickly started to slow and in its core was a Digimon! As tall as Duskmon, the Digimon was human-like and wore a metal helmet that covered his eyes.  A large beard hung from its chin as a smile shown on its tattooed face. It’s tattooed body was ripped with muscles and wore what looked like a bear’s skull on one of his shoulders. Two axes where tired by red leather braces and he wore a kilt that had a skull on the belt that held it. The Digimon reminded Henri of a Scottish warrior, like something out of Braveheart. 
The Digimon stood up straight and looked at Henri. With a smile he spoke with a Scottish accent, “You okay mate?” 
“Who are you?” Henri asked when suddenly he felt lifted. He looked to see that his friend Ken McKenzie, wearing a Falcon’s hat and wearing a black tank top and jeans smiled daftly. 
“Seems like you need some help buddy,” Ken gave a laugh. 
“Ken?” Henri said as he helped Dinkdramon up onto his own to feet, “You have a Digimon.” 
“The name is Gaulmon, mate!” the Scottish warrior Digimon said, “And your lucky we where just passing through.” 
Duskmon looked on and was not happy with what he saw. There were now four humans partnered with Digimon. It seemed every time the Nightmare Soldiers who entered the Real World would face more and more of this human scum. No matter, this new warrior would be easy to defeat just like the three of champions before. 
“You dare challenge me?” Duskmon said. 
“Challenge,” Gaulmon smirked, “More like a dance, ya ugly wanker.” 
“Such insolence!” Duskmon said, “Prepare to be destroyed.” 
“Ken,” Gaulmon said, “I have this guy. You get your friends out of the Digital Field.” 
“Alright Gaulmon,” Ken said and looked at Henri, “Help with the others.” 
Henri nodded, “Dinkdramon? Can you move?” 
Dinkdramon coughed and gave a weak smile, “As long as their is something to eat, I will walk where you point me to.” 
“Okay,” Henri smiled, “Help the other Digimon.” 
Dinkdramon smiled, “Okay Henri.” 
As Henri and Dinkdramon with Ken helped Rupert, Marcus, Woofmon, and Phoqumon get out of the Digital Field, Gaulmon began to fight with Duskmon. 

Duskmon charged Gualmon who quickly got out of the way of the Demon man Digimon and smiled, “Missed me!” 
Gualmon retaliated with slashing his axes at Duskmon, who blocked them with his blades. Locked in battle, Duskmon was losing patience. 
“You fight well,” Duskmon grunted, “But not well enough!” 
Suddenly the eyes on Duskmon’s body started to glow and Gaulmon pushed Duskmon away as the Virus type released his attack. 

Beams of energy erupted out of Duskmons’ body at close range as Gaulmon responded quickly to the attack. 


Spinning quickly and creating the silver energy flux of his Berserker Frenzy attack, Gaulmon blocked the Duskmon’s close attack. Both of them where knocked backwards from each other and the two Digimon seemed evenly matched. Duskmon was surprised, this Digimon was powerful. Regardless he would defeat this “Gaulmon,” who ever he was. Duskmon took his blades, “I will destroy you!” 
Duskmon raised his blades again and aimed straight for Gaulmon. Gaulmon smiled, “You are going to need more than that to stand a chance against me!” 


Gaulmon’s axes burst into blue flames and slams his axes to Duskmon’s blades. The two digimon squared off and Duskmon goes wide eyed. 

“What!?” he yelled, “No!”
Duskmon’s blades cracked as Gaulmon quickly moved again and slammed his axes back onto Duskmon. The demon man Digimon was sent flying into the burning remains of the Waterfront. Gaulmon’s fiery axes resided and the Digimon showed a cocky smirk, “How did you like that highland fling?” 

Duskmon weakly got up from the wreckage and withdrew his swords, “I’ll be back to finish this. Decode!” 
Suddenly a swirling portal of Digital data appeared behind Duskmon who quickly went into the wormhole and was sent back into the Digital World. Gaulmon smiled and looked to where his partner and friends went.
“Till next time mate,” Gaulmon muttered before heading out of the Digital Field. 


Henri and Ken dragged Marcus and Rupert with their partners under a tree. Ken was watching the Digital Fog Bank for his partner Digimon. Henri looked at Ken and was curious. Why was it that his friends where the ones getting partners? Was it due to the fact that he got his Digimon first? What was the meaning for it? Was this, in some way, his fault. Henri suddenly felt Dinkdramon’s clawed hand on his shoulder, “Don’t over think buddy.” 
“Dinkdramon,” Henri said, “How you doing?” 
“Tired. That Duskmon sure took us out for a surprise.” 
“Yeah,” Henri replied and patted Dinkdramon on the head, “How you hold up you guys?” 
Marcus gave a thumbs up as he held Phoqumon, “We probably need to go back to Travis’ room and hide out. Campus security is going to be all up in this soon.”
Rupert nodded, “Going to my room probably isn’t the idea. We should go to Henri’s though. With it being so close, I’m sure the RAs are going to have to be a part of this.” 
Henri nodded, “Sounds good. Party at the house.” 
Ken agreed and the Digital Field soon faded showing the wreckage of the water front and also a quite curious sight. A small human like Digimon that seemed more beard that body. It also wore a kilt and on its back a wooden toy sword was worn, “Oi Ken!,” it said, “I think we should get out of here quite soon.” 
“Already on it buddy,” Ken replied. 
Henri, Rupert, and Marcus’ D-Cells started to virbrate soon and the same thing as yesterday happend for Henri and his battle with Wendingomon. The data soon returned and the battleground suddenly began to become rebuilt. It still didn’t make any sense on why the data was repairing the Real World after their battles, but for Henri it made things easier to hide the Digimon. Maybe that was the reason why it happened. 
“Alright guys,” Henri said, “My car is this way.” 
Marcus and Rupert looked on, “What just happened?”
Henri shrugged, “Who knows. I’m not going to complain about it.” 
Woofmon got up and wagged his tail, “Should I go with them Rupert?” 
Rupert nodded, “Okay then.” 
Henri nodded, “Come on Woofmon, this way!” 
Ken shook his head, “Celtmon lets go. Its going to be a cramped car ride.” 
Celtmon laughed, “Righto Ken!” 
As Rupert stayed behind, the others avoided detection and headed back to Henri’s house to regroup and recover from the battle of the day. 


Duskmon lay in the Data Recovery chamber, furious with himself. As his data started to repair itself, he remember his arrival back to the Dark Area. 

“Duskmon!” ShadowSeraphimon yelled when Duskmon returned from the portal. Despite the fallen angel Digimon didn’t have a face, Duskmon knew he was in trouble from the tone of voice from one of the Three Fallen Generals. 
“My Lord,” Duskmon said weakly, doing his best to bow out of respect and order of rank in the castle, “I’m sorry. I miscalculated.” 
“You indeed miscalculated! You were suppose to wait till my plan came to the right moment. I don’t need thee going it battle without the proper orders.” 
“I had them sir,” Duskmon coughed, “But another partnered Digimon appeared.” 
“Another one!” ShadowSeraphimon said, “Who sent you into the Real World.” 
Duskmon didn’t say anything, but ShadowSeraphimon looked at Vademon and grabbed the little alien Digimon. 
“Master! Duskmon reassured that it would work! That he had this handled!” 
ShadowSerpaphimon tightened his grip while the little alien tried to breath in the crimson claws of the Fallen Angel.
“Please,” Vademon squeaked, “Give me another chance!”
“I will give you another chance,” ShadowSeraphimon said, “When you are reborn!” 
Red electricity started to spark around ShadowSeraphimon’s arm and headed to his clutched hand and Vademon’s throat. 
Vademon’s screamed echoed through the control room as his data erupted and all that was left was a pale pink egg in ShadowSerpahimon’s hand. He dropped the egg and it fell and rolled around to the foot a Troopmon, “Take that egg and put somewhere. When that Digimon is reborn he will understand not to go without my orders.” 
A Troopmon nodded and quickly grabbed the egg and left the room. Most of the Digimon in the room where terrified. ShadowSeraphimon was second in command and to see him destroy and Perfect Level Digimon so easily was something that they only heard rumors about. Duskmon looked on and felt pity but was more scared of what ShadowSeraphimon had in store for him. With his pack still turned to Duskmon, ShadowSeraphimon straightened himself and took a long breath. 
“Your information about a fourth Partnered Digimon is useful,” ShadowSeraphimon said, “At least something got out of this debacle. Someone summon Datamon to take over Vademon’s post.” 
Another Troopmon saluted to ShadowSeraphimon and left the room following suit as the one that carried the egg returned and walked back to his post. 
“Go to the Data Recovery, Duskmon,” ShadowSeraphimon, “And may Vademon’s destruction serve a lesson to you that you should never go against my word.” 
“Yes my lord,” Duskmon said. 
The Fallen angel left the control room and Duskmon made his way to the Data Recovery room. As he sat and felt his data he rekindled, he remember his battle with those humans and their pet Digimon. He brought down the other three when they weren’t looking, but that Gaulmon gave him such a fight. What if they where stronger than if he united? Then Duskmon began to laugh in his recovery. Duskmon knew that if more humans came and their Digimon united, they would still not be enough for him. Duskmon had a secret and if a day came he ever, he would take flight and show those in the Real World his true form.....

“Alright guys!” Henri said as he walked into his room holding the two boxes of pizza that had just been delivered, “The pizza is here.” 
Woofmon took a sniff and wagged his tail excitedly, “That smells delicious!” 
“I hope its delicious!” Dinkdramon laughed. 
Henri smiled and dropped the pizza boxes in front of the partner Digimon who then proceeded to go into a frenzy to eat it. Henri walked over to his bed and desk area where Marcus and Ken sat, also smiling at the view of the quirky little creatures in front of them. 
“If you asked me if this was how I planned my day,” Ken said, “I would say that maybe I should be smoking a little bit of whatever you are smoking.” 
“When did you get a Digimon?” Marcus asked. 
“This morning. He just kind of,” Ken said, “came out of my computer. He was smaller and then he became Celtmon. When he said there were enemy Digimon on campus, he turned into that Gaulmon guy and saved your asses.” 
“Came out of your computer” Henri asked. 
“Yeah? Didn’t yours?” 
Henri and Marcus shook their heads and shrugged. “I have no idea,” Henri said, “I was on campus yesterday when I got Dinkdramon and he just was in my room.” 
“I know for Rupert and I,” Marcus said, “Woofmon and Phoqumon where in our rooms when we woke up.” 
“Well it seems like the Digimon didn’t start to appear till after Henri got his,” Ken said, “Care to explain Henri?” 
Henri looked at Ken with a face of surprise, “You think its my fault that the Digimon are here?” 
“Well, not that its a bad thing so far,” Ken replied, “but I mean, these monsters a very you thing Henri.” 
“Yeah,” Marcus said, “This is like a dream for you though Henri.” 
“I mean,” Henri said as he looked at his room full of posters and figures of monsters and creatures. Dinosaur fossils and dragons littering his desk and shelf space, “this is defiantly cool, but what now? There has to be a reason why we have Digimon.”
“Maybe its connected to the computers,” Marcus noted. 
“How’s that?” Ken asked. 
“Well I mean,” Mark said, “Our cell phones have been upgraded and we have computers in our rooms. If they come from the computer, then it could explains why they call themselves Digimon or “Digital Monsters” and that our Digimon use terms like ‘delete’ and ‘data.’ Just a thought.” 
“Its a good one,” Ken said, “Maybe there are more Digimon coming?” 
“Yeah,” Henri said, “After that Duskmon said Nightmare Soldiers, sounds like an army.” 
“Invasion by monsters?” Marcus laughed, “Really?” 
Ken and Henri looked at each other and then at their Digimon. Their Digimon maybe childish now, but whenever they had evolved the proved to be powerful fighters. Henri and Ken both felt the fact that they have been evolving to protect them seemed like the work of warriors in training for a bigger task. 
“Yeah Marcus,” Ken said, “I think we’ve been drafted.” 

The seriousness of the talk was interrupted when the little Digimon started having a burping contest and laughing. The three humans look and saw Woofmon and Celtmon where trying to see who had the loudest burp. Dinkdramon was giggling at it while trying to take another slice of pizza and Phoqumon just humming to tunes that only he could hear from his earphones. It was an odd thing to see that none of the boys would have thought to be real. A dragon, a seal, a jean wearing dog, and a small strange beard warrior. It was such a weird scene and Henri felt it was something natural. He wasn’t sure about his friends, but he was surprised that they were handling it as well as they were. 
There was a knock at door and “Don’t worry, its just me,” said Rupert as he walked in. Woofmon stopped his belching and ran to Rupert’s leg, “Dude man! Missed ya!” 
“Missed me? I was just gone for about an hour.” 
“Dude,” Woofmon muttered, “Dog years and stuff.” 
“Your not a dog, you are a Digimon.”
“Its one of those little details,” Woofmon winked before he went back to rejoin the other Digimon. Rupert laughed as he joined his friends on the other side of the room.
“So campus is just causing it a freak accident due to the weather,” Rupert said. 
“And the students who saw the Digimon,” Marcus asked. 
Rupert gave a smirk, “Its Eckerd. You think campus security is going to believe if a bunch of monsters appeared in a fog bank?” 
The group gave a laugh and they went back to watching there Digimon.
“So what now then,” Marcus said, “we defend campus from things from another world?” 
“I guess so,” Ken said, “Going to need a lot of beer to handle dealing with that then.” 
“We are going to need a lot of things to do,” Henri said, “and I guess we can’t really talk about it either.” 
“So thats it. Keep it a secret. Fight monsters. Raise a monster,” Rupert said, “And all for the sake of humanity.” 
Marcus, “While managing school and relationships.” 
The four of them looked and thought about as their Digimon laughed and played. 
“Yep,” Henri said, “We are going to need a beer.”


Rupert has a date with his girlfriend Sheila downtown in Saint Petersburg and plans to introduce her to Woofmon, only to find out she also has a Digimon! As their date starts off with introductions and confusion on their Digimon the show they go to see is interrupted by a particularly theatrical Digimon known as Kabukimon! Can Sheila and her new partner Ballemon aid Rupert and Woofmon in this battle for the stage?! 

Character Introduction: 
Name: Ken Davis 
Gender: Male 
Age: 21 
From: Atlanta, Georgia 
Occupation: Lifeguard/Student 
D-Cell: Grey 
Partner: Celtmon 

 Name: Celtmon
Level: Rookie
Type: Warrior Type
Attribute: Vaccine
Blunt Sword
Muscle Press
Name: Gaulmon 
Level: Champion 
Type: Warrior Type 
Attribute: Vaccine 
Berserker Frenzy 
Will-O-Wisp Axes 

Digimon is owned by Bandai/Toei
Images where found on the Digimon Wiki and Google Images
All non-canon Digimon (Dinkdramon, Woofmon, Phoqumon, Celtmon, Gaulmon) are my own Original Characters.
This is a fan-series of my own idea and I do not claim it as official Digimon Cannon

Fear and Truth: My Story Part 2

And so like yesterday, I begin to write about part two of this time of my life where to some, it was just me seeking attention, but to most of those who knew it, was when my depression would run like wild fire and leave me with memories I would have to learn to joke about cause they showed such a side of me that me look and feel like some pathetic animal.

**Warning---this is a story of battling depression, anxiety, and a whole kit and kaboodle of emotional onslaught that nearly destroyed me. Things will get graphic and scary but please dont' use it against me. This is suppose to be a helpful tool, not a fear tactic and not a weapon.

I was now back at Eckerd and it was time for me to finish the rest of my spring semester. It was a weird setting of mine. I was now alone in a bed that I shared with someone else for most of my Eckerd career already. With that thought of going to an "empty bed", well it scared me. I would come up with the strangest reasons not to go to bed like walking, driving, drinking, or anything that would lead me away from that bed and the thoughts of loneliness that would spawn there. 

I also became obessed with certain things to the point where I killed them off and most days if I try and do anything with them it just opens a gateway to that time and this. I remember I would  do some pitiful things. 

With the recent Kay thing, it reminded me that I turned bad for that one, but for when I was depressed and dealing with Lilly Rae. I was much, much of a horrific and mindless creature looking for a cure all from the stress and worries that were corrupting my mind. I would spend class times writing love letters to Lilly Rae. I don't know how many I wrote during the course of that entire time, but I know the worst day was I was in Shakespeare and I crafted this letter with what I remember at the time "as a the key to my return," When I found her though, she was wrapped up in the arms of her new man, and it hurt. 

Oh did that hurt and as hard as the rain was pouring after that, my heart fell as hard as each drop of sky sent rain. I saw her, walked past, said "here" under my breath and flung the letter onto her lap before running through the rain and letting me get soaked. I wanted to wash away this darkness that was now encasing me. It was driving me insane. When I got back to my dorm, I remember going to my friend Jolly's dorm room and he was like, "Yo man! Wanna do lunch?" 

I just cried. I don't remember when I stopped crying. I think it was after I had eaten. I just cried a lot back then. 

With all these tears and people telling me to move on, I tried. I tried to look for someone to be with. I didn't care what they wanted in returned, as long as I didn't have to go to an empty bed. I met a lot of wonderful people at that time and I spent a lot of nights with just a girl. The outcome usually hurt cause I would talk about how I would see this world and I would get that, "You are something else. You are a very fantastic individual." 

I swear that I got a dollar for that line every time I've heard that in college, I wouldn't have to worry about money. 

Regardless, there were some people who from that time still hang around with despite the fact that I broke my number one rule of make friends with girls first...then go for them. Not the other way around. 

There were a lot of girls. It was kind of pathetic that I was jumping ship like that. "I like her cause I make her laugh." "She doesn't judge my pain." "She's pretty." "She might be a good fuck." "I wouldn't mind laying with her." "I bet she would like me as a boyfriend." "I treat her better than the guys she is look at. Doesn't that account for something?" 

As you can probably tell, I was falling into that "angry friend-zone" that didn't help with my depression. And it didn't when at one part I got somewhat mixed up in a threesome, but the two other people left and it hurt that no one wanted me to be a part of anything. It hurt feeling like I wasn't attractive and that I was just.....there. A thorn in everyone's side that just was a bother. 

I just so desperately wanted someone to be with. I wanted someone to replace the pain she left me. The pain I myself was feeding. I guess it isn't a surprise that no one followed to be with me. 

There was though, two girls from that time that did do some help and I felt that the feelings I grew from them were organic feelings. 

But I think I missed my chances with either and granted it would be interesting, at the time, I wasn't think that in a few months later I would meet someone who would rock my world for the better. 

But I'm getting ahead of myself. 

In the darkness of my own mine though, the fight not to end this life of mine started to fluster more and more. Another attempt soon appeared when I had to go to meet with a Professor and she was the first Eckerd staff I talked to about my situation. Not everything cause at the time, I didn't believe I could get help. I was in this world of darkness, I had to conquer it. 

I thought, that was what I had to do. For the sake of my sanity. Thats what I always thought. Cause, well, I have a menagrie of mental disorders that I actually at the time did not know the full extent of it. I just knew that in some places, one could accurately claim I was "mentally retarded" officially so I took it upon myself to prove that a mental disorder isn't a disorder, its a gift that allows you to craft a reality. 

After I talked to my Professor, she gave me a second chance to do all my work and as I struggled to improve my grammar, I had to struggle in a science class that I thought I would be good at and I know if I tried I would've. But I had a friend named Slopkins in that class and at the time he didn't get I think how bad I was hurting and would bring up that I shouldn't care a lot during class. It made things harder for me to focus. It was like I couldn't escape that I was being reminded that I was just....pitiful. And it got worse when I came back to my dorm and found Lilly Rae kissing passionately with her new guy. I was starting to feel good and I lost it. I fainted in my friends room before I decided I was going to jump off the sea wall in the daylight and just home that I was dead before anyone came. Lilly Rae followed me and we fought all across campus to the point that she threatened to call my Mom. I didn't want to worry my parents. I didn't want anyone to doubt that I was "okay" back home. 

When the new season of Doctor Who started to role around, I flung myself at it cause of something that made my skin crawl but felt that it was starting to become a part of me. It was around that time that I started calling my form of darkness by a name, "The Silence." 

I started to believe that there were two sides of me now and they where battling over control of what ever I would call....a soul. 

I had the Henry self. The Original Henry who was trying so hard to be reborn again and given a second chance. The happy person who thrived on dreams of his own and others to survive. And then there was the "Silence", something that just wanted to wipe me out completely and become well...."normal"

I got close to it to. I almost threw everything out that made me me. But luckily the memories of my toys,books, movies, and one very special stuffed Dinosaur prevented me from ever going that far. 

But at the same time I was doing some terrible things. I was harrasing Lilly Rae while trying to move on. I wasn't showing I was over her when I was trying to move on. It hurt and I know one night I need to get off my chest. I confronted her and stopped her. I tried talking to her and she said what was done was done. I got desperate and I did what usually got her in the mood. It wasn't my proudest moment and she responded briefly till we stopped and she went straight to her room and I....can't remember. There was a lot of shame that night. That was the worst I ever have been. Some today thing I've been bad, but that is the worst I've ever been. I forced myself onto someone and in some lights it could have been viewed as an scary attempt at something. One person I think knew what I did and she comforted me about it. I broke down to her and she told me that when she met me, I was so strong but I was already having the habit of storing memory like it was in the present tense. The concept of time was always foreign to me even though I was familiar to it. I knew of past and future but the present seemed to bore me. 

I started to live on a principal that time was the DNA of the universe. That everything had a timeline and everything was intertwined and made up the fabric of this reality. And people's timelines where the lifeblood for the soul. Everyone can get in and out of a timeline and either leave it for the better or worse. 

Soon though, I faced a night that would be the tipping point. Rock bottom. The night that started out with me feeling like I was moving forward. I deleted Lilly Rae from facebook and other media but kept her phone number as an emergency. It was the night of spring formal and I didn't have a date. I was mad at a friend cause he had a date with a girl that I started to like and was curious about. I watched as he kind of just messed it up. It was painful to watch but I was starting to feel somewhat good about things. 

And then I went to campus to Kappa Ball, dressed in drag with my friends and everyone complemented on my boobs in my drag. As I drank and was merry, I bumped into a friend that I made through Lilly Rae and she and I talked. She was going through a hard time with her boyfriend and even though I knew she was...well...crazy, I viewed her as a good person for the most part. And very pretty. I expressed it to her and she told me she was amazed I was doing okay. As she peed next to me (which looks odd as a man in drag is sitting next to a woman in a corset peeing on the side of a wall) she told me that night Lilly Rae was going to officially start dating her new guy. It hurt. Oh did it hurt. I found out a lot of things. And that led me to....well......

No memory hurts harder and makes me have to laugh to hide the pain of being found by a group of girls while you are in drag pretty much melting down in the field behind the library. Being dragged back as you consently scream in horror at yourself and where you have ended up. I hated myself. The silence came back and these girls who lived in my dorm saw me arguing about myself and the will to live. 

I eventually passed out and everyone just gave me space that day. I was a mess and I just hid. I hid from everything. I felt so ugly and disgusting. It was painful.

I wanted to die. I wanted everything to fade out. I felt so damn useless. My instincts told me that i was not worth it anymore. I was a mistake. 

I was better off dead. 

But it was around this time that unforseen events would help start climbing out of my pit of dispair and into a better life than the one I was allowing to rule over me. 

End of Part 2 

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fear and Truth: My Story Part 1

In light of recent events, I'm going to tell my story. The story that I don't like to talk about that happened two years ago. The story of when I discovered fear of self and began my long climb out of the pit that I would later call "The Silence" (after the Doctor Who faction). This story is hard for me to handle but I've never fully explained it honestly and truthful and so this is my tale of a beginging, middle, and a end that I'm doing my best to smart about. I'm doing this for you cause if I am going to help anyone, I need to get this story out of my body and use it as the lesson it is.

**Warning---this is a story of battling depression, anxiety, and a whole kit and kaboodle of emotional onslaught that nearly destroyed me. Things will get graphic and scary but please dont' use it against me. This is suppose to be a helpful tool, not a fear tactic and not a weapon.

Feb. 23rd, 2011 was the day that it in away started for me. It was probably around 3:00pm (cause I had to look up when Eckerd had its snow day that year that it started and 4:00 and I know it was an hour before). On that day, I broke up with someone for the first time. I'm going to call her....Lilly Rae cause that was the Digimon name she picked out when I wrote our Digimon story and that was her Pokemon trainer name.

The reason for why I broke up with her cause of a trip I had for my first winter term. It was a trip to Tanzania and I realized that she wasn't the one for me cause of a place we went there. I went to Ogorongo Crater and on the rim of this "lost world" listening to the Jurassic Park theme song, I realized I wasn't proud to be there. I was about two-hundred and twenty five pounds, gross looking, and at the time I wasn't calling myself by my name anymore. I was using titles liked "Hello, I'm the Doctor!" or "My name is Optimus Prime," or just roaring cause I was Gamera. It was then I realized that in that relationship I felt that I wasn't me. I wasn't who I wanted to be anymore and decided I needed to be alone and rediscover myself.

So I broke up with Lilly Rae that day and it ended well...bad. There is no such thing as a "good break-up" cause no matter how much you think, something bad always happens directly or indirectly.

For two weeks after that I was living the life. Partying, getting drunk, meeting new people. It was great. Then one night, a few of my friends and I jumped a fence and went hot tubing. Everyone was starting to pair off and I went for this one girl. I was drunk and just thought, "alright, its just you an me baby, lets get busy"

But then...she rejected me before I could even start. It was...confusing. I was so taken back. It wasn't that my pride was hurt. I just thought...."what did I do wrong?"

And then it began with that. "What did I do wrong?" "What am I doing?" "Should I be concerned that I don't look at mirrors anymore" "Why am I getting angry?" "Is it me?" "Do I miss her?" "Did I make a mistake?" "Why are my grades not as good as everyone else?" "Am I stupid?"

"Whats wrong with me?"

They started to boil and boil down and I was starting to struggle at school and with myself. Despite Lilly Rae being broken up, I still requested she come down to the Bahamas for Spring Break. On the flight down, I realized that I must have made a mistake cause I didn't have those problems when I was with her. She was the only thing different so I just logically assumed that all I had to do was go back out with her and everything would be fixed.

And thats when I learned that first night she was seeing someone else already. It bugged me, but I was like "We dated for a year and almost a half. She'll take me back."

After failed attempts in bed and forcing myself without response.......she didn't. Then she told me she was already sleeping with him to.

I was shocked and didn't know what to do. I lost my virginity to that girl.

"Am I just another tally?" "Did I hurt her that bad?" "What am I doing?" "Am I just a bad person?"

"I must be...."

That night, while everyone went to get drunk, I took a beer and walked to the dock in the Bahamas and just sat there. In silence at first and then I yelled, "WHY!"

"Cause you are a failure, Henry Winston Ball," said the Voice.

I was never more scared, was something to talk to. I'm not making this up by the way. I talk to myself all the time, but I never well...talked back to myself. Its weird but it felt like an entirely new person that was talking to me through my mouth.

The voice and I argued for a good hour which lead to my first attempt. The voice told me that I was a monster. That I "used people" for my own satisfaction as I hid from things and was still just a child. I was fat, I needed glasses and contact lenses, I always seemed to miss out on social norms, and most off all, Lilly Rae didn't care about me anymore. It really used my insecurites about that on me for a bit. It also kept saying it was selfish what I was doing to try and win her back. What was the point. She found someone better than you. They always find someone better than you.

And that hit me hard. My love life since high school was always me falling for someone and that person having me around till they would my friends or find someone else and then call me about their sex life. I didn't understand. I thought that what you did. I was told that I just put myself in the Friend Zone. I didn't like it and it caused me high school grief, but that was high school grief. At the time still hurt and I began to think this voice was right. I then picked at my scabs and finished the rest of my drink and started to pace back and forth from the dock. The voice kept saying, "Jump. Jump into that water and go with that current. Wash away. Who will remember you?"

And then I stopped and fell down.

Whatever confidence I had left screamed "YOUR FRIENDS WOULD"

I looked back at the house and remembered that if I killed myself there, their vacations would be ruined. No one them deserved to deal with my dead body. I knew the island we were on and what to do in situations there. Sure some of them could learn, but who knows how to handle a lion fish. Or well the marine predators are. Or what to do with a dolphin. Or who to talk to on the island for help.

My memory was a bit fuzzy at this part and I think I just broke down right there. Near the end of the Voice was starting to win again cause it was starting to say, "you've been gone for a good hour and no one has come to look for you. You don't matter"

"SHERLOCK! I FOUND HIM!" Lilly Rae yelled as I saw her form come out of the shadows in the distance with my friend Sherlock (who I've mentioned before and this is not his real name, but his original birth name). Sherlock came and held me close as he walked me off the dock. Lilly Rae asked what she had to do and he told her to do nothing. At this point I was tear ridden and snotty as a hound. I was shaking violently and I was relieved that Sherlock had came to my aid, but at the same time not happy that she wasn't going out of her way to make sure I was okay.

Memory is a powerful thing, by the way fellow readers. As I write this I remember some of the good of that trip. It did happen in spots. I remember fishing Mahi Mahi with Cortez, Ken, and Sherlock. There were other good memories...but that trip was the start of probably one of the darkest times of my life. (so far)

When Sherlock got me back to bed, we talked and I told him how worthless I felt. I told him I was such a problem to everyone. It seemed I couldn't do anything right and I just made other problems worse. I told him how can I have a purpose like that. Where all I bring is pain and destruction.

This is the only time I ever saw Sherlock cry. Its hard when you see a friend who usually wears a daft smile like its going out of style cry.

He told me that the dorm we lived in, Alpha Gershwin, wouldn't be as close without me. I helped plan events that would bring us a dorm together and also helped bridge the older students with the younger. I made sure everyone was involved and I always was bounding down the halls to make sure everyone was happy. I also appearantly and without knowing gave him some strength to overcome feelings for a girl he couldn't get over.

It was weird but I didn't know that. I didn't know even in my worst times, I was still helping others.

I eventually passed out and he went to his own bed.

The next few days where just hard. I took our group down to the Blue Hole for a fun little day trip. It was't the perfect day but it was at least a day. We all dove in and me, being the chicken I was jumped a few times before just swimming around in the hole.

Let me explain quickly what a Blue Hole is. They are bottomless geographic formations that usually lead a body of freshwater into the ocean. The "blue hole" we where at is actually called a "banana hole" due to the fact that its in land, but it connects to its oceanic form known as a "blue hole". I also believe that a giant octopus called a "Lusca" lives down there but i digress.

Before my last jump (almsot forgot this) it was just me and Lilly Rae at the platform. I asked her if she was going to go back in and she said no. She told me she didn't like what I was doing. It wasn't her fault and everyone there was starting to not like her for hurting me. I didn't want that and she told me to go away. I jumped into the hole and swam to its center.

There i looked down. There is no feeling to describe when you are floating above the center of that place. Where the platform on the twenty foot cliff that allows you to jump down into the blue hole is sheltered by a thirty foot cliff before the drop off into nothingness. But I was in the center so it was just aspects of light and then....nothing. Just darkening water as light was no guest in those deep places. My eyes started to play tricks on me as shadow leviathans seemed to want me to join them. I started to remember the famous quote, "I stared into the abyss...and it stared right back."

The voice came again and it just kept talking to me how I should drown. I'm a good swimmer and I imagined my survival instinct in water would be stronger than voice.

But I started to go under. It was like I had concret for hands and a giant boulder in my stomach. The feeling is a lot like diving when you have nothing but your weight belt on and you just...well...sink.

Two times I struggled to get back to the surface. Third though was when my friend Rupert came to tell me everyone was ready to go. I told him okay and was thankful he got there right then. He asked me if I was okay and like anyone suffering from depression and problems and feeling like talking about their problems is a burden, I went with the most normal and bullshit response of all time.

"I'm okay, just tired."

Two attempts of suicide down and about three more to go.

At this rate, I'll most likely be doing this story in parts. This is Part 1 (The Start). Don't worry, I'll get the middle and end of this sooner than later.

I dont' really remember what else happened that day. That might have been the night I couldn't sleep and I had another chat with "The Voice"

This was the one time "The Voice" did something good.

I got the bottom of why I went out with Lilly Rae in the first place. I did it cause well...I was getting back at an ex. Before dating Lilly Rae, I was in a brief relationship that was my first college relationship and would lead to my second girlfriend after my first one broke up with me in my hometown of Charleston. In a way, it was an interesting grace of closure but I was sick of this voice. I was starting to worry if I was just down right crazy and a hazard to those around me. I went to bed restlessly and woke up early to the sunlight.

I laugh about this situation now, but it wasn't funny when it started. I usually was the first one to wake up and well..I didn't want to deal with my voice that day. I had realized that the voice doesn't come when I drank so I thought..."I should just get drunk"

It was 9:00am when I started hitting the booze and it was 12:00pm when I was told to stop.

I took a step into alcoholism and it was bad. I was lucky to have my friend Ken (who is a bit of a jock and we don't see eye to eye on somethings, but he is one of those friends who is just a good one and will always have your back) Ken took me back to my room and told a really drunk me it was going to be okay. I had to accept what had happened cause it was my choice. I had to have done it for the right reason. He said some other really good things, but...well...I was drunk and depressed and I don't remember.

When he left though, i saw my unfinished beer bottle and was happy. I literally though, "Dumbass is going to cut me off? Well at least I can have this last swig"

I grabbed that bottle and took a nice long swig....of water.

From what they tell me, I barged out of my room and raised my glass high above me and screamed, "What the fuck guys! This is fucking water!"

I then proceeded to sink, emptied the water, threw the bottle down and went to bed.

I passed out for a while that day and after that my days where all a blurr. I know I tried to jump off the dock (suicide attempt #3) again but I believe one of my friends grabbed me and made sure I couldn't harm myself. I also remember hanging out with Rupert and we talked about relationships and he started telling me he didn't feel like he was sought after. Nearly punched him cause before we left for the trip, he was getting all sorts of attention from girls and sure he didn't want it, I said it was stupid of him to think otherwise.

Regardless, due to my behavior it was all lock and key for me and I still feel bad that I had to be watched for that trip, but at least I was starting to see that the "Voice" was wrong.

I did have friends.

Before we left though, the voice visited again and simply said, "But for how long?"

I have no idea what Lilly Rae was thinking during that time and I was originally going to drive her to St.Pete but when I found out she wanted to get there early to see her new guy, I couldn't. she was texting him through most the trip and I couldn't bare to think I would have to endure another four hours of her doing that while I drove. It wasn't a safe bet so I told her to drive with Lexi and that caused problems but she got over it.

When I got back to Eckerd, I told my friends Jewels and Liddy (there names are also changed for the sake of privacy) about the attempted suicides and how I was feeling. They showed compassion and I thought maybe I should roll with them for a while to keep my spirits up.

As the second part of my sophmore spring semester started up, I would never believe the things that would follow and the actions I would do that have plauged me to this very day.

End of Part 1

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

*I know that there are misspelling and grammer stuff that is wrong, but I'm being honest and this how it was for me. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Digimon RE: Nexus 1.2

Digimon RE: Nexus 
Episode 1.2 
“The Battle at the Waterfront! Digimon, Digimon, Everywhere!” 

The sun peaked through Henri’s windows as the light of a new day flooded his room. The young man was in his bed sound asleep before suddenly a clawed paw slapped him in the face. The shock woke him up in a manner of confusion and pain. 
“Ow!” he yelled, “What the fuc----” 
He stopped as he rubbed his noise remembering that next to him lay his Digimon partner, Dinkdramon. It reminded him of his dog back home who would curl up next to him when Henri would go to bed. Dinkdramon was still sound asleep. Henri smiled and petted the Digimon on his head and then scratched his ear. Dinkdramon giggled and twitched like a dog chasing cars. Henri let loose a little giggle himself as he got up and began to get ready for the day. 

While brushing his teeth, Henri looked in the mirror and at the strange new version of his previous smart phone. He began wondering what to call it since it was still his cell phone but now it seemed to be relate to his Digimon. With a frothy mouth, he muttered, “D-Cell? Yeah.” 
He spat the toothpaste into the sink and looked at his D-Cell, “Yeah. I like the ring to that.” 
He walked out of his bathroom and began to get dressed when he heard a loud yawn. Henri turned to see Dinkdramon stirring from his sleep. 
“Morning Dinkdramon,” Henri said. 
The little dragon rubbed his eyes, “Morning Henri.” 
Suddenly Dinkdramon seem to be wide awake and took a still waking up Henri by surprise, “So what are we going to do today!” 
“Well,” Henri said, “I think I should introduce you to my friends.” 
“Yes,” Henri said, “I have friends.” 
“I didn’t say you didn’t.” 
“Oh great,” Henri said, “I have a smart ass Digimon.” 
“Smart ass?” 
“Yeah,” Henri said, “Oh...I’m going to have to teach you lingo.” 
Henri put on a green t-shirt and a pair of brown shorts while shaking his head, “It’s going to be a long day isn’t it?” 
The two laughed when Dinkdramon’s stomached growled loudly, “Food?” 
“Yeah. I’ll gut us food. Stay right here okay? I don’t want to freak out my roommates.” 
“Okay,” Dinkdramon said, “Will I get burritos?” 
“Oh,” Henri smiled, “I’m going to introduce you to eggs and bacon.” 
“I don’t know what that is, but it sounds delicious.”
Henri laughed as he left his room, “Dude, you are in for such a treat.” 

ShadowSeraphimon stood amongst his soldiers at their gate and wondered what to do next. Vademon looked sheepishly at him, “ShadowSeraphimon?” 
“We need to figure a way to defeat that human and his Digimon.” 
“I agree,” Vademon said, “Who should I get?” 
“I wonder,” ShadowSerpahimon chimed devilishly, “What if we sent the Triad Monsters?” 
“That group of beasts?” 
“Yes. They are a powerful bunch and work well together. If we out number those two, we can eliminate a threat to our conquest.” 
“I’ll summon them and send them to the real world as soon as I can.” 
“You do that Vademon,” ShadowSeraphimon ordered, “I’m going to go look over the Knight’s records and see how many of those Digi-Eggs they sent over and where in the Human World they went.” 
“Sounds good my lord,” Vademon bowed and watched as ShadowSeraphimon left the Gate Room. Vademon turned to the nearest Troopmon, “Troopmon!” 
The digimon snapped to attention and saluted, “Yes, Commander!” 
“Bring me the Triad Monsters and prep them for their departure.” 
“Yes sir!” 
The Troopmon quickly left  and Vademon chuckled, “The Human World is going to be rocked and that human can do nothing to stop it!” 
“More Bacon!” Dinkdramon yelled, “More Eggs!” 
“I can’t give you anymore dude,” Henri replied, “I’m kind of broke as it is.” 
“I don’t have money.” 
“What’s money?” 
Henri face palmed, “Man you are really from another world.” 
“Yep!” Dinkdramon giggled and wagged his tail excitedly, “Does that mean I can get more food?!” 
“Later buddy,” Henri said, “We have to go to campus. I have two friends I want you to meet.” 
Henri just shook his head, “Okay yeah. We are going to have a day where I teach you words and expressions about the Real World.” 
“Okay sounds good!” Dinkdramon said. 
Henri smiled and went to his room’s door and peaked out of it. He couldn’t see his roommates and realized that both of them weren’t not at the house.
“Okay Dinkdramon, follow me.” 
Dinkdramon nodded and followed Henri closely as the two left his room and to the front door.
“Dinkdramon we are going to go into my car and I want you to lay low in the trunk okay?” 
Dinkdramon nodded, “Okay Henri.” 
“Yeah, my friends are expecting cause apparently they want to talk to me too. They also have big news to talk about.” 
“Well thats fun! Can’t wait to meet your friends.” 
“Yeah,” Henri said, “I hope they can handle this.” 
Dinkdramon laughed as Henri quickly ushered Dinkdramon into the trunk of his silver Prius and quickly got into the driver’s seat. Pulling out of his driveway, Henri made the quick drive to campus where his two friends awaited him at the campus’ waterfront. It was the morning and most people where in classes so the area they where meeting was relatively empty with people. Not a lot of people are at the waterfront in the fall since its been getting a bit colder. 
Passing the security gate, Henri breathed a sigh of relief when Campus Security just waved him through. He began to drive pass the parts of campus and was smiling at the thought that in his trunk was a small little dragon creature from another world. He let out a laugh. 
“Henri? Whats so funny?” Dinkdramon asked from the trunk. 
“Just I never would imagine this situation,” Henri replied. 
“Never ever.” 
“Is that bad?” 
Henri pulled into a park space near his two friend’s dorms and looks around. Not a fellow student in sight. Pulling out his D-Cell, he sends a text to one of his friends letting him know that he is heading to the waterfront. “No its not bad. Ready to book it Dinkdramon?” 
Dinkdramon nodded, “I think so? Do you having the binding?” 
Henri just face palmed. 
“We aren’t making a book Dinkdramon. We are going to run.” 
“Oh,” Dinkdramon said, “thats an odd way to make a book.” 
Henri shook his head and undid his seatbelt, wondering about if this is how most Digimon are like. Unlocking the trunk, Dinkdramon burst out and gave a smile, “What an interesting world!” 
“Yes it is,” Henri answered, “now follow me!” 
Dinkdramon smiled and the two ran to the water front to where Henri’s friends where waiting. 

The doors to the control room opened and Vademon saw the three Digimon make their way to him. Lead by a giant red bug looking Digimon with mighty pincers Vademon smiled at the beasts that were summoned. 
“Kuwagamon, it is good to see you again.” 
“And to you, Commander Vademon,” Kuwagamon replied, “The Triad Monsters are ready for your service.” 
The digimon to the right of Kuwagamon, a grey and black dinosaur looking digimon similar to a single-horned triceratops stamped his feet, “Yeah! I’m looking for a fight!” 
The digimon to the left of Kuwagamon, a pink bodied Digimon that was attached to a giant spiraling shell laughed, “Monochromon has been waiting to run amok. And I hear that the area we are going has water for me to fight in.” 
Vademon nodded, “Yes, Shellmon. The area we are sending you three is where a nuisance human is partnered with a Digimon. We want you to eliminate them.” 
“Sounds easy enough,” Kuwagamon replied, “We can take them out by land, sea, and sky.” 
“Thats what we want you to do. No mercy.” 
Monochromon roared with delight, “Now thats what I’m talking about.” 
Vademon smiled cruelly, “Good. You have your orders. We are preparing the gate now so prepare to make your breach and destroy those two.” 
“And after we do that,” Shellmon asked. 
“Do whatever you like to the Real World,” Vademon replied. 
The three monsters looked at each other and then started to laugh most foul. 

Henri sees his two friends waiting for him at a table by the waterfront. Henri took a deep breath and walked towards them with Dinkdramon in tow. He waved for their attention and the two looked and went wide eyed. “Oh great, this is going over well,” Henri thought. Before he could say anything, his friend Rupert wearing a white tank top and jeans shook his head and pointed at Henri and Dinkdramon, “Man shit! You too!” 
Henri stopped, “What?” 
The other friend at the table, Henri’s friend Marcus with his ginger hair and a blue shirt with a seal on it with sweat pants and sandals also shook his head, “Looks like our news got a little spoiled Ru.” 
Henri looked at Dinkdramon and pointed at the little dragon next to him, “Why isn’t this freaking you guys out?” 
Rupert looked at him, “Cause this morning Marcus and I woke up to these guys in our dorm.” 
Henri looked behind Rupert and Marcus as something was stirring in the bushes next to them and two creatures came forth. On Rupert’s side, a small furry dog-like creature walked next to him. At Rupert’s hips, the dog-like Digimon wore something that looked like jeans around his legs and a bandana with a ying-yang symbol on it. His tongue was out but it looked like a wisen little creature. To Marcus’s side was a crawling creature that looked like a baby walrus. Pale in color, the thing that set it apart was the speaker that was on its forehead and that it also wore earphones and metal bracelets around it its flippers. It had red spots running down its back as it came up next to Marcus. 
“You guys have Digimon?” Henri said in shock, “What the hell?” 
Rupert and Marcus nodded their heads as Dinkdramon came to Henri’s side, “Henri! I didn’t know I would be having friends here too!” 

The three friends and their Digimon walked back to Rupert’s room, since he was an RA of his dorm and got his own space. The room was cramped, but the three Digimon seemed to enjoy each other’s company. The three friends looked at the spectacle of a dragon, jeans wearing dog, and a speaker seal playing around. 
“So let me get this straight,” Henri said, “these two just appeared to you two this morning as their smaller forms, you fed them, and they grew up.” 
“Yeah,” Rupert said, “Just like that.” 
“Like freaking Gremlins,” Marcus said, “And they knew who we were.” 
“Also, I guess I don’t need a new phone since you know,” Rupert said pulling out his orange colored D-Cell, “Since my phone turned into this.” 
“Yours too Marcus?” Henri asked showing his emerald D-Cell. 
Marcus replied by pulling out a blue D-Cell, “Yep. I miss my flip phone but I guess this will do.” 
“So what are your names?” Henri ask as he looked at the new Digimon. 
The dog Digimon looked at him and sported a peace sign out of his three claws awkwardly, “The name is Woofmon, man.” 
“Yo!” the seal Digimon saluted, “the name is Phoqumon.” 
“And I’m Dinkdramon!” Dinkdramon chimed in, raising his arms above his head. 
“I know that Dinkdramon,” Henri said, shaking his head. 
The three Digimon smiled as they went back to playing with each other as Henri looked at his friends. 
“Well to tell you the truth I’m kind of happy I’m not the only one,” Henri said. 
“Yeah,” Marcus said, “I just don’t get it. Its cool and all but...why?” 
“Are we like,” Rupert said, “heroes or something?” 
“I guess,” Henri replied, “Dinkdramon and I fought this big Digimon yesterday.” 
“Was that was all that was about?” Rupert replied, “We got an e-mail that there was an accident yesterday afternoon.” 
“Yeah. Dinkdramon turned into this even bigger flying dragon thing and defeated him. We fixed the road and damages some how though.” 
Marcus shook his head, “Who are we fighting?” 
Rupert looked at him, “Isn’t it obvious, other Digimon.” 
“Not just any Digimon,” Henri said, “Bad ones. This one we fought yesterday was attacking people before Dinkdramon and I intervened.” 
“Well how am I gonna fight?” Marcus said, “Look at my Digimon. He’s one cool dude, but not really a fighter is he?” 
Phoqumon looked at him, “Man, I got fight in me don’t worry.” 
“Yeah man,” Woofmon replied, “Look where we are. The water is right there. Phoqumon is in his element.” 
Dinkdramon looked around, “But we are on land?” 
Woofmon looked at his fellow Digimon, “You know what I mean, ‘mon.” 
Dinkdramon laughed, “I gotcha....‘mon” 
“Dinkdramon don’t,” Henri said, “you’ve got enough problems with lingo.” 
Rupert laughed, “Seems like your kind of partner Henri. You both have that problem.” 
Henri smiled, “Well I mean...I’m better than him at it.” 
Marcus smiled and shook his head, “Sure you do Henri. Sure you do.” 
“Well what do you wanna do about them?” 
“Well I guess they can stay where we live I guess.” 
“What about you Marcus? You have a roommate. How are you going to explain the seal?” Henri asked. 
“Throw pillow?” Marcus exclaimed. 
Phoqumon looked up at Marcus and shook his head, “Why do I have to be a secret. You got a problem?” 
“I don’t have a problem,” Marcus replied, “But here in our world, talking disco seals are relatively thin on the ground.” 
Phoqumon nodded in agreement, “I dig that. Alright. Throw pillow I am then.” 
“What about your girlfriends?” Henri asked, “You are going to have to tell them.” 
“Well Sheila likes dogs,” Rupert said, “so hopefully it shouldn’t be to bad.”
“And Tina likes seals,” Marcus added, “so shouldn’t be too bad either.” 
“Good thing you don’t have that problem Henri,” Rupert said patting his back. 
Henri stiffened at the thought and looked at Rupert, “Thanks bud.” 
Rupert realized he went a little far and took his hand away, “Oh dude, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that.” 
Dinkdramon looked at Henri and turned his head, “Why doesn’t Henri have a girlfriend?” 
Henri shook his head, “Lets not talk about it now.” 
Before anything else could say, the three of them’s phones started to shake violently. The three digimon suddenly turned to face in the direction of the Waterfront from Rupert’s room. Dinkdramon snarled and Woofmon’s fur stood on edge. 
“What is it you guys,” Henri said as he, Rupert, and Marcus stood up.
Dinkdramon turned to them, “Digimon are here.”

Vademon chuckled at the thought that he just sent three powerful Digimon to that filthy human and his digital pet’s way. The Troopmon continued their work of maintaining the gate to be opened. One of the Troopmon turned to face Vademon. 
“Commander,” it said, “The Triad Monsters have been successfully sent to the Human World.” 
“Perfect,” Vademon cooed, “Its time for that human to be deleted.” 
“He won’t,” a cold voice said from the shadows. 
Vademon jumped at the sudden voice and turned around. He saw a shadow in the corner of the room, meaning it was only one kind of Digimon; Duskmon. 
“Duskmon! Come out of your shadows! What is it you want?” Vademon demanded. 
A skeletal human-like Digimon emerged from the shadows. His armor was dark as a moonless night and his arms where skeletal beast heads. Giant eyes where on his shoulders, chest, and knees as they all looked at Vademon, “You heard me. They will fail.” 
“They have perfect track record.” 
“Regardless,” Duskmon replied, “It will be easier if you send me.” 
“On what grounds?” Vademon said nervously. 
Duskmon chuckled and suddenly a jagged blood red blade erupted from one of his hands, “Cause I will get the job done.” 
Vademon didn’t want to cause trouble and looked at the Troopmon, “Recalibrate the gate for Duskmon. We will send him over soon.” 

When Henri, Marcus, and Rupert stepped out side, they could hear roars and screeches at the waterfront. As they crossed the dorm complex to the Water Front, they could see students running away from a fog bank. “What is that?” Rupert said as they drew closer. 
“That is trouble,” Henri said, “Ready Dinkdramon?” 
Dinkdramon’s spines sparkled with electricity and the little dragon gave a smile, “Ready when you are partner.” 
“Ready for our first fight man?” Woofmon asked Rupert. 
“Ready as I will ever be,” Rupert replied. 
“Yo Marcus!” Phoqumon chimed, “You ready to lay a beat?” 
Marcus laughed and rubbed his hands together, “Lets do this.” 
The three humans and their respective partners went into the fog bank and were on alert for whatever lurked in the fog. The Waterfront was empty for the most part, but there was damage all around them. Some of the sailboats where broken and the foot prints that broke through the concrete where showing signs of big Digimon activity. 
“Looks like we have something big on our hands,” Rupert said. 
“Dinkdramon?” Henri asked.
“Yeah,” Dinkdramon replied. 
“Are their any small Digimon like you guys?” 
Before Dinkdramon could respond, a mighty roar came behind the Waterfront’s boat house as Monchromon’s head came around the corner of the building. 
Dinkdramon took a battle stance and snarled, “Not today there isn’t!” 
Monochromon roared again and took a step forward to them. The digimon was like a big truck to the humans and their partners. It didn’t help that he started to laugh. 
“Hey you guys! I found him! And he has friends!” Monochromon yelled. 
A buzzing filled the air and Henri looked up as a giant red beetle looking Digimon crawled towards them from the roof of the building, “There are more? That wasn’t in the information.” 
A sudden explosion of water from the creekside drew the group to look at the appearance of Shellmon crawling onto the dock, the weight of the Digmon submersing it. “No matter you guys! They are all rookies! Easy pickings!” 
Henri smiled, “Alright guys. Which one do you want? I’ll take the bug.” 
“Due to Phoqumon’s abilities, I’ll take the walking clam chowder,” Marcus said. 
“I guess that leaves me with the dinosaur,” Rupert replied. 
“Alright, Dinkdramon! Its time!” Henri said pulling out his D-Cell and swiping it to the screen like yesterday. 
Dinkdramon smiled, “Let’s do it!” 
“Okay! You guys watch and learn! Digivolution Activate!” 
Rupert and Marcus watched in amazement as an emerald light erupted from Henri’s D-Cell and engulfed Dinkdramon in it. 

The form of Tryannodramon took Dinkdramon’s space and the giant dragon laughed and pointed at Kuwagamon, “Alright you over grown roach! Come and get me!” 
Kuwagamon roared and took to the air as Tyrannodramon did the same, ready for the fight for the skies. 
Marcus watched as Phoqumon quickly dived into the water and Shellmon joined him. “Alright Marcus! You ready to see my moves!” 
“Yeah!” Marcus yelled back as he ran to the water’s edge. 
“Groovy! Check it out!” Phoqumon yelled as he dove underwater. Shellmon looked around in confusion.
“Where you at you little pup!” 
Suddenly Phoqumon erupted out of the water and dove at Shellmon.
“Take this you seafood special!” Phoqumon yelled. 

Phoqumon dove at Shellmon’s head and began to slap the giant Digimon’s face over and over again before gravity sents Phoqumon back into the water. Shellmon’s tentacle hairs wriggled furiously, “You little kipper! I’ll sink your boasts yet!” 
Phoqumon surfaced again and laughed, “Too fast for you shellhead!” 


Phoqumon’s speaker suddenly started to emit a loud noise that created a “shield” around his body as he torpedoed his way at Shellmon. Shellmon laughed and suddenly withdrew himself into his spiral armor. 
“Phoqumon watch out!” Marcus yelled, but it was too late. Phoqumon rammed into Shellmon’s shell and hurt himself more than the Champion level Mollusk Digimon. In a spilt second, Shellmon came out again and with his tentacled hair he grabbed the stunned Phoqumon and started to squeeze him. 
“How’s that you punk!” Shellmon yelled as he added more pressure to Phoqumon. 
“Phoqumon!” Marcus yelled. 

Meanwhile, Rupert and Woofmon where dealing with Monochromon. “You dare challenge me!” Monochromon roared. 
Woofmon smiled, “Yeah. Something like that.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Kicking your ass. Thats what I mean.” 
Rupert looked a little surprised at Woofmon’s words, “Dude I thought you where a little mellow than that.” 
Woofmon turned, “Eh. I have little tolerance for dumb Digimon.” 
“What was that!” Monochromon roared and began to charge Woofmon. 
Woofmon smiled as Monochromon charged and as quickly as his words, dodged the much larger Digimon. 
As Woofmon dodged Monochromon’s charge, he raised his paw at Monochromon’s head and at his attack’s command, a powerful gust of wind and ice erupted out of his fur and hit Monochormon’s head, freezing the Digimon’s mouth shut. Monochromon taken aback by the attack shakes his head violently as he tries to dislodge the ice. 
“Hey Rupert,” Woofmon yelled, “What is this guy’s deal!” 
Rupert didn’t understand his partner’s command but Henri yelled to his friend, “Your D-Cell! Point it at Monochromon!” 
Rupert did just that and suddenly got the information on Monochromon. 
“Alright Woofmon! Listen up,” Rupert yelled, “His name is Monochromon! He is a Champion level Dinosaur Type Digimon! His armor skin is rock solid and his special attacks are Slamming Attack and---” 
Before Rupert could announce Monochromon’s other special attack, the ice on the Dinosaur’s mouth started to melt and the Digimon pointed his mouth at Woofmon. 


In an instant, a ball of fire erupted from Monochromon’s mouth, melting Woofmon’s ice and fired right at Woofmon. Woofmon tried to dodge but the explosion of the fire ball making contact with the building behind him. Woofmon yelled in pain as debris covered him as the Waterfront Building began to catch on fire. 
“Wise cracking Rookie!” Monochromon growled taking steps to the damaged Woofmon, “Always go down like a ton of rocks!” 

In the air, Tyrannodramon was putting a fair fight with Kuwagamon. The two digimon where evenly matched as Henri watched from below. 
“Tyrannodramon you can do it!” Henri yelled. 
“I can handle this guy!” Tyrannodramon said as he tried slamming the bug with his tail, who dodged it easily, “You need to help the others activate their Digivolutions!” 
Henri cocked his head, unsure at what Tyrannodramon meant and then he looked at how his friends where dealing with their battles. “Oh shit,” Henri said as he saw Rupert rushing to Woofmon’s side as Phoqumon was tied up quite literally with Marcus unsure what to do next.
“You guys!” Henri yelled, “You gotta have them digivolve!” 
“Digi-what?” Marcus yelled. 
“You gotta get them to evolve! Those Champion levels are too strong for your Digimon!” 
Rupert looked at Henri and then back at Woofmon and placed himself between Woofmon and Monochromon. “I may not know you Woofmon, but you are a buddy and I’m not ready for you go yet.” 
Woofmon barked weakly, “I got your back. No matter what happens, I will protect you.” 
Woofmon gets up and struggled to get between Rupert and Monochromon. 
“You wanna tango again pup!” Monochromon snarled, “Then get ready to be deleted!” 
Marcus looked at Phoqumon and felt helpless. He didn’t know what to do while Shellmon kept hurting his newly found partner.
“Phoqumon!” Marcus yelled. 
Phouqumon struggled but successfully raised a flipper at Marcus, “I got this man. Don’t worry. You are odd but you are a friend.” 
Suddenly, an orange light from Rupert’s D-Cell and a blue light from Marcus’  erupted and engulfed both their respective partners. Monochromon shunned from the light and Shellmon yelled as he had to let Phoqumon go from the light he was now engulfed in. 

“What is going on!” Shellmon screamed. 

Kuwagamon and Tyrannodramon paused from their fight in the sky to look down on their respective allies. “What is going on!” Kuwagamon screamed. 
Tyrannodramon laughed and looked at Kuwagamon, “Seems like the tables have turned bug face!” 



Rupert and Marcus stood agape while Henri from his spot on the battlefield smiled, “Dudes....thats super cool.” 
Rupert looked as his partner Woofmon was now the same size of Monochromon but now was on all fours. Still wearing pants, a bandana was now wrapped on each arm with the ying-yang symbol on it. Bernargamon’s eyes where covered by his furry mane but the giant dog-like Digimon howled a challenged at Monochromon. 

Marcus also was shocked from Phoqumon’s evolution as well. Now on the dock looked at an equally shocked Shellmon, Morsamon now was a biped-like seal wearing jeans and sported shoulder armor on one side. Large flippers for hands, the head gear on Phoqumon expanded and Morsamon now had a helmet with a larger speaker on top.  Morsamon’s chest has might pecks on it as Morsamon flexed his body. 
“How do you like the new look, Marcus! Now I’m one rocking fighter!” 
Marcus smiled, his tongue out and rubbed his hands together, “Now we are talking!” 
Morsamon gave a smile and looked back at Shellmon, “Alright you piece of haddock, you ready to be deep fried and served on a platter?” 

Shellmon roared, “I’d like to see you try!” 
“Okay then!” Morsamon chimmed and leaped into the water towards Shellmon. Shellmon goes back into his shell and yells out his attack as he begins to spin rapidly. 

“Morsamon! Watch out!” Marcus yelled as Morsamon quickly dove underwater. 
Shellmon’s slamming attack was now where Morsamon submerged but suddenly Shellmon was engulfed in a cyclone of water as what appeared to be techno-music started to emit from the suddenly form water cyclone. 


Morsamon sent Shellmon flying into the air, the aquatic enemy screaming in anger at the sneak attack. Morsamon broke off the cylcone attack while Shellmon began to plummet towards him. Morsamon’s helmet started to vibrate as he began to focus his finishing attack. 


A giant pulse of sound erupted from Morsamon’s head gear and smashed into Shellmon, deleting the screaming mollusk digimon as he soon reverted into a grey and pink Digi-Egg. 

Monochromon on the other hand was now dealing with Bernargamon, who was wagging his tail excitedly. 
“You ready for me to send this guy back into a fossil, Rupert?” Bernargamon said. 
Rupert gave a thumbs up, “You got it dawg!” 
“I will destroy you!” Monchromon roared. 


As the fire balls erupted from the dinosaurs mouth, Bernargamon took a deep breath in and reared back. As the fire balls got closer, Bernargamon let loose his own attack! 
A full fledge blizzard erupted from Bernargamon’s mouth and extinguished the fire balls as encased Monochromon in a block of ice. 
“You aren’t thawing that one out!” Bernargamon roared and charged the frozen foe, smashing it into pieces with his thick claws as Monochromon became deleted save his Digi-Egg. 

In the air, Kuwagamon watched in amazement at his fellow allies deletion from the unknown humans, “This can’t be!” 
Tyrannodramon laughed as electricity started to dance around his spines and wings, “Oh but its happening!” 


Tyrannodramon charged Kuwagamon like lighting and hit the bug full force, passing through the digital beetle like it was made of butter as the resulting attack exploded Kuwagamon into little bits of data and leaving behind a red Digi-Egg with the black markings of Kuwagamon. 

As the three Champion level Digimon joined their human partners, everyone cheered at their victory. 

“Way to go Tyrannodramon!” Henri yelled. 
“Dude! You are freaking sick!” Rupert said as he looked at Bernargamon. 
“Nice work man!” Marcus said, “You’ve got some sick tunes!” 

Morsamon bowed, “I’m the best DJ around!” 

Henri though suddenly stopped, “Wait a minute.” 
Everyone’s cheer died down as they all realized that the Digital Field was still surrounding the Waterfront. 
“Tyrannodramon? Shouldn’t it have faded by now?” Henri asked. 

Before Tyrannodramon could say anything, he screamed in pain as suddenly he reverted back into Dinkdramon.
“Dinkdramon!” Henri yelled and rushed to his partner side as both Bernargamon and Morsamon where suddenly struck down and reverted back to their Rookie forms. 

“What the hell is going on!” Rupert asked. 
Marcus, holding an injured Phoqumon in his arms looked ahead of them and pointed. “Guys! Who is that?!” 
They all looked up as slowly walking to them, dragging two long blood red blades towards them, the black armored Digimon known as Duskmon approached. 
Henri looked at the Digimon, disturbed at his visage yelled, “Who the hell are you!” 
Duskmon stopped and raised his blades, pointing them at the six of them. 

“I am Duskmon.....and I am sent to kill you all!” 



Can Henri, Rupert, and Marcus escape the horror Duskmon as the Dark Knight Digimon chases them and their injured partners around campus? And who is this mysterious warrior who suddenly appear to come at their aid. Is it friend or is it foe? And most importantly...who are the Nightmare Soldiers! 

“The Mysterious Dark Swordsman, Duskmon! The Axes of Gaulmon!” 
Character Introductions: 

Human Characters: 
Name: Rupert Tyler 
Gender: Male 
Age: 21 
From: Miami, FL 
Occupation: Student/On Campus Worker 
D-Cell: Orange 
Partner: Woofmon 

Name: Marcus Sheen 
Gender: Male 
Age: 21 
From: Chicago, IL 
Occupation: Student 
D-Cell: Blue 
Partner: Phoqumon 


Name: Woofmon
Level: Rookie
Type: Beast Digimon
Attribute: Data
Gale Claw
Flurry Bark
Name: Phoqumon
Level: Rookie
Type: Sea Animal Digimon
Attribute: Vaccine
Sonic Current
DJ Slapper
 Name: Bernargamon
Level: Champion
Type: Beast Digimon
Attribute: Data
Avalanche Bark
Rescue Barrel

Name: Morsamon 
Level: Champion 
Type: Sea Animal Digimon 
Attribute: Vaccine 
Disco Wave 
Cyclone Beats 

Name: Kuwagamon 
Level: Champion 
Type: Insectiod Digimon 
Attribute: Virus 
Scissor Claw 
Power Guillotine 
Trap Scissors 

Name: Monochromon 
Level: Champion 
Type: Dinosaur Digimon 
Attribute: Data 
Slamming Attack 
Volcanic Strike 

Name: Shellmon 
Level: Champion 
Type: Mollusk Digimon 
Attribute: Data 
Hydro Pressure 
Slamming Attack 

Name: Duskmon 
Level: Champion 
Type: Demon Man Digimon 
Attribute: Virus 
Deadly Gaze 
Lunar Plasma 

Digimon is owned by Bandai/Toei
Images where found on the Digimon Wiki and Google Images 
All non-canon Digimon (Dinkdramon, Tyrannodramon, Woofmon, Bernargamon, Phoqumon, Morsamon) are my own Original Characters.
This is a fan-series of my own idea and I do not claim it as official Digimon Cannon