Saturday, January 19, 2013

Just some thoughts

As January slowly but quickly takes its final days to go and I have a things to do and life to complete, I take this brief moment to write in my desperately needed blog. ;) 

Anyways, I guess a quick background is the the Song of DG has sadly ended. It was my choice in the end, but everything has its time. My life has to many "what ifs" and timeline fluxes for me to be stable in her life of New York. I needed to get out of it due to the toxic levels of lust, hate, selfish, and misplaced anger as the distance was already splitting us at the seams. I think about my choice to say "No" and keep on saying "No", but I'm only human so I wonder about it now and again. But then I get reminders she has fallen back to what I consider "safe compensation" for her hearbreak. Its disappointing, but it is her life. Our plans became void when I said "No" and she moved on. 

But.....lucky for me, my life seems to always put me on a path that is unexpected but has a purpose. I've fallen for a new girl who on the blog will be known as Sherbs (She hates that name..but its a suitable nickname for my whole...."privacy" aspect of the blog). 

Sherbs and I met at a Christmas Party not a day after DG told me, quite suddenly, that the distance wasn't going to work. At first Sherbs and I started as friends who liked the same beer, Star Wars, and watching bad monster movies. About a month has come and gone and its been a wonderful feeling. I think when one sees the Hobbit as a first date its a sign its going to work. Especially when watching with my nergasming self ;) 

She's in Spain now having a kick ass time and I'm doing a pretty nice Paleo course. 

I have so much work to prepare for my last semester of College. I'm excited, but absolutely terrified. Life challenges are hard enough for someone of my mental preference, but this is going to be on giant battle for my future. 

I'm going to try and start writing in this again. 

Upcoming Posts: 
Movie Reviews: 
Django: Unchained 
The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey 
Creaturelord Projects: 
Pokemon Eckerd 
Digimon RE:Nexus 

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

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