Thursday, November 1, 2012

Good morning Thursday

So rim thought I would wish a good morning to you.

So Good morning.

And now...for some poetry o_O

Like little hungry birds
This cold picks at my toes.
The freezing viens flow through me
Making the warmth I felt fall or hide
In the wake of its unpredictable torrents.

The aches of my travels
Are my scars and she man see that.
But she just watches as I freeze my pain.
A cold winter is coming. And in the spring...
My warmth my have gone out.

Damn..that is one depressive poem. That's what I get for writing this early in the cold mornings of post Sandy NYC. : p

Time for some comic gold!!!

~The Silly Wanderer~

November 1st is a 1st or is it?

The title of this post makes no sense or....does it? O.o 

Anyways, yeah. Its been a while since I've been up on my ol' blog. I do miss writing it but my last post was around the time that my...."relationship issues" went out of control and I was worried that if I posted anything on here it would be kind of scary or depressive. And I don't want my blog to be some chalkboard full or emotional bullshit that doesn't make any true sense and I know my life is a lot better than how myself (and some others) think. 

So despite that it is true a lot of things in my life are not going out well and honestly I have now idea how I am going to pull it off, but...hey...

Thats life. Its full of surprises and most them are from yourself! 

Anyways...I'm in New York after dealing with Hurricane Sandy. I think tomorrow I'm going to write more but I was just testing my waters on this here ol' blog and I've got some cool things coming up soon! :D new Digimon Fan-Fiction with original characters: 



Its going to be fun. 

Later Alligators! 

~The Silly Wanderer~ 

Happy Halloween