Saturday, April 6, 2013


I'm starting to feel better but I still feel hallow.

I still can't stand the fact that Kay has just scrubbed my presence and its just to the point of "really? WTF?"

I mean...I get it. I wasn't the best. And I broke trust and space bubbles. But she seems so desperate for sexual needs now that its just.....I don't know. Like a lost person screaming for help but refusing for help. She's going to alienate her friends fast that way when one is so stubborn on.....well...a lot of her issues.

I want to help and despite it all, I still care for Kay. I care for her a lot. I honestly don't know what I would do is she asked for me to enter her world again......because well. She was nice and the timeline wasn't perfect, but it was bad either.

But that is not the issue with my life.

The issue of the void that is thriving in my chest is doing a good enough job.  I still do feel like i have this black and shadowy octopus living in me that drains the feelings of hope from me.

And with DG, I still hold a torch for her. She is my 100% if she asked me back, I would go for it.


These girls are not a cure.

They help.

But I am my own cure. And I need to deal with it sooner than later.

I need to evolve.

I think this ramble is to get the anger at Kay out of my system. Its just getting.......annoying for her to be this insanely sure to put me away. Granted she did tell me she would do this if I ever got her that angry, but still. She needs to grow up.

..........Therapy this week is going to be interesting.

I hope my readers are having a nice weekend and I'll post some nice new Doctor Who episode reviews very soon.

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

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