Wednesday, April 3, 2013

5:25 PM- A Poem

Class goes on.
I see the wind outside,
the humor of fellow students.
All this life
And I feel so hollow.

Internal bleeding can not
fill this void deep inside me.
But still I drown,
in my own horrors.

When we are dismissed
I will walk alone
to an empty room
full of good memories that only
turn me bitter

I want to see happiness again.
In her form,
sprawled on my bed.
Her curves softly embracing my sheets.
But it would be wrong.
Because I am my own cure.
Not you. Not her.
My thoughts though are placebos.
Hopeful shells of empty light.

Emptiness that causes
my body to heave
with salty tears
leaking between my fingers.

I just want it to stop.
To just fade out of this limbo
and see if I should just try again.

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