Friday, December 21, 2012

A New Cycle:A New Posting

Sooo....its the day of change...and so far I'm a little disappointed. Granted I am happy that all is well and I hope people are going to be happy with life today and try and work on bringing peace and what nots. far, no one has told me to check the news cause this has happened......



For those curious, it is now on my holiday break and so far 2012's ending is ravaging my life and I barely have a grasp on really any form of reality. 2013 is daunting but I hope it gets better. So far.....despite a lot of chaos in all aspects of my social life, academics, and just my questionable future, I think I made a first great step into becoming stronger. 

If you remember in previous entries, I talked about the turbulent ups and down roller coaster emotions I had with DG (Dream Girl). Well recently a talk and discovery of feelings made me for the first time question the entire relationship. It was a slap of reality that even though I knew we could be happy, my life is way to up in the air for me to go through with what I dreamed of with her. Also discovering that a "long distance relationship" was too much work, I had to make the move to be stronger and understand that no matter how much I wished, neither party was ready. 

Since then, I have not freaked out about this. No sense of being lost. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I'm going on the right track. I'm doing the Me thing to do and that I am going to be okay. does help that something beautiful and wonderful has stumbled into my life that frankly, I can't wait to connect with in a few days. ;) 

Its going to be an interesting transition from the life before to the one ahead, but I know deep down it is for the better. True colors and friendships have revealed themselves and honestly....I am so happy I am going into 2013. 

Upcoming posts of interests will be my thoughts on the upcoming Daikaiju film, Pacific Rim; my thoughts on the Hobbit (which I have seen three times already), and other random tidbits. 

Also I'll be uploading Digimon RE: NEXUS stories and art and a variety of other goodies from the imaginations that roam in my head. 

Just want people to know that I'm alive and I need to show more love to my own little plot of the internet. 

So come on then. Lets go see the universes! 

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Good morning Thursday

So rim thought I would wish a good morning to you.

So Good morning.

And now...for some poetry o_O

Like little hungry birds
This cold picks at my toes.
The freezing viens flow through me
Making the warmth I felt fall or hide
In the wake of its unpredictable torrents.

The aches of my travels
Are my scars and she man see that.
But she just watches as I freeze my pain.
A cold winter is coming. And in the spring...
My warmth my have gone out.

Damn..that is one depressive poem. That's what I get for writing this early in the cold mornings of post Sandy NYC. : p

Time for some comic gold!!!

~The Silly Wanderer~

November 1st is a 1st or is it?

The title of this post makes no sense or....does it? O.o 

Anyways, yeah. Its been a while since I've been up on my ol' blog. I do miss writing it but my last post was around the time that my...."relationship issues" went out of control and I was worried that if I posted anything on here it would be kind of scary or depressive. And I don't want my blog to be some chalkboard full or emotional bullshit that doesn't make any true sense and I know my life is a lot better than how myself (and some others) think. 

So despite that it is true a lot of things in my life are not going out well and honestly I have now idea how I am going to pull it off, but...hey...

Thats life. Its full of surprises and most them are from yourself! 

Anyways...I'm in New York after dealing with Hurricane Sandy. I think tomorrow I'm going to write more but I was just testing my waters on this here ol' blog and I've got some cool things coming up soon! :D new Digimon Fan-Fiction with original characters: 



Its going to be fun. 

Later Alligators! 

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

Happy Halloween 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Life Updates

So....I haven't been really sleeping well. Which kind of sucks. Even before I went to Charleston, I just wasn't sleeping. And when I did sleep it would be brief and dreamless. It just isn't fun.

I think its a combination of distracting the stress that is really happening. As one friend once said after telling him how life has been recently-

"Wow dude...your entire world is falling apart"

I laughed at the thought cause I just thought it was silly. Now after the upteenth night of staying up and just.......doing nothing. Just sitting in my messy room and doing nothing.

Its very strange. I don't know if I'm bullshitting myself on my situation or whatever. Luckily, this isn't effecting(thank god) school to bad. I am getting my homework done and stuff.

Its just I'm not sleeping.

I do try and get my kicks though. I'm just saying my prayers every night and trying to keep positive. Its hard though. I don't like this being "adult" thing that seems to be the craze one faces when you get to where I am in life. 

I just wish it was the summer again. I had a decent job, I was with people I loved, and I woke up to the song of guinea pigs wanting carrots in the morning or the pitter patter of the most annoying cats in the world in the city that never sleeps. 

Its just another week or so and then it will finally be october. I can't wait. I need to go back to New York sooner than later. 

I am trying to fix it though. Hopefully after classes today I'll do a super clean of my room. I got to hang out with my friend Madds yesterday which was pretty exciting. Got one of my favorite (if not my all time favorite) French film Paris, je t'aime 

Its an amazing film. I have it written big cause its that good. I highly recommend getting it. Its pretty cheap now I think. I got the blu-ray of it for 9.99 at Target. 

Also in the DVD world, I got a super cool deal for my favorite sci-fi film of the summer, Prometheus. I got a digital download for it that will also send me the blu-ray combo back to my house the day it comes out in October. Its pretty exciting! 

But I should probably go back to doing homework before my youth film class and finish filling out my forms for the on-campus therapy. Hopefully this will all resolve itself. 

At least I can still say I'm happy and alive! Despite the insomnia...its been quite the good life! 

~The Silly Wanderer~

Friday, September 21, 2012

My first traveller post's about time I wrote something while I am currently wandering thr planet know as Earth.

I am headed home for some much needed R&R in my growing up town of Charleston, SC!

Like a hobbit leaving the shire...shouldn't be too much longer. I will be either posting much of my weekend here...or no posts till Sunday night!!! 

I wish the best of weekends to my readers and followers!!! 

~The Silly Wanderer~


I made a discover tonight. 

Yes....yes I did. 

I discovered a fan and his video story that he created. A story.....that was untold but now...explained. 

Prepare.....for the untold story of....THE SAVIOR OF THE DALEKS!!!! 

~The Silly Wanderer~

Thursday, September 20, 2012


So tonight I went to a pool party with some friends to originally watch Eurotrip in our college's pool. But...the projector broke so myself and my friends turned it into a dance party. And....I did something I usually don't do by myself....

I danced. How?

Is there any other way? 

Why do I love this song and its video's dance moves? Cause like Psy, this is how I've always danced and makes me realize I can dance. Just like this. And its pretty exciting. I had a blast. Sure I was the only one really really doing it at the pool (Sherlock did help when there was suppose to be two people). 

If you haven't heard this song. You should. Its simply amazing. 

It just shows that music should be fun and make people! 

~The Silly Wanderer~

A Morning's Thought

Good morning world! So far my Thursday is going pretty well. I didn't have class this morning so I'm pretty excited about that and I'm doing pretty good on my readings for QFM. Its my long day and then tonight I need to start packing for my trip to Charleston tomorrow.

On a side note, I woke up with a funny feeling this morning. Yesterday was pretty freaking fantastic, but I think not having a phone is starting to get to me. I like being able to communicate to people whenever I want, but without my phone I feel pretty isolated.

Plus its harder to check my e-mail and I am kind of missing instagram :(

Oh yeah...I should talk about yesterday a bit.

I woke up and got to class on time and throughly enjoyed logic. After logic though I kind of had a panic attac....well...not really, just a feather that broke the camel's back. I got it sorted but I just hope everything just rolls okay. And just for the viewers would would get concerned by this statement....a pug in leaves :)

Other than that, yesterday was pretty spiffy with the Hobbit's new (and beautiful trailer) also helped full the sheer excitement that I am hopefully seeing DG at the end of October. It just made me feel good (it actually made me feel pretty freaking fantastic) knowing that she just existed.

Hopefully today goes without any bumps and I think I'm hanging out with Sherlock and Rupert tonight so I'm excited to get some Trifecta time before I leave for the weekend.

Well....its almost 11am! I better start heading over to campus and take on this day!

I'm going on an ADVENTURE 

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

An Unexpected Journey



~The Silly Wanderer~

Under the Mountain-Take 2

The second Rough Reading. Its a bit longer. Almost finished with it completely before I do the fine tuning edits that it needs so its a bit smoother. Enjoy!  

~The Silly Wanderer~

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Dinosaur Project


A British Dinosaur film that presents itself with the "Look at this footage we've found thats legit" 

I liked it. Despite a lot of whats going around about this film, it is worth watching and its entertaining. I would say Academy Award, but if you like Dinosaurs this has been one of the best ones I've seen in a while. 

What I like about it is that most of the animals you see aren't directly from the fossil record, but I like that. Means that we have animals that are "modern dinosaurs" after millions of years of evolution in the remote African jungles of the Congo. 

I am a sucker for found footage films cause they are entertaining, mostly because the actors who are in these films don't really "act" they live it. 

What I mean by this that they act like normal people in the scenario would, not like an actor would in a movie. Some could just say that I don't know what it means to act, but I found not real problems with the actors seen in this film.  There are some cool twists with some of the characters where you are not sure when they will be eaten or what their true motives are. I just like the freshness of the movie. Its nice to see a pretty decently CGI dinosaur movie again. 

The one thing...that really..really bugged me the reason why they went. It was a cool reason, but it is one of my favorite of favorite Cryptids. 
This is not a Sauropod 

Moleke-Mmbeme is a sauropod (long neck dinosaur) 

Not....a Plesiosaur. 

This is a Sauropod
It just really really bugged me. Molke Mmembe has never thought to be a plesiosaur (not to my knowledge). And granted I did give credit that I liked the animals I did see in the film. I feel like it could have been something much more interesting if they dwelt with other cryptids of the region of the Congo. (which in a way they did). They featured the classic Pteradon (which doesn't become a true focus and is the first of the many prehistoric animals they see) 

The most interesting ones (and kinda of the main threats or predators) are these bat like what at first I thought were more primitive pterasaurs but from all appearances, a type of gliding dinosaur. These, bat like in appearance, see to fit the description of the Kongomato, a flying prehistoric animal reported in the Congo. I liked these. Also another animal is shown, doing the classic theropod. It becomes kind of the "Aww...what a cutie" dinosaur as we see primarily the young (especially one playful character called Crypto). I wanna think of these as the Kawsai Rexes of the basin. What would have been really cool would be that the Emela-Ntouke (a horned cryptid) made an appearance. 

The movie is def the watch. I hope it is released soon on Blu-Ray in the states cause this is one that would be money well spent. I would love to hear the commentary though on the idea of the creatures seen in the film. 

My Rating: 
Four Stars 
Genre Rating: 
Four Stars
Normal Person: 
Possible 2.5 Stars and a Pizza 

~The Silly Wanderer~

Its A Very Rainy Day

Right now....its a very very Rainy Day.

And I walk to school! YEAH!

But yeah...its a really rainy day. My room is still a mess and at least I got some homework done today. I'm currently in the library waiting for my 3:20 class to start as well as working on my Hobbit reading and....just sitting around. 

Today QFM was pretty sweet. The speaker was fun. 

And now it just started to rain...just like Ollie in the videos says. SIDEWAYS!!

Going to be a fun walk home after my film class! 

Lets see...what else is going on today. Nothing much really. Had a nice lunch with Sherlock and his girlfriend and found out more about my night from the other day.....apparently I was the life of the party before I disappeared and ended up back home. I am still without a phone which sucks.....

I kinda of miss Instagram. It also will suck cause I want all the pictures that I have on my phone still. There are alot of good memories on that phone. I think though my Verizon account saved them online. One can only hope. 

I think though I needed a grey and rainy day. I like rain. I like rain alot. Rainy days, especially days like this to mean are signs of great change. Something in the world is being washed away and will again bloom and turn green. Its a nice outlook to have. 

I am really looking forward to going to Charleston this weekend. I need some travel time in me. I like to travel and wanderer around. There is only a few things I'll actually stick around for. The one thing actually that has made me wanna stay somewhere might not be ready for me yet. Or.....we aren't just at that chapter in life yet. 

Anyways....don't wanna get thingy right now......



~The Silly Wanderer~


So for those who haven't listen to it yet, I highly recommend getting your hands on the new Matchbox 20 CD "NORTH"

Its brilliant. And the best thing it goes great with my new Imagine Dragon's take. Matchbox 20 is one of my favorite bands and was one of my favorite things to listen to when I worked on my stories. North is a great album and there are some fantastic songs on it! :)

The first song I want to showcase is this one (which is a bonus track that I didn't originally get)

My favorite song in the album though is "English Town." I think I have my new favorite thing to listen to while I travel and wanderer around.

The final two showcase songs are "Our Song" and "She's So Mean"  I love their beats. Fun Car songs 

Such fun songs! Enjoy! :D 

~The Silly Wanderer~

Monday, September 17, 2012

Going Up A River with Half a Paddle

Well I guess I can do some deep thinking on the blog now that I've had some fun on here today. I don't know who my readers are, but thanking you for reading it so far. Its been really nice being here. :) 

So lets see. What else is going on in the world of me? 

I had my first exam today in Logic and I feel like I did pretty well on it. There were somethings that I was a bit....

But then the rest of the test was just: 

And my phone is still lost and I'm kinda of annoyed by that. I hope it either turns up soon or something good happens. 

Like I said earlier, my cousins sent me a package and it made my day. Due to them, I had a delightful dinner of dinosaur pasta in tomato basil sauce while watching the new episode of QI. That was probably my day's highlight! 

By the way. Isn't this cute? Its a Strawberry Stegosaur :) 
But yeah.....when it comes down to it, even though there seems to be like a lot of forces heading to try and bring me down, I've just been doing what I can when I can and being everything that she thinks I have the strength for. Cause....I do have it and I'm happy that I'm going up river right now. Sure its harder, but it just means that it will be worth it. 

Unless I'm a salmon...cause if I go up stream I die. 

Soo...I'm going to go up stream like this little guy! 
Wooper Does what Wooper Does! 

~The Silly Wanderer~

Under the Mountain---Take 1

This is first attempt. I'm still working on it but its the first part of their conversation in the book. I will edit it a little more so it doesn't sound choppy, but this is what I've got so far! Enjoy!!

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

An intriguing new creature idea

I just had an interesting thought of a new original creature story.

So will just have a title of "The Crypt"

It will go along something of a child nursery rhyme in some Rural European town with a spooky Crypt. And the village or town that holds this "crypt" has a nursery rhyme that goes along with it.

Beware of the Creature that lies in the Crypt 
Do not speak of the Creature that lies in the Crypt 
It waits in darkness 
Till little boys and girls 
speak of the Creature of the Crypt. 
If you speak of the Creature make sure its in light 
never in the dark. 
If you speak of the Creature in the dark. 
When your mummy and daddy aren't around. 
The Creature of the Crypt will stir 
And find you. 
When it finds you, it will rip your soul 
and bring it back to the Crypt. 
Yes that is what the Creature of the Crypt will do. 
So as you go to bed tonight
Do not ask about the Creature of the Crypt. 

I don't know....something like that. I know its not necessarily a rhyme. But it is something. It can be spooky kind of story. I don't know what the creature would be...but I know it would def have claws and most likely some kinda of large predator. Maybe going so far to say its part human?

Ooh...never done a supernatural idea for a creature. I'll see if I can post a concept art sketch. I think I just found my thesis.
"Woot Woot! THESIS!" 

Yeah...I Falls. Its a good show and I'll bring it up soon. 

~The Silly Wanderer~

New Season of QI XL J

You can see it here folks! A new QI season has started

Its brilliant. This one has some amazing questions and has many of my favorite regulars! Makes me proud to be British. (Well half British....I'm an Imperial European Mutt)

But episode! Enjoy!

~The Silly Wanderer~

Still Phoneless but Happy

So I am still without a phone which really sucks but its alright though....

I got a wonderful package from my cousins!! :)

It was filled with dinosaur stuff.

It makes me really happy!!! :)

~The Silly Wanderer~

Good Day and Good Morrows

Good day folks! Yes I am alive! Isn't that something?

Its been one topsy turvy weekend of Toga Party, Doctor Who, Friday fun time, and Sunday Oh.....snaps.

But a round of applause for making it through!                        
But yes....the weekend was a interesting tale that on some parts I vaguely remember. Despite losing my phone, going to party hardy on Saturday night, and just feeling terrible on Sunday, there were some good things. 

Its nice knowing I have some fantastic friends and I had a wonderful talk with DG yesterday that may or may not have helped the period of life we are currently in. It was nice to laugh like that. :) 

Anyways...don't wanna get too personal in that subject right now. I just want to let you guys know that since my phone is lost, my News posts might be a bit behind. Also there won't be an adventure in Dreamland post this morning. 

Hopefully everything will work out and I just have to remember to keep on trucking! 
Yep...going to make like an elephant and go to class! 

~The Silly Wanderer~

Saturday, September 15, 2012


So its Saturday. I am sorry to my readers that I didn't post yesterday or this morning. It has been a roller coaster week and I've been making sure I can distract myself from the longing of DG. Life still goes on though, and she would never forgive me if I over think and act like it is truly over.

Because the fact that I do miss her like this....means a lot to me. And I know that whatever happens, she was someone that changed my life for the better.

Anyways...lets see what happens from now on through this post!

Oh look...a Raptocorn 

~The Silly Wanderer~

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Day I've Been Having

This may turn into another rant...but whatever.

Its Thursday and I just wish it would be October already. Its the second day of limited to no talking with DG. Its crazy missing someone like this. I don't want to sound desperate or needy cause other than missing her tremendously I've been functioning quite well despite the other emotional burdens that have recently dawned in my life.

But with that ominous couple of sentences out of the way.....lets see where we go now!
See...Rupert Graves has the right idea. Lets go over my "troubles" and to the good stuff. day started off with just a straight wake up and went to my Introductions to Oceans class. Due to being sick last Thursday and then due to trouble sleeping Monday, its been the first time that I've shown up for the class (besides the first day)

I want to make a note that I am actually a good student and I rarely just don't go to class. Its easier for this class cause attendance isn't needed due to it being primarily lecture. So thats some nice guilt of my brain. 

Anyways...its not like I'm missing much. Today was Plate Tectonics. Something that you learn in High School. Nothing to crazy....just your average science know how. But you see, I'm a creative writing major and I have to take a science course that matches my needs. This particular course is set for the non-science majors. 

With that in mind, my major usually has some smart people in it......
but some how...I got stuck with a class that I think quite does not understand anything talked about. Not even faint memories of previous courses. Hell...first day people didn't know what the Mariana Trench was and even though I said I did, the professor wanted to know why it was important to the world. My answer was cause its the deep point on the planet and a symbol of mystery. The answer he wanted was cause James Cameron recently went down there to film Avatar 2. 

^My Face^ was just a day where I came up that I need to be at a different level, cause honestly I was the only one who knew what was going on. Its common sense people. Someone didn't know that a tsunami was caused by Earthquakes out in the ocean. Or by simply looking at a map, you can see that Hawaii is moving up to the North West...not South. 


Today in QFM though was another story. I liked QFM and I felt like this the whole time. It was a very nice moment. I read a very nice "This I Believe Paper" and I was a productive member in class. 

Also I became the Watcher of Time and the Controller of Fate. 

After that I had a nice lunch with my friend Vegata (Yeah...Vegata thats your nickname in the blog) and then we hung around and I got toilet paper cause my house ran out. My roommates and myself are very relieved. 

Well I'm off to my next class! Should be doing a few more posts before the day is done. 

See you guys around! 

~The Silly Wanderer~

And its now time for the News 9-13-2012

There will sadly be no "Adventure in Dreamland" this morning (For those who like to see the inner workings of this author's nocturnal cerebral workings) since I didn't have any dreams (or ones I can remember)

So instead of going into the Dreamland.....we are going to sadly go into reality.

But don't worry...I've got some good realities to present today.

Thats right 10! Allons-y! 

So here it is folks! The News Articles for today! 

They See Me Rolling...I'm Cruising...all over MARS

A lovely little article to give us updates on our little friend Curiosity. The rover is about to finish its commissioning phase of its travels on Mars and on Friday Curiosity is going to just go for a drive around Mars to continue its exploriation. Its very exciting! I can't wait till this happens!

Yep! A new species of monkey has been discovered in Africa (in the Congo). This makes the second new primate to be found in the past 28 years. Its really exciting. The discovery is helping raise awareness that the Congo needs to be explored. I think it really should be cause someone has to get to the bottom of some of the "cryptids" that are known to be found there. I'll go into Cryptozoology later in the blog. 

But if you wanna see the new face in the world of Primates---Meet Lesula! 

Yep! The link above will give you the BBC article about the recent discovery that might be able to aid in the cloning process of one of the biggest symbols of extinction--literally. The Wooly Mammoth remains found on Russia's Arctic coastline have the traits that the animal's cells are still intact. It is currently unknown but if they are.......the Mammoth might be thundering across the tundra once again! 

For the upcoming James Bond film, Skyfall, the James Bond franchise is making sure we understand its the 50th anniversary. Many old actors of James Bond films are going to be appearing. Including Roger Moore (who was one of my favorite Bonds), a few of the Bond Girls, and some of the villains including JAWS. 

Its very exciting! 

Apparently, the research in the Himalayas is not good business for the locals who live in the Roof of the World. The local sherpas are out of work cause due to advancements in technology, their services are starting to be viewed obsolete to the scientific community.  

Also there is an interesting thing saying that some research is overlooking some of the impacts of the "discoveries" have on the local population. A cool read. 

What the Sherpas are saying 

A really interesting article about a man who is in charge of taking care of a holy site in the Ivory Coast and its occupants who are viewed as spiritual beings.

Giant...freaking...Crocodiles. The link shows some impressive pictures of the crocs. Its a really cool story on a very unique life led by a single man, Dicki Toki. 

~The Silly Wanderer~