Friday, December 21, 2012

A New Cycle:A New Posting

Sooo....its the day of change...and so far I'm a little disappointed. Granted I am happy that all is well and I hope people are going to be happy with life today and try and work on bringing peace and what nots. far, no one has told me to check the news cause this has happened......



For those curious, it is now on my holiday break and so far 2012's ending is ravaging my life and I barely have a grasp on really any form of reality. 2013 is daunting but I hope it gets better. So far.....despite a lot of chaos in all aspects of my social life, academics, and just my questionable future, I think I made a first great step into becoming stronger. 

If you remember in previous entries, I talked about the turbulent ups and down roller coaster emotions I had with DG (Dream Girl). Well recently a talk and discovery of feelings made me for the first time question the entire relationship. It was a slap of reality that even though I knew we could be happy, my life is way to up in the air for me to go through with what I dreamed of with her. Also discovering that a "long distance relationship" was too much work, I had to make the move to be stronger and understand that no matter how much I wished, neither party was ready. 

Since then, I have not freaked out about this. No sense of being lost. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I'm going on the right track. I'm doing the Me thing to do and that I am going to be okay. does help that something beautiful and wonderful has stumbled into my life that frankly, I can't wait to connect with in a few days. ;) 

Its going to be an interesting transition from the life before to the one ahead, but I know deep down it is for the better. True colors and friendships have revealed themselves and honestly....I am so happy I am going into 2013. 

Upcoming posts of interests will be my thoughts on the upcoming Daikaiju film, Pacific Rim; my thoughts on the Hobbit (which I have seen three times already), and other random tidbits. 

Also I'll be uploading Digimon RE: NEXUS stories and art and a variety of other goodies from the imaginations that roam in my head. 

Just want people to know that I'm alive and I need to show more love to my own little plot of the internet. 

So come on then. Lets go see the universes! 

~The Silly Wanderer~