Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rants on the lake

Sucking it up and taking this blow. He looks like pete puma and it drives me mad that he seems to be the one thing in the way to our happiness because you simply feel sorry for him.

Rant because its driving me crazy and I am tired to call on people to vent.

I need to start seeing a therapist again so I can dump out the overloading thoughts.

Just sucks that I am back in the world of the living and I am still so far from here. Also I think I am angry because the girl who...was alright but ended up being well.....not nice to put it plainly...showed me that some of my best friends aren't as good as i thought because she talked shit and they believed it. I feel I lost a good friend because of her.

At least I am alive and all and all...happy.

Again...I can't stress how great it feels to be back again.

-the silly wanderer-

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